This is the Kings and no one is worried about Abdur-Rahim's knee?

I hope the King's "curse of perpetual injuries" doesn't hit Abdur-Rahim's knee.

After all, this is the team that a player can break his foot in PRACTICE.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Nothing that can be done. Be ironic of course that a very durable player suddenly turns up lame when he hits Sacto, but its not as if we did not have warning. And given that we would not have even had a shot at getting him were it not for the scary knee, its an upfront risk and one where you can argue without it we can't even sign him.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
uolj said:
:D Well at least we won't jinx it by talking about it.

oh, wait...
If its actually possible to jinx stuff by talking about it then this board is the singlehanded source of all woe in the Kings' kingdom. ;)


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
IIRC, many think that Brad's leg was actually injured in the tumble he took into the chairs (Wizards game, I think) and it was undetected until the incident in practice. Sounds much more plausible to me than the other option....


I've said it before, and I'll say it again, coming pre-injured (SAR's knee) can only be a good omen.
IMO the Nets used SAR's supposed "bum" knee as a bargaining chip to reduce the number of years in the contract and got burned. I'm sure most NBA players with 10 years in the league are headed for "arthritic conditions" somewhere down the road.

It's hard to argue much with the guys durability up to this point. I would bank on Bibby, Peja, or Miller going down before SAR.
The Nets were supposedly worried about what MAY happen 3-4 years down the road. Reef said he has never had any problems with that knee since the surgery he had, when he was 15. Shouldn't be a problem. I don't think he as any higher risk to have a catastrophic knee injury, just that he may become arthritic down the line.

I agree that the Nets were just trying to bargain him down some, and do all they could to not give up that pick.
uolj said:
:D Well at least we won't jinx it by talking about it.

oh, wait...
Well in that case...

"Boy, I hope Shaq's back will hold up next season"

"Is it me, or does Tim Duncan seem to twist his ankles more frequently these days?"

"I wonder if age is catching up to Steve Nash?"
PixelPusher said:
Well in that case...

"Boy, I hope Shaq's back will hold up next season"

"Is it me, or does Tim Duncan seem to twist his ankles more frequently these days?"

"I wonder if age is catching up to Steve Nash?"
I'm sure glad Ron Artest got his act together and won't get in any more trouble.

And Flip Saunders will surely fill Larry Brown's shoes well.

There, that about covers it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Some of you really don't understand the jinx concept, do you?

It's goes something like this:

If you mention something bad happening and DON'T want it to come true, mentioning it out loud actually increases the odds of Murphy's Law coming into effect. Murphy's Law states that "what can go wrong will go wrong." An ancilliary to that is "What can go wrong will go wrong AT THE WORST POSSILBE MOMENT."

Now, in the reverse and as the ultimate paradox, if you want something bad to happen to an opponent, speaking out loud wishes that GOOD things happen for them will directly increase the odds of the GOOD thing happening and NOT the bad.

That falls under the "Be careful what you wish for" proviso to Murphy's Law.


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VF21 said:
Some of you really don't understand the jinx concept, do you?

It's goes something like this:

If you mention something bad happening and DON'T want it to come true, mentioning it out loud actually increases the odds of Murphy's Law coming into effect. Murphy's Law states that "what can go wrong will go wrong." An ancilliary to that is "What can go wrong will go wrong AT THE WORST POSSILBE MOMENT."

Now, in the reverse and as the ultimate paradox, if you want something bad to happen to an opponent, speaking out loud wishes that GOOD things happen for them will directly increase the odds of the GOOD thing happening and NOT the bad.

That falls under the "Be careful what you wish for" proviso to Murphy's Law.


I think I need to retain an attorny to review all of the clauses in "Murphy's Law" for me. That just made my head hurt.


Super Moderator Emeritus
PixelPusher said:

I think I need to retain an attorny to review all of the clauses in "Murphy's Law" for me. That just made my head hurt.
Sorry. I was simply playing around. I've added a couple of emoticons...

VF21 said:
Some of you really don't understand the jinx concept, do you?

It's goes something like this:

If you mention something bad happening and DON'T want it to come true, mentioning it out loud actually increases the odds of Murphy's Law coming into effect. Murphy's Law states that "what can go wrong will go wrong." An ancilliary to that is "What can go wrong will go wrong AT THE WORST POSSILBE MOMENT."

Now, in the reverse and as the ultimate paradox, if you want something bad to happen to an opponent, speaking out loud wishes that GOOD things happen for them will directly increase the odds of the GOOD thing happening and NOT the bad.

That falls under the "Be careful what you wish for" proviso to Murphy's Law.



Oh yes it's all clear now:confused:
VF21 said:
Now, in the reverse and as the ultimate paradox, if you want something bad to happen to an opponent, speaking out loud wishes that GOOD things happen for them will directly increase the odds of the GOOD thing happening and NOT the bad.

That falls under the "Be careful what you wish for" proviso to Murphy's Law.



Perfectly that case..thank you thesanityannex. ;)


hoopsfan said:
Perfectly that case..thank you thesanityannex. ;)
Wrong................Mine was an old school jinx which does not fall under the ultimate paradox theory. Just a plain old jinx. The Lakers will win the Pacific and Kobe Bryant will again be a role model.
kobe will never be a role model again. that messed up his career way too much. But if i was him, i really wouldn't care because as long as i got a huge contract and one of the best looking women in LA, it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks of him.
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thesanityannex said:
Boy do I hope the Lakers do well this season. Goooooooooooooooo Kobe!!!
I appreciate the thought (jinx) but reading some things evokes a really nasty physical response from me!
Bricklayer said:
Nothing that can be done. Be ironic of course that a very durable player suddenly turns up lame when he hits Sacto, but its not as if we did not have warning. And given that we would not have even had a shot at getting him were it not for the scary knee, its an upfront risk and one where you can argue without it we can't even sign him.
There was one exception, Vlade became ironman AFTER comming to Sac-town. I just hope SAR will not be other way round.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
outsider62 said:
There was one exception, Vlade became ironman AFTER comming to Sac-town. I just hope SAR will not be other way round.
Vlade was pretty ironmanny even before he hit Sacto -- he had two years where he missed some time, but 7 of his 9 years he'd played in at least 79 games. I don't remeber what happened to him way back in '92, but I remmeber it was a freak knee injury the year before we got him. Hopefully SAR will turn out similarly -- freak injury the year before we got him and then no more problems. Actually probably MORE important for SAR, because if Vlade got hurt it was physically impossible for him to get any slower, whereas SAR relies on his athleticism.