I took this excerpt off the gorillamask home page and wanted to share:
The content isn't offensive unless you want to be offended. The nudity and cursing aren't anything worse than you'd see in an R rated movie, and the knocks on the groups mentioned above aren't anything we haven't seen during primetime television. Seinfeld, the most celebrated sitcom in American history, reeled off every single Chinese stereotype in the "Donna Chang" episode. And there's not a joke in this video that would be censored if a similar segment ran on Chappelle's Show. Nope, not when there's money to be made. It would hit the air, hit the air the next time Dave went bonkers, hit the air during the "Best Of" show, and then be put on DVD. If the media is going to call this offensive, they shouldn't go after the guy trying to get a bunch of numbskull athletes to pay attention to an important message. They should go after the guys making these jokes and laughing all the way to the bank...
...The San Francisco Chronicle is now an incredibly hypocritical news source. They break a story about an offensive video, slam the guy in charge of it for using stereotypes as a cheap form of entertainment, and then what do they do? They put the same video up on their website, exploiting the very same content to attract visitors. If they genuinely felt this was offensive and insulting, they wouldn't be begging everyone to watch it.