Spurs-Sonics round 2

VF21 said:
Just the way the schedule was drawn up, BIC. Have to stretch it out as long as possible for optimum revenue...and you certainly don't want a playoff game up against another playoff game on a different channel.

Well... I guess you have a point... :) Just wanted to see Seattle get crushed.

KingsRNumba1 said:
lol jerome james is still talking crap what an idiot that is the only game they won and by 1 point they should be worried
Its all a ploy to find someone who will pay him millions at seasons end.


BullKing said:
yeah.....it's a shame that through his whining and crying he can influence the refs. I especially "liked" that call when he slipped and they called a foul on ginobili. :rolleyes:

anyways...the spurs are toying with the sonics.

how funny was it when they showed ginobli get hit in the face by the invisible elbow. that was the absolute worst acting/flopping ive ever seen. i almost pissed myself i was laughing so hard.


VF21 said:
Not only was his flop ugly, the officials didn't buy it for a second. I'm sure him collapsing to the floor from the invisible punch to the jaw is going to be shown time and time again ... and all (except Manu) will have a good laugh.

For the record, Derek Fisher holds the "flopper runner-up" title in my book.

fisher is the definite runner up. but ginobli is coming on strong. vlade, derek, and manu should all get together during next years allstar game and have a flop contest. by the way, quentin richardson takes mean charges. i like his style.
KingsRNumba1 said:
lol jerome james is still talking crap what an idiot that is the only game they won and by 1 point they should be worried

He really needs to shut up. No-one wants to hear it. Anyone got any duct tape to go with that garbage bag??:D
VF21 said:
striker - All I know is that it certainly looked as though he had flopped. Shame on ESPN or whomever for not showing the clip Nikos was able to find.

And I agree about the beating Manu has been taking. I like Manu probably best of anyone on your team. I like his dedication; I like his toughness; I like his willingness to play from the bench if the coach decrees it. The only thing I don't like is the uniform he's wearing. I think he might just look a lot better in purple.


I totally agree. I'd like to see him as a King. We could do a lot worse.
lew and Reggie are having injury troubles and aren't 100% if they are going to play tonight


we are fighting through injures again. still showing heart which is all a fan can ask for

hopfully we tie it up tonight
striker said:
You don't see Duncan pissed very often. I suspect Jerome is about to find out what happens when Duncan is pissed.
Considering I've never seen any discernable emotion expressed by Tim Duncan, I too am curious as to what happens when he's pissed.
He usually gets very aggressive in the paint. Case in point, game two, after James and Evans had a couple of hard hacking fouls on Parker, Manu and had held him, Duncan was PO'd and as he was running back on D told Pop he was going to take one, meaning a hard foul on Evans or James or a technical or both. Instead Pop called 4 down, the isolation play for Duncan on the blocks, as a way to let Duncan vent. Duncan consecutively took Evans and James for and 1s.

What I suspect is that they will let Duncan establish low post offense early and often, he'll take it to whoever is on him and the Seattle bigs will be in foul trouble early because, face it, those hacks are closer to the NBDL than to Duncan.
if Duncan wants to play rough with the Sonics big men they they will be tough back. The whole frontline are enforcers and will smash you to the ground. It's way of saying you aren't going to get anything easy in here. You either shoot the ball from distance or get killed coming inside. They have had enough of the spurs doing whatever they want inside.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Ray Allen34 said:
They have had enough of the spurs doing whatever they want inside.
Unfortunately for you, your front guys might be big but they're not particularly smart (being honest about basketball savvy) and it's gonna take a lot more than brawn to outhink one of the smartest teams and coaches playing the game today.
Jerome is like a dinosaur. Same peanut sized brain. Get physical, fine. Duncan will work James and put him on th bench.

Unfortunately Pop won't put Massenburg in to give Allen a taste of the wood similar to the way that McMillan is allowing slugs like Fortson, Evans and James to hammer Manu. Allen picks up his fouls by being looked at after crying to everyone who'll listen.


ray allen is the biggest cry baby ever, and if u look closely he resembles sam i am cassel


Super Moderator Emeritus
Just a precautionary reminder:

Keep it civil, guys. If you want to resort to just throwing insults and calling names, this isn't the right place.

striker said:
Jerome is like a dinosaur. Same peanut sized brain. Get physical, fine. Duncan will work James and put him on th bench.

perfect analogy :D

as for the game, spurs aren't looking too hot right now :( i think they will play better in the 2nd half.
no lewis and no vlad and we destroy the spurs

ray was on tonight but wow Luuuuke and Damien Wilkins came up huge. So did AD

Back to san antonio we go tied at 2-2

all the pressure on the spurs and they must be having flashbacks on last year

Further proof that the window was wide open for about 5 or 6 teams this year in the NBA playoffs. Can't believe the Spurs take a whooping like that at the hands of a team without their second all star on the floor (although I debated whether he really deserved his all star nomination at the time).

Edit: I'm of the opinion that this is just a huge tease for those of us that want nothing else out of these playoffs than to see the Spurs out of the competition.

i hate to admit this but i'm for the sonics on this one. i want ray allen to just go crazy, and jerome james and reggie evans to not have any impact whatsoever.

i HATE the spurs (for personal reasons), that's why i just have to root for seattle. well, maybe not root for them, but i'm hoping the spurs lose.

it's gonna be HARD, but i hope they pull it off.


hmmm this is all to familiar..... spurs go up 2-0 than choke it away......... now they are one Derek Fisher .04 shot away from being down 3-2
Why are the Spurs toying with us?

Can they just finish them off for once so I don't have to look at Garbageman and his partner in crime Ponytail tag team one another?
ugh what a pee poor effort from everyone not named tim duncan on the spurs. no wonder they got whooped.

i agree pejafanatic, why are the spurs toying with us?!?!?! everyone in the world knows they are a better team ( well all but garbage man :rollseyes: ) wierd. they were great on the road V the nuggets....

no derek fisher this time round.