Start jimmer!

What do have to lose..... That way it can be one of the main men when all of the other benches players come in. I believe jimmer would flourish in to starting line up with tyreke and demarcus
What do have to lose..... That way it can be one of the main men when all of the other benches players come in. I believe jimmer would flourish in to starting line up with tyreke and demarcus
It wouldn't hurt to try that's for sure. I'm all for it, but I don't see it happening.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This is what you took from that last performance?

Agianst certain opponents you could do that. But then you are running an even more ridiculous platoon wiht different starters every night. This isn't baseball.
While I agree with the general idea, Jimmer was underwhelming against Memphis and has generally played middling basketball for most of December and January.

I do think Jimmer's ceiling is higher than IT's, and IT's is higher than Brooks'. It seems pretty clear to me that DMC has IT's back. Do you start Jimmer if it pisses off the star of the team, even if Jimmer is a better fit next to Cousins and Tyreke?
I don't mind seeing him out there with Reke at the point.

He's a player opponents do not want to leave so it aids spacing. I just don't like seeing him getting the ball with 9 seconds left on the shot clock and having to create his own shot.

They showed that he was a top 5 three point shooter in the league last night he's managing to hit those percentages without having a single play run for him ever. We never run him off screens or do anything creative to get him open.

I suspect he could do more damage if someone actually considered running a play for him that didn't involve him having to dribble around with 9 seconds on the shot clock.
i think if we had a stellar defensive SF, we could have jimmer in the line up. jimmer's three point threat opens up the floor for reke & cousins to operate. i'm not a fan of running reke and IT as the starting line up. reke & jimmer could be like christie & bibby in the back court.
Won't work yet. Jimmer can't push the ball enough yet and would see lots of pressure in the back court.
Well we aren't exactly winning games left and right so might as well see what happens by starting Jimmer. I agree with the general consensus.. Jimmer would definitely benefit by having Tyreke and DMC creating space for him. Tyreke would obviously be the primary ball handler which takes the pressure off Jimmer until his dribbling improves.
I care more about seeing Jimmer with different lineup combination. I think that Jimmer needs to be on the court with two guys that can be primary ball handlers. Im only interested in Jimmer shooting the ball. Having him bring the ball up court, setting up the offense, and creating shots for others isnt playing to his strengths.
I fully agree with your assessment of Jimmer Fredette. We all know he was drafted because he is a shooter and this season has the stats to prove it. But can we expect him to have a hot hand when he sits on the bench for 2 or 3 quarters? Often, I see them open on the sidelines but doesn't get the ball because the play was set for the opposite side. Boulderdash! If the guy is open give him the ball. He salmon the floor for only one thing, to shoot the ball! Like some of you, I also agree that Jimmer should start for a few games at shooting guard and get 10 to 12 shots a game. Yeah I know, he's not tall enough but. If matchups were working and producing wins for us I wouldn't have an issue. Start Evans at point guard and Jimmer at the two on defense the rolls will vary. Let's see if one of the highest ranking three-point shooters in the NBA this season can knock down 4 or 5 a game which will certainly open up the floor for our other guys.


Hall of Famer
I have no hard feelings about Jimmer starting, one way or the other. I think it would be interesting to see how well he would work with Tyreke and Cousins, but its hard to flat out say that he's done anything outstanding enough on a regular basis to warrant it. Of course I could come close to making that statement about Thomas and Brooks as well. No one on this team has a desirable assist to turnover ratio, so to pick one, and say this guy deserves to be our starter is just plain ridiculous.

But, back to Jimmer. I watched him play three years at BYU, and during those three years, I saw a player with good BBIQ, and with PG instincts. In a strange way, it was unfortunate for him that he was also a very good shooter, and he played on a team that lacked anyone else that could score consistently. Again, unfortunately, his team couldn't afford to have him sitting on the bench, so he was asked to not even try to play defense. So he came into the league with the reputation as a chucker, and a lousey defender, and someone that couldn't handle the ball well. Well, in truth, he was a lousey defender, and his ballhandling, while not horrible, wasn't ready for the pressure he would be getting as a lead guard. Where I would dispute his assumed reputation, is in his being nothing but a chucker.

If you watched him play at BYU, you would know that he spent large portions of the game trying to set up his teammates. There were many games where he only took a few shots in the first half. But in the second half, because his team needed points, he would take the bulk of the shots. I personally think he has better PG instincts than either IT, who I also watched play a lot at Washington, or Brooks. And in case anyone hasn't noticed, Jimmer's ballhandling has improved greatly this season. I do believe it was Jimmer that almost screwed John Wall into the floor with a crossover spin move and a left handed layup. I should also point out, that stats show Jimmer is the least turnover prone guard out of himself, IT, Brooks, and Tyreke. Jimmer turns the ball over one time every 15 minutes, while Brooks and IT turn it over once every 13.7 minutes, and Tyreke comes in at once every 13.8 minutes. When it comes to assist to turnover ratio, none of them would blow anyone's socks off. Of late, I don't recall Jimmer having any trouble bringing the ball up the floor. And as pointed out, if he's on the floor with Tyreke, they can trade off when necessary.

Defensively is where Jimmer still has a lot of work to do, but to be honest, and I know this will offend the sensitivities of some, but IT's defense has been struggling quite a bit of late. As a matter of fact, the reason Jimmer got an early call at the 2 minute mark of the second half in the Wizard game, was because IT kept leaving his man wide open for 3 pt'ers. One thing the league has figured out, is that IT has trouble getting through screens. Not that Jimmer is outstanding at that either. In the last game Jimmer played, they were setting double screens which Jimmer, Brooks, and IT all struggled getting through. So I guess my point is, that I'm not sure our overall defense would be that greatly affected by sticking Jimmer into the starting lineup. It sure would be nice to have someone like Anthony Davis out there next to Cuz though.
Defensively is where Jimmer still has a lot of work to do, but to be honest, and I know this will offend the sensitivities of some, but IT's defense has been struggling quite a bit of late. As a matter of fact, the reason Jimmer got an early call at the 2 minute mark of the second half in the Wizard game, was because IT kept leaving his man wide open for 3 pt'ers. One thing the league has figured out, is that IT has trouble getting through screens. Not that Jimmer is outstanding at that either. In the last game Jimmer played, they were setting double screens which Jimmer, Brooks, and IT all struggled getting through. So I guess my point is, that I'm not sure our overall defense would be that greatly affected by sticking Jimmer into the starting lineup. It sure would be nice to have someone like Anthony Davis out there next to Cuz though.
I don't disagree that Jimmer's defense needs work, but I kind of shrug at our guards getting through double screens. That is a team defense problem, and a young player problem. We have scads of the latter and none of the former. When we get burned on double and triple screens, I chalk that up to youth, inexperience, and poor coaching.
So let me get this straight, the Kings have said that Cousins and Fredette are "off limits" for trade talks, but they are so high on Fredette that he still gets DNP's sometimes?

Here's the link - scroll down to Jan 7th.

Does this make any sense? Am i missing something?

If you believe he's part of your future, then play the kid at least like 15-20 minutes a game so he can continue to get some experience and learn. If not, then why is he "off limits"?

Wow, I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for Jimmer.
I don't think they bargained on Jimmer having a good leap in terms of ability during the off season.

The move for brooks made that clear. But credit to Jimmer for his improvement.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
So let me get this straight, the Kings have said that Cousins and Fredette are "off limits" for trade talks, but they are so high on Fredette that he still gets DNP's sometimes?

Here's the link - scroll down to Jan 7th.

Does this make any sense? Am i missing something?

If you believe he's part of your future, then play the kid at least like 15-20 minutes a game so he can continue to get some experience and learn. If not, then why is he "off limits"?

Wow, I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for Jimmer.
If he is/was off limits it was purely a Maloof thing. They were trying to milk every advertising/promotional dollar they could out of him and gave him a far more prominent place in team promotions/literature than his role would dictate. Now that the Maloofs are gone, all bets are off. For pretty much everybody I would think except Cousins. I'm hoping somebody notices that Tyreke has turned into a defensive stud who shoots .470 before its too late on that front, but I'm thinking almost all the sacred cows on the court and off will suddenly be less sacred if a sale goes whoever.
If he is/was off limits it was purely a Maloof thing. They were trying to milk every advertising/promotional dollar they could out of him and gave him a far more prominent place in team promotions/literature than his role would dictate. Now that the Maloofs are gone, all bets are off. For pretty much everybody I would think except Cousins. I'm hoping somebody notices that Tyreke has turned into a defensive stud who shoots .470 before its too late on that front, but I'm thinking almost all the sacred cows on the court and off will suddenly be less sacred if a sale goes whoever.
I doubt that any trades happen this year outside of salary dump strictly because of the sale. I don't know what would be worse, watching bad basketball and then the team leaving, or watching the team make an OKC-esque jump in play due to roster changes and then leaving.
i think if we had a stellar defensive SF, we could have jimmer in the line up. jimmer's three point threat opens up the floor for reke & cousins to operate. i'm not a fan of running reke and IT as the starting line up. reke & jimmer could be like christie & bibby in the back court.
But about one third their speed coming and going. Sure, we probably wouldn't lose too many more games by trying.depends on whether or not ownership wants to roll the dice on him at this time.