Sorry Rick, its time for you to go!!

KKSloga said:
Well we are on the verge of being eliminated by a inferior team to us for the 4th straight year and this time Rick should be fired. He has absolutely no control over this team and it is pathetic. Watching Bibby and Mobely continually going one on one against the entire Sonic team without moving the ball around was pathetic. This is a team sport and plays need to be run.

For Adelman to just sit there and watch that while we may have made 20 total passes in the third quarter really reflects what type of a coach he is when the going gets tough. He needs to make a few adjustments and we will see if he is capable of it!

Oh and Bibby, please pass the ball!!
:) Fire Adelman?... Can you honestly sit there and tell us all that we would even be in the playoffs without Rick this year? hah... After all the Kings have gone through... give me a break. THe man should be top 5 for coach of the year voting.
Really? One wonders what Nate has done that has been so magnificent. Simply losing does not equate to being outcoached.
Since I started off with numbered lists, I'll continue that way.

1. How focused a team is at the start of a game is quite often a reflection of the preperation and coaching beforehand. I think you would be hard pressed to find another coach or basketball person who disagrees with this notion. Now which team has looked more focused and ready at the start of these games?

2. Nate has planned a defensive scheme against the Kings that is clearly bothering them.

3. His team has executed this scheme.

4. The Kings vs Sonics record during the regular season gets thrown out the window because of the turnover in players on Sacramento's side. The former Kings did not match up well with this Sonics squad, personal wise I would argue the current Kings have the bangers and depth to match up more fairly with the Sonics now.

5. They say a team takes on the personality of it's coach. The Sonics are focused and are bringing defense and hustle. How would you sum up the Kings so far? Confused? You have to admit even Adleman was just throwing players out there at the end of game 2 without any complex reasoning or strategy, he was just desperate and didn't know what to do.
swisshh said:
Since I started off with numbered lists, I'll continue that way.

1. How focused a team is at the start of a game is quite often a reflection of the preperation and coaching beforehand. I think you would be hard pressed to find another coach or basketball person who disagrees with this notion. Now which team has looked more focused and ready at the start of these games?

2. Nate has planned a defensive scheme against the Kings that is clearly bothering them.

3. His team has executed this scheme.

4. The Kings vs Sonics record during the regular season gets thrown out the window because of the turnover in players on Sacramento's side. The former Kings did not match up well with this Sonics squad, personal wise I would argue the current Kings have the bangers and depth to match up more fairly with the Sonics now.

5. They say a team takes on the personality of it's coach. The Sonics are focused and are bringing defense and hustle. How would you sum up the Kings so far? Confused? You have to admit even Adleman was just throwing players out there at the end of game 2 without any complex reasoning or strategy, he was just desperate and didn't know what to do.
couldn't have said it better.
You have to admit even Adleman was just throwing players out there at the end of game 2 without any complex reasoning or strategy, he was just desperate and didn't know what to do.
Just a hunch here, but I really don't think Adelman was planning on his 'main' guys being down 26. At that point, why the hell WOULDN'T you start throwing different guys out there, just to see if you could, wonder of wonders, find a mix that could get you back in the game. Sort of like what happened.
Adelman is partially to blame here, for sure, but don't you think just MAYBE that some of this is a result of:

a) recent injuries
b) unfamiliar lineups
c) lack of experience
d) just plain bad shooting

Adelman sticks with the 8-man rotation, he gets lambasted. He goes with 12 guys, and he gets called confused. The man is doing what he can with a shaky squad of guys. He's not the one going out there and not executing what they've worked on.

He is NOT going to get fired. No matter what. Who would we get to replace him???
Rick Adelman is more important to the Sacramento Kings, and the Sacramento community, than Mike Bibby, Peja Stojakovic, Bobby Jackson, or any other Kings player.

Adelman haters may not understand that reality until after he is gone and the Kings organization is irreversibly damaged.

Adelman was dealt an extremely tough hand this year, and he has done extremely well with cards one could best describe as a "Kansas Scramble" (ref., Abbott and Costello, circa 1955).

There is no doubt that the deck will be reshuffled this summer, and Sacramento will have a brand new hand. The players may. or may not, understand the current situation. Whether they like it or not, I believe that they are currently involved in extended try-outs for next year's team.

When the deck is shuffled and dealt, I hope to see Bibby, Bobby, Darius, Eddie, Brad, Mo, and whomever wants to show up and play hard in the next two games against Seattle.

The Seattle Supersonics are a very good team. They won more games than the Kings this season. However, despite all the speculation and incriminations, the Kings are not done yet.

swisshh said:
1. Petrie would seemingly never fire Adleman

2. Bibby had something like 7 assists in the first half.

3. McMillian has clearly outcoached Adleman thus far.

If Nate was so great why did they almost blow huge lead in both games? If that was the case they would have won both games by at least 20-30. I agree with NUFAN, it's a team sport, why do we always have to blame someone? Espec. the second game, for the most part they were all horrible but it was RA's fault??? He's doing the best with what he has and Tues. he didn't have much to work with. Considering all that has gone on with this team this year, he did a good job just getting us to the playoffs.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Ah, the obligatory Fire Adelman thread.

I could have pretty much predicted who would be going along with this ridiculous hypothesis.

Yeah, fire the coach. After all, look how well it worked for the Cavaliers.

This is a ridiculous thread!! Why do you want to fire Adelman?

He has taken the Kings to the playoffs, and even went the Western Conference series and you still want to fire him?

Lets say the Kings next year are 80-2. You guys are going come in and critisize Adelman for making us lose those games. We have only lost 2 playoff games and we haven't been home yet, and you guys want Adelman to go.

Since I am so disgusted by this thread, I just want to make some more points.

Mike Bibby hasn't played well the last 2 games. Why don't we trade him?

Kenny Thomas hasn't played well. Why don't we trade him?

Peja didn't play well the 2nd game. Why don't we get rid of him?

Am I correct?
On the flip (No connection to the above statement) side, I will entertain the argument that after a while players tune coaches out. RA does have one of the longest tenures in the leagues. I think Sloan may be the only one longer then RA. Of course I may be wrong that thought is off the top of my head.

Considering our turnover in players this year I wouldn’t expect them to tune him out. Only thing I wish is that RA would be a little tougher. Of course one could argue his style works great for players because it gives them more freedom and they respect him.

My only two complaints with RA are the team’s constant whining – he whines the loudest the other is when they are down in a big game and they start to get behind they seem to always fall apart .

Until someone gives me a better name to replace RA with I don't really want to hear that he should be fired.
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Yeah, fire the coach. After all, look how well it worked for the Cavaliers.

yeah look how well it worked for the Nuggets....they are so bad since they fired Bzdelik :rolleyes: ignorant, if you're going to point out the failures at least acknowledge that there are success stories as well.


Super Moderator Emeritus
BullKing - If you're honestly trying to compare Adelman to Bzdelik, then YOU are the ignorant one.

Give it a rest - and the name calling stops right now.
BullKing said:
yeah look how well it worked for the Nuggets....they are so bad since they fired Bzdelik :rolleyes: ignorant, if you're going to point out the failures at least acknowledge that there are success stories as well.
Let me ask you this:

Is there a better percentage of a new coach coming in being better than the last coach or worse than the less coach?

Worse coach is the answer. Kings managementare not going to take the risk.

Probably the only coaches out there just plain good are Paul Silas and Flip Saunders.Paul Siliasis obviously not as good as Rick. Flip didn''t do anything well this year.

RA is one of the best coaches in the NBA right now.
I am just frustrated at how Adelman thinks sometimes. I can understand why RA benched his starters, but as a coach doesn't he also have to coach to try to win? That is - bring out the ones that are tired with fresh ones? It just doesn't make any sense to me seeing that the players on the court were clearly tired and needed to be subbed out as neccessary; especially if it was getting close and we are expecting any kind of a last minute push. I see he wants to send a message to his starters... great! Give them an extra mile to run or a 100 push ups in practice or something... but to be stubborn in a (semi) must win game 2 of the western conference playoffs is bad coaching to me.
ultraman206 said:
I am just frustrated at how Adelman thinks sometimes. I can understand why RA benched his starters, but as a coach doesn't he also have to coach to try to win? That is - bring out the ones that are tired with fresh ones? It just doesn't make any sense to me seeing that the players on the court were clearly tired and needed to be subbed out as neccessary; especially if it was getting close and we are expecting any kind of a last minute push. I see he wants to send a message to his starters... great! Give them an extra mile to run or a 100 push ups in practice or something... but to be stubborn in a (semi) must win game 2 of the western conference playoffs is bad coaching to me.
Ok, here we go.

Do you want to put the "fresh guys" (the starting line-up) back in the gamewho made you trail by 26 points, or do you want to play the line-up who made you come back and trail by as little as 8, coming back from a 26 pont deficant?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
BullKing said:
yeah look how well it worked for the Nuggets....
Yeah...except of course that its totally inapplicable -- they FIRED the inexperienced guy and basically hired Rick Adelman (long time established winner in the league).

As for turning Rick out...who? There are exactly THREE Kings who have been with the team for more than 2 years (Mike, Peja, Bobby). Hell, most of the team has played for him for less than a year.

We are always looking for the scapegoat but this was utterly predictable as soon as the trades were made to anybody willing to be realistic. Teams rebuilt midyear ALWAYS look like this, and wlways will. And its got nothing at all to do with the coach. Just thank God we did not slip down to play the Spurs -- that was the great fear that we would run into a playoff tough team that would squeeze us until we cracked along with our patched together lineup.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
ultraman206 said:
I am just frustrated at how Adelman thinks sometimes. I can understand why RA benched his starters, but as a coach doesn't he also have to coach to try to win? That is - bring out the ones that are tired with fresh ones? It just doesn't make any sense to me seeing that the players on the court were clearly tired and needed to be subbed out as neccessary; especially if it was getting close and we are expecting any kind of a last minute push. I see he wants to send a message to his starters... great! Give them an extra mile to run or a 100 push ups in practice or something... but to be stubborn in a (semi) must win game 2 of the western conference playoffs is bad coaching to me.
For a long time, Adelman has been criticized for NOT benching his starters when they didn't perform up to expectations. Ironically, some of those same people are calling for his head now because he DID bench the starters.

I can only guess it's something you didn't hear about in Seattle.
Those of you who want to fire Adleman, who would you suggest to take his place (realistically)? I, for one, know of very few coaches who could have had a 50 win season dealing with everything RA has had to undertake this year. I say that we have a great coach and am VERY glad that his contract was extended. Any "failures" this season cannot be blamed on him. No matter the outcome of this series, Adleman's season has been more successful than he will ever be given credit for achieving.
Bricklayer said:
As for turning Rick out...who? There are exactly THREE Kings who have been with the team for more than 2 years (Mike, Peja, Bobby). Hell, most of the team has played for him for less than a year.
Not sure if that was addressing my post but it may have been. I think I addressed that and you said exactly what I did.
VF21 said:
For a long time, Adelman has been criticized for NOT benching his starters when they didn't perform up to expectations. Ironically, some of those same people are calling for his head now because he DID bench the starters.

I can only guess it's something you didn't hear about in Seattle.
Yes, I know adelman is criticize for a lot of things; I lived in Elk Grove from '98 - '02 during our rise and eventual heartaches. Again, I can understand why he benched his starters no questions there but why did he stop coaching is my question. I give the reserves all the credit for getting us "back" in the game. But once you are back in the game don't you want to try to win the game by "coaching". And that is - call time outs, draw plays, SUB out tired players, do your job to try to win the game. Weather or not the players you put in can get it done is out of your control; but do what is nessasary. It seemed to me RA (and everyone else not on the court) had already given up, and it seemed to me he just let the reserves played like it is a scrub game. I still don't see his logic as anything but giving up. Maybe I am hard on RA, but I do feel it starts with him.
Rick Adelman (long time established winner in the regular season).
corrected...... however, Rick has a chance to redeem himself by winning this series, a good playoff, again let me emphasize a good playoff coach will make adjustments...we will see what rick does. I will save my final judgement
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You know guys, this team cannot be very fun to coach right now. You have Cat auditioning for a big contract, Bobby out of synch, Bibby listless, Peja turning into the "Playoff Peja", about 6 undersized power forwards and centers, and a bunch of young guys new to the playoffs. Oh, and Ostertag. Sloan always had a blast coaching that guy.

At a certain level, you're right, Adelman's going through the motions, but so what? They're not winning this series. They might steal a game on the home floor, probably Game 4 to avoid the sweep, but I would be shocked if they picked up these two home games. I know that's pessimistic (sorry), but let's face facts.

And besides all of the above, the playoffs is about the players and player leadership. An NBA coach earns his pay during the regular season by instituting a defensive and offensive scheme and managing egos. Adelman is one of the best ego managers in the business, but has had no time to put in his schemes. If Miller/Bibby/Peja don't feel like performing, there's nothing he can do about that. This isn't the college game, even Peja makes 3-4 times what Adelman gets. Their will to win has to come internally. They don't have it this year, and Bibby is the only one that ever really did.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Venom said:
You know guys, this team cannot be very fun to coach right now. You have Cat auditioning for a big contract, Bobby out of synch, Bibby listless, Peja turning into the "Playoff Peja", about 6 undersized power forwards and centers, and a bunch of young guys new to the playoffs. Oh, and Ostertag. Sloan always had a blast coaching that guy.

At a certain level, you're right, Adelman's going through the motions, but so what? They're not winning this series. They might steal a game on the home floor, probably Game 4 to avoid the sweep, but I would be shocked if they picked up these two home games. I know that's pessimistic (sorry), but let's face facts.

And besides all of the above, the playoffs is about the players and player leadership. An NBA coach earns his pay during the regular season by instituting a defensive and offensive scheme and managing egos. Adelman is one of the best ego managers in the business, but has had no time to put in his schemes. If Miller/Bibby/Peja don't feel like performing, there's nothing he can do about that. This isn't the college game, even Peja makes 3-4 times what Adelman gets. Their will to win has to come internally. They don't have it this year, and Bibby is the only one that ever really did.
I've found my new signature and I can only hope the team proves it wrong tomorrow night.

Great post, Venom...