Webb May Get His Ring After All

ESPN just reporting that AI is ecstatic about the trade and that the sixers just became INStant PLAYOFF contenders with the acquisition of Webber.:mad:
ImaKingsFan said:
ESPN just reporting that AI is ecstatic about the trade and that the sixers just became INStant PLAYOFF contenders with the acquisition of Webber.:mad:
thats cuz they did. dont know if they'll be able to topple miami, but they stand a great chance of getting to the finals.
ImaKingsFan said:
ESPN just reporting that AI is ecstatic about the trade and that the sixers just became INStant PLAYOFF contenders with the acquisition of Webber.:mad:
Good for Webb. If anyone has the passion and desire to win a championship it's him.
sloter said:
bdouble, so can you.
I've been waiting for this day for a looooooong time ... BACK TO KINGS BASKETBALL!!!
Before Webber...lol...you want to go back to before Webber...lol...do you really want to go there? I sure do not like being doormats, and the laughingstock of the league every year.
ImaKingsFan said:
ESPN just reporting that AI is ecstatic about the trade and that the sixers just became INStant PLAYOFF contenders with the acquisition of Webber.:mad:
Webber and AI won't beat the Pistons. If they do, they won't get more than 2 games vs. the Spurs.
Entity said:
Before Webber came the kings sucked. so are basically saying back to sucking
Not last year ... The guys we got are all solid! Not starts, but hard working solid players. This is not a knock on Webber, and I might be the only one, but I am really optimistic about the final outcome of this trade...
sloter said:
do you have any idea what that is? kings basketball was founded by two people: vlade divac and chris webber. peja stojakovic wasnt even in the picture when these two guys were tearing up the nba fastbreak. it is simply ludicrous and incredibly disrespectful to knock webber in the way you have tonight. i can take seeing a certain amount of criticsm for webb, but upon his trade, this is just unfair and uncool.
i seriously doubt that is going to happen.

but they do have a much better chance at winning the atlantic, and getting further in the playoffs then they would have before the trade.

they are NOT better then detroit or miami.
Yeah right........... AI and C-Webb average 50 points a game!! Who else is going to make shots?

Those 2 have the most combined points in the Eastern Conference.

I am just angry........


Super Moderator Emeritus
sloter said:
bdouble, so can you.
I've been waiting for this day for a looooooong time ... BACK TO KINGS BASKETBALL!!!
Back to Kings basketball? With Pedja leading the team?

Oh yeah. It's back to Kings basketball all right.

I can start planning my vacation in late April again. We can get excited about the lottery picks again. We can look forward to a total lack of team unity and cohesiveness again. We can probably look forward to more available tickets for the remaining games.

If you can actually honestly justify this trade as making our team better you're a better fan than I am.

Gloat now. We'll have plenty of time starting in late April to talk about just how wise this trade was OR WASN'T...
VF21 said:
Back to Kings basketball? With Pedja leading the team?

Oh yeah. It's back to Kings basketball all right.

I can start planning my vacation in late April again. We can get excited about the lottery picks again. We can look forward to a total lack of team unity and cohesiveness again. We can probably look forward to more available tickets for the remaining games.

If you can actually honestly justify this trade as making our team better you're a better fan than I am.

Gloat now. We'll have plenty of time starting in late April to talk about just how wise this trade was OR WASN'T...
VF21, that's very true about April. But at least I have the right to be optimistic...
Unfortunately, everyone is so emotional so that we cannot start talking about the ups and downs of this trade from an objective standpoint.
Philly now has a nice core.

AI/Willie Green

They get rid of G-Rob's contract to end the year. AI has never had a real threat at scoring at the 4 or 5 slot and this could definitely help his FG% rise since they can't double and triple team him without watching out for Webber.
sloter said:
bdouble, so can you.
I've been waiting for this day for a looooooong time ... BACK TO KINGS BASKETBALL!!!
Do you mean the Kings basketball of the late 80s and early 90s when the Kings won about 30 games a year?
ImaKingsFan said:
ESPN just reporting that AI is ecstatic about the trade and that the sixers just became INStant PLAYOFF contenders with the acquisition of Webber.:mad:

If I was AI I wouldn't be too excited. This could be the trade that Philly needed to do in order to make moving AI easier. I doubt that it will happen by tomorrow but I wouldn't be surprised of some moves were made in the offseason. I have growing suspicions about this because being in Philly I'm very aware of the fact that the organization and many of the people in the city want to see AI gone. I hear it all the time. I for one do not want him to leave Philly. And just because he says he wants to finish his career here, it doesn't mean it will happen (i.e Webber). The more I think about it the more I feel like the Sixers will use this trade for CWebb to get rid of Iverson, which would suck.
Stojakovic said:
Philadelphia got a lot better ... but RING ? Give me a break.

I said it made them contenders!! That is most likely more than the Kings will be in this years playoffs. It would be the ultimate irony if Webb did win a ring somewhere else.
sloter said:
bdouble, so can you.
I've been waiting for this day for a looooooong time ... BACK TO KINGS BASKETBALL!!!

Well, If you mean the really really really bad team we were through the 80's and most of the 90's, I think you are wrong. We will be a completely mediocre team for at least 3 more years. And we were never that in the 80's. Certainly not contending for anything important though.

If you mean a team oriented around ball movement I simply don't see it since we no longer have Vlade, Doug, or Chris. Hate to break this to you man, But Kenny Thomas can't pass like Webb, Cuttino Mobely can't pass like Doug, and As great as Brad is he can't pass like Vlade did. Additionally, the Kings moving the ball is based on Peja working hard off the ball which he has shown no impulse to do this year.

Truthfully im not sure if im hoping old Peja appears and works hard ( shows him as a pouter who quit on his team for a personal vendetta against a team mate ) or that Peja keeps playing poorly ( shows him as a guy who either is injured and not at 100% or as a pouter who isn't playing as well because he thinks the team isn't as good. ) B oth options sound pretty darned gutless to me. Not a guy Id want to go to battle with in either case.
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Why are people forgetting that we were #1 (that's right NUMBER ONE) team for the majority of the last season without Webber. These 3 guys can help us get there again!!!
Many people thought last year and still think this year that a team with that makeup has a much harder time winning the championship.
sloter said:
Why are people forgetting that we were #1 (that's right NUMBER ONE) team for the majority of the last season without Webber. These 3 guys can help us get there again!!!
I haven't forgotten, but I also haven't forgotten the fact that we had the cushiest schedule for the first half of the season either.