whens bonzi coming bak??

does any 1 no when bonzi is coming bak becuz if this artest trade does go down i would like to see artest and bonzi on the court at the same time i think they will be a good duel!wat u ppl think??
He's coming back when his groin feels right which it does not yet. Hes moving on it, but they tested it before the road trip and he said it didn't feel right. He has to run through some practices before he can come back, to see how th groin feels. With this road trip there won't be much practicing. So, it will definitely be no sooner than a few games after the road trip at the very earliest.
yea its gona be really good! i think we have a good lookin starting line up with artest bibby and bonzi!thanx ppl for giving me the info on bonzi! i hope bonzzi gets better soon!!!!
Yeah, are perimeter defense might not be half bad! LOL jk it will probably be great with the exception of Mike but Bonzi and Ron might cover that. Still are interior is WEAK which really makes me mad!:mad:
okaiii i was just seeing sports center and artes did a flagerent faul on bonzi like 2 years ago so thats what they mean by bonzi and artest geting into a scuffle but that was a long time ago so i dont think there will be any problems!!yay the league just aproved this trade he will play on friday at boston!