I stopped watching TV after watching The Wire. There was just no more need to ever see anything new ever in my life. Once every 3-4 years I re-watch Beast Wars and fall in love with the Transformers again. Maybe once every five years I'll run through the episodes of Freaks and Geeks, and think about how all the actors in it are sell outs now. If I need comedy I'll binge on episodes of The Office; I love them all except for the early episodes which were horrible rehashes of the original BBC show. Grounded For Life is a comedy that I treasure. Ah, and how can I forget Star Trek TOS?
I watched the first few seasons of Always Sunny, then found something else to do. The first season of Heroes was incredible. I know there were more seasons; I watched the first episode of the second which sucked, and I never bothered after that. LOST was cool until the third season, from which point I started watching it as comedy, and believe me, there was plenty to laugh at in that show. I would also watch it to tell this dude, who was too enthusiastic about the show, how bad the most recent episode was. Never saw him after high school ended so I never watched the final two or three seasons. I scold myself over how I was ever a fan of Smallville. I was maybe in the 6th grade when it came out, so the stupid girly drama between Kristen Kreuk and Tom Welling appealed to me.
I like internet series such as Red vs Blue, which is "absurdist literature," which you can see in Always Sunny, and in books all the way back to Voltaire's Candid. Of course I enjoyed Yugioh: The Abridged Series, the father of all the horrible internet parodies you see today. I really liked Life from the Inside by Katr Pictures--well just the first six or so of their episodes; they went away from what made their series unique. Clock Suckers, a short lived internet series by guys you might recognize doing work for College Humor now, is more "absurdist literature" that I liked, maybe only because of Hollie Bertram's voice, lol.
Now I'm gonna look through this thread and see what episodes I missed or how many of you liked the same things I did, and then judge you.