The Price Is Right

Its true price was a breath of fresh air in a sense this game...but i've learned in the past not to get too riled up about people that show for one game and dissapear for the next. If he strings together a few games like this (assuming RA plays him) then well talk
i would have to agree with you,but hr has played well in all of the games he has gotten into. Also his Athleticism is of much higher quality than Jackson and that IS saying a lot. I hope he continues to play. THis is one guy I have been hoping for since the Begining. He is a very solid defender, but can play offense too.
BonziFan said:
i would have to agree with you,but hr has played well in all of the games he has gotten into. Also his Athleticism is of much higher quality than Jackson and that IS saying a lot. I hope he continues to play. THis is one guy I have been hoping for since the Begining. He is a very solid defender, but can play offense too.
I trust ya- i haven't seen too much of him to comment, well to be honest...none of us have really seen enough of him to comment before today. We got a good homestand- so hopefully that will give the youngins confidence to play well, assuming they dont end up getting traded away by GP.
More Price, less Hart.

Hart obviously has the experience and size on his side but Hart has a better overall game. Neither are really much of play makers but Price is a lot better scorer. Price plays both ends of the court. Its only one game, but he as shown more in one game than Hart has for the entire season.
I've been telling my friend all year it's a damn shame that Ronnie has been seeing no playing time. I bet that boy could get out there and put up some points, and not be to shabby on the defensive end. He did just that last night.
Čarolija said:
More Price, less Hart.

Hart obviously has the experience and size on his side but Hart has a better overall game. Neither are really much of play makers but Price is a lot better scorer. Price plays both ends of the court. Its only one game, but he as shown more in one game than Hart has for the entire season.
When I was at the game last night with my buddy I echoed those exact sentiments. I told him that Price had proved more to me in one game than Hart has all season. He agreed.
What impresses me most about Ronny is his composure and his demeanor. He really didn't try to do too much last night and he looked good moving without the ball. Other than getting lost on a few defensive switches, which were in the beginning of his stint and which he corrected as the game went on, I can't think of really any big mistakes he made. I would love for him to see more time against Portland especially since their backcourt is relatively unproven.
ForlornKing said:
True, but Mo Evans wasn't a rookie. He had experience with Minnesota.
Which was barely part of his experience, he played in 10 games and averaged 4-5 min. w/ Minny. More of it came from playing and having success in Europe for 2 1/2 years.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
I was impressed and thought he had a better court presence than Hart and a better shot. I think we see him move up the ladder real quick.
Price should be given minutes over Hart, plain and simple. Bench scoring has been atrocious - I think RA has nothing to lose by playing Price at this point.