Stoudemire Accepts Slam Dunk Invite

By Steven Koek,
Posted: Feb. 4, 2005

The media contingent waiting to talk to Amaré Stoudemire after Friday’s workout at America West Arena may very well have gotten a preview of the All-Star festivities to be held in Denver the weekend of Feb. 18. They just didn’t know it.

After the Suns’ third-year forward finished his typical post-practice allotment of mid-range jump shots and free throws, he took the ball at the top of the key, drove the lane, leapt into the air towards the basket and displayed a two-hand windmill jam that drew “oohs” and “ahhs” on the practice court, and might draw “10”s in Colorado in two weeks.

Stoudemire, expected to be named as an All-Star reserve next Tuesday, said he has accepted an invitation for his second try at the annual display of jams, crams and slams by the NBA’s most acrobatic jumpers and dunkers.

“I’m in it,” he revealed. “I’m going to try to bring the trophy back to Phoenix. I’ve got something in the bag of tricks.”

He refused to share any ideas he’s been working on so far for the competition, but did make one guarantee.

“It’s going to be fun,” he grinned.

While teammates Joe Johnson and Quentin Richardson await word on whether they will be asked to participate in the three-point contest, Stoudemire is not expected to be invited for that competition, despite a strong showing against Suns assistant coaches Marc Iavaroni and Alvin Gentry after his spectacular practice dunk.

“I thought about it,” Stoudemire said. “My three-point shot is looking superb right now, but I’m going to hold off on that.”

He might have tried to push harder to join the field had it been against Iavaroni and Gentry. “I can outshoot them any day,” Stoudemire laughed.


I know the NBA SDC is meaningless but it is fun to watch. Probably the must fun out of all three events on the 19th. What do you think about this? Amare entered the SDC in his rookie year but was eliminated in the first round because he missed dunks that would have gave him a 45+ mark. He might have improved his athletesism over the two seasons and might surpise everyone on that day.
Bballkingsrock said:
He is going to the dunk contest? Sweet. But what was all that about him entering the 3 point contest? He doesn't shoot threes........
Haha I think that was a joke. Q Rich might enter it though. But they better add another rack of balls for him since he attempts so many. :D
all power & ferociousness but no grace + he's a big guy. guys smaller than he is look much better dunking with showmanship. Mo Evans would send his *** packing if he were there.
i wasn't he in it like a year or two ago...he can throw down a nasty dunk...but definetly not one of the best IMO

as for QRich...he will no doubtly be invited to the 3 pt contest...he doesn't have to worry
What a horrible invite. You hear Josh Smith and others saying that they don't know if they would be any good in the Contest because they're "game dunkers," yet the NBA still invites the epitome of "exclusive game dunker." Amare is strictly power and nothing more. His first attempt was boring and showed us nothing more than we would've seen in a regular Suns game. People overrate his skills so much, it's unbelievable.
So, is Mo in or out? I'm sorry, but I am old and jaded, I am not tuning into the slam dunk contest to watch amare, I see 6'10" guys dunk every night I watch the NBA.
I have no desire whatsoever to see Amare in the dunk contest. Like others have said he is pure power only, with seemingly no creative skill.

Give me a dunk contest with VC, T-Mac, Kobe, Lebron, Josh Smith, etc etc etc and I'll be happy.
So far the only unanimus dunk contenders are Fred Jones and Amare Stoudemire. The 4 man rule stinks! It was better before, when they had 6-8 people dunking. There are only two more spots left and somehow I feel like Mo isn't gonna get it. J-Rich and VC said they aren't entering this year. Then there is the 3 year rule. You can only be in the NBA three years (maximum) to enter, but Ricky Davis went last year so if a big time dunker like VC or Richardson wanted to go, they would probably be exceptions.
I don't think anyone here doesn't think he's an amazing athlete. It's just that he is all power in a contest of finesse and acrobatics. Kind of like a weight lifter on a trapeze. I've seen those same high school contests, and the same could be said about him then that are said today. He simply isn't a creative and acrobatic dunker. He's a "game-dunker" if there ever was one.