Top 10 driving pet peeves


Most annoying driving habits:
1. Distracted drivers talking on cell phones (28.5 percent)
2. Slow drivers in the fast lane (21.6 percent)
3. Pushy drivers who tailgate (18.1 percent)
4. Drivers who weave through traffic to gain one or two car lengths (12.5 percent)
5. Obnoxious drivers who speed up to keep you from changing lanes (5.5 percent)
6. Hasty drivers who change lanes without signaling (4.9 percent)
7. Road Rage (2.7 percent)
8. Motorcyclists who race down the middle of a lane, between cars (2.1 percent)
9. Women applying makeup and men shaving (1.7 percent)
10. Drivers who leave their turn signal on for miles (0.92 percent)

the two in bold are the ones that pee me off the most.. :mad:
Rockmeister said:
Number 1 and 2 are the most annoying for me.
Funny thing though is that I guarantee you that 90% of those that voted for #1 have done it :)

I don't like talking on the phone while driving, but if my phone rings I'll answer it while driving (OK - I occasionally make a call too ;) ). But if I see somebody else talking on the phone and if they are driving slow or stupid, I'll curse them out for talking on the phone and driving :)
vj9999 said:
Funny thing though is that I guarantee you that 90% of those that voted for #1 have done it :)

I don't like talking on the phone while driving, but if my phone rings I'll answer it while driving (OK - I occasionally make a call too ;) ). But if I see somebody else talking on the phone and if they are driving slow or stupid, I'll curse them out for talking on the phone and driving :)
I have always used a headset while driving.
why is my pet peeve not even on the list???

People not looking before they merge into my lane, right into me!!

so, that's why I don't take pictures while driving anymore... crazy people not looking where they are going!:D
Number 4 is my biggest pet peeve. Why in the world can't some drivers just understand that traffic is sometimes slow in all lanes at one time, so just go with the flow of traffic. Weaving in and out doesn't really gain them any more time, not to mention how dangerous it is.

Not on the list-parking lot driving. Sometimes that scares me more than street driving. People racing through the parking lot not paying attention to pedestrians or cars backing out, and cars backing out without looking around first.
loopymitch said:
They're all pretty annoying but my main thing is blinkers. People here seem to hardly ever use them and it really aggravates me.
me too! and we have a lot of numbers 2 and 3 also. i hate when i'm in the fast lane, going 70-80 and people still tailgating me.
may3one said:
i hate when i'm in the fast lane, going 70-80 and people still tailgating me.
Same here. I also hate when I'm driving in an area known to have a swarm of cops around and the person behind me is pushing my *** to get up to their speed.
My biggest pet peeve is people wearing Lakers (Kobe) jerseys while driving. Just an accident waiting to happen.

Also couple of years ago when we played T-Pupps in playoffs I hated everyone with Minnesota license plates.
vj9999 said:
My biggest pet peeve is people wearing Lakers (Kobe) jerseys while driving. Just an accident waiting to happen.
You know, I encountered this yesterday, and boy was I peeved!! I had to swing wide to avoid this guy! At least he was easy to spot... He happened to just be getting his kid from school, walking on campus in a plethora of children. I think this violation is not limited to the streets, but should be banned outright.