Wasnt this TMac-Yao hype...

supposed to be true and they would be the next Kobe-Shaq... or at least someone good. Because when you have them on your team and still a nice rounded team and you suck this year and only put up 72 against detroit (good def team but still without ben) then its sad. You know whats even sadder? They beat us. :(

Anyways... Whats going on with this team?
Ya I know they wouldnt do what Shaq and Kobe did but they were supposed to be the best one-two combo in the league and instead T-Mac who was the league leader in scoring twice isnt scoring much and Yao is doing about the same and not rebounding like he should....
TMac is trying to get used to Van Gundy's system.

Yao will never be that dominant because of that genetic condition makes him tire easily.

Takes a couple years to gel to become a great combo.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Or at all.

Van Gundy is choking that team right now, as is the lack of a PG. They've got more than enough good scorers (TMac, Yao, JJ, Juwann, Mo Taylor) to put up big offensive numbers consitently, but JVG simply will not hear of it. I think it scares him whenever he feels he doesn't have total and complete control of every posession.
Other interesting thing about that team, is that its a BIG team with Yao, Deke, Juwann, Mo Taylor, JJ, TMac etc., and yet is a crappy rebounding team. Much height, but no quickness to the ball, and the Yao, Juwann, Mo Taylor trio is borderline soft.


Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
Or at all.

Van Gundy is choking that team right now, as is the lack of a PG. They've got more than enough good scorers (TMac, Yao, JJ, Juwann, Mo Taylor) to put up big offensive numbers consitently, but JVG simply will not hear of it. I think it scares him whenever he feels he doesn't have total and complete control of every posession.
Other interesting thing about that team, is that its a BIG team with Yao, Deke, Juwann, Mo Taylor, JJ, TMac etc., and yet is a crappy rebounding team. Much height, but no quickness to the ball, and the Yao, Juwann, Mo Taylor trio is borderline soft.
Brick you are probably right. Here is a scary thought. IF the Kings don't make it to the Finals the Maloofs let Adelman go and Houston not only hires him but pick up Bobby Jackson as well...
As S£im mentioned, they are not going to become a contender over night. Ming & McGrady are still both young and once you add some better pieces around them and they start meshing together they could become more dominant. Right now they are in desperate need of PG and I'm not sure that JVG is the right coach for this team.
Two overhyped "stars" with an overrated coach. Of course they're not living up to expectations. When they settle in and start to play better, they'll still only be about a .500 team.
yao is overrated ( come on man at freaking 7'5'', you should be leading the league in rebounding and blocked shots) . their D isn't as good as it was last year, no PG ( althought he killed us in that first game :mad:

they haven't really jelled yet, but they will and probably will make the playoffs


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
DA217 said:
Looks like the fans have had enough of Van Gundy....

":mad: Fire Gundy!!!:mad: "
Does not really surprise me. I thought as soon as the TMac trade was announced that it could end up being a double-edged sword for JVG. Think he's a quality coach, but what he does well is get untalented teams to compete with more talented teams throuogh defensvie effort and control of the pace of games. When all of a sudden a huge talent was dumped on his doorstep with all of the expectations that go with it...uhoh. Not sure he's equipped to maximize a telanted team (I stand by my assessment that he is the single worst offensive coahc in the NBA), and am quite sure that with expectations high he's not going to be given much slack to figure it out.

All of a sudden he went from coach hired to right the franchise, to coach standing in the way of the talent brought in to right the franchise.
Bricklayer said:
Does not really surprise me. I thought as soon as the TMac trade was announced that it could end up being a double-edged sword for JVG. Think he's a quality coach, but what he does well is get untalented teams to compete with more talented teams throuogh defensvie effort and control of the pace of games. When all of a sudden a huge talent was dumped on his doorstep with all of the expectations that go with it...uhoh. Not sure he's equipped to maximize a telanted team (I stand by my assessment that he is the single worst offensive coahc in the NBA), and am quite sure that with expectations high he's not going to be given much slack to figure it out.

All of a sudden he went from coach hired to right the franchise, to coach standing in the way of the talent brought in to right the franchise.
He is a good coach, so hopefully he figures out what he's trying to run isn't working and make the necessary adjustments. His job may depend on it.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
BLNINJA #81 said:
He is a good coach, so hopefully he figures out what he's trying to run isn't working and make the necessary adjustments. His job may depend on it.
Just not sure he has the flexibility -- never showed it in NY. Remember him insisting on still playing a poor man's Riley slog-ball long after Ewing had declined and the team with Spree, Camby etc. was better suited to running. may well be one of those guys set in his ways with a system, and unable or unwilling to react to different personnel.
I posted way back when that I didn't think this mix was going to work. Van Gundy wants to dump it inside and work from the inside out and quite simply Yao is not ready to be the focal point of any team. McGrady doesn't play well in this type of system because he's really not that good of a shooter but he can create and slash.

Just a bad mix and I don't see it getting better.