The most blatant +1 thread ever created

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Super Moderator Emeritus
830 -

No, we actually weren't off. Someone posted a number, which received a post #. People posted after that and were, in fact, correct.

Then, the person who had posted the number in the post #793 slot deleted it. THAT threw all the subsequent posts off. I could have, in fact, repaired it, but if I did then all the posts made before the deletion would be correct again and the ones made after the deletion would be wrong.



Homer Fan Since 1985
VF21 said:
830 -

No, we actually weren't off. Someone posted a number, which received a post #. People posted after that and were, in fact, correct.

Then, the person who had posted the number in the post #793 slot deleted it. THAT threw all the subsequent posts off. I could have, in fact, repaired it, but if I did then all the posts made before the deletion would be correct again and the ones made after the deletion would be wrong.

Ahhhh! So, I could go and delete post #56 (just for grins) and throw everything off again? ;) :p

Oh, 831!!
6th said:
Oh, do it, and we could start over. :p :D

I wouldn't mind closing this thread and reopening it but requiring some kind of rule, like requiring a picture or something significant about the number instead of just typing the number.

6th said:
Yeah, kingskings! skipped # 793 so we were off for quite awhile.
I actually thought that I DID put us off for awhile (when I was trying to put us back on track)...;) But then when I saw VF had ALSO posted the wrong number (when she always puts us back on track) I went back and looked and realized that somebody had deleted their post (you know who you are!!!) :eek: instead of fixing the number....uh huh...neener neener... now, "get out the road", I'm a woman driver with PMS (LOL!) OK, I might be a little older and less blonde but you catch my drift? :D

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