Who to root for

Who are you rooting for?

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my 3 favorite teams.

sacramento: obvious
indiana: love jermaine oneal and stephen jackson
houston: they really won my respect. too bad they couldnt finish. their gonna be dangerous next year.

now that's houston and sacramento are out, im going for indiana.

go pacers.
After the Kings got knocked out last year I was rooting for the Pistons (partly because they were playing the Lakers)... and Ill do the same this year.
1 kings

2 houston

3 pheonix

4 new jersey

5 detroit

New Jersey is definately going to be a good team next year.
With Kidd, Carter, and Jefferson. They are just weak down low
Fillmoe said:
so who are u rooting for when they play each other today?
I can't decide. I would wrather Indy win simply cauz it is Reggie's last season, and he is my favorate player of all time, but other than that, I am just gonna sit and watch, and hopefully enjoy.
Pacers, just because of all the adversity they've dealt with. And Pollard and Reggie.

And maybe if they do really well without him they'll be willing to deal Artest to us for cheap...
I want Phoenix. They play exciting basketball which is the only kind to play. Also a Phoenix V Detroit final would be fun to watch for the attack V defence styles.
Hmm... as much as i want the Wizards to just surprise everyone, i dont think it'll happen. But i think Indiana should win it because it's Reggies last year.
Suns...hate 'em when they're playing the Kings, but they sure are fun to watch. I love that pace! Plus, I'd love to see them prove everyone wrong that their style of play can't win a championship.