Sleeping in Seattle


Sleeping in Seattle
By Kevin Brewer
November 15, 2005

Expect Bob Weiss to be the first coach fired this NBA season.
It may not happen this week. It may not happen next week. But the first-year coach will be terminated soon -- and with extreme prejudice. For now, Weiss is still the coach of the Seattle SuperSonics, who just completed one of the worst weeks in NBA history.

The Sonics mailed in a 25-loss to the Memphis Grizzlies, phoned in a 27-point loss to the Cleveland Cavaliers and just plain quit in a 41-point loss to the Washington Wizards on Friday night at MCI Center. Seattle did salvage the week with a victory against the winless Toronto Raptors ... in overtime after blowing an 18-point, fourth-quarter lead.

Of Friday's evisceration, Weiss said, "It was an embarrassment. We have to become accountable. We've got to become more aggressive. We've got to take it personal. We're letting teams manhandle us. We've got to get more physical. We have to get after people. We've got to have more pride. We're just in a funk. We're out there stumbling around. We're not competing. It was just completely unacceptable."

Weiss is sugar-coating it. It wasn't that good.

The Sonics are the Team of the Living Dead. They are just going through the motions. They are nothing more than cones for the opposing team to dribble around.

NBA teams don't quit in November. They quit in January, February and March. They use November as an extended training camp. Instead, the Sonics are using this time to pack their bags and make vacation plans.
Said forward Reggie Evans: "I never experienced this ever in my career. Not just my NBA career but my career overall. It just gets worse. It seems like we can't stop the bleeding. Just constant, constant, constant bleeding. We haven't found a Band-Aid to patch it up yet."

The Sonics don't need a Band-Aid. They need a new attitude or a new coach. Weiss: "We're going to watch this entire tape, and we're going to take responsibility, all of us, to see what we're doing wrong."
No, please. No more. Burn the tape.

The Sonics (2-4) re-signed a number of players from last season's 52-win team, but they didn't re-sign coach Nate McMillan, a disciplinarian who didn't let his teams get away with not competing.

Franchise player Ray Allen, who received a five-year deal worth $80?million: "Mentally, it just got worse. And physically, you're just running up and down the floor, and it seemed like everything just went [the Wizards?] way. Again, I know we'll recover from this."
They better -- for Weiss' sake.

Something sounds vaguely familiar about this.
Seattle is just as suprising to me as Sac- both teams with a load of talent that, by all rights, should be playing good basketball, and both teams have just rolled over. I guess it just doesn't make any news because people never believed in Seattle last year- same deal with Sac- but by the end of this year, I am sure both teams will be in the playoff race, at least somewhere in the picture.
ESPN has blasted both teams a number of times during NBA shows or segments.

I was watching Sonics/Raps Sunday, I thought they were gonna lose that, but held on in OT. Raps down 18 at 10:50 mark in 4th... Mike James/Villanueva/Bosh were great. As was Rashard.


Hall of Famer
captain bill said:
Seattle is just as suprising to me as Sac- both teams with a load of talent that, by all rights, should be playing good basketball, and both teams have just rolled over. I guess it just doesn't make any news because people never believed in Seattle last year- same deal with Sac- but by the end of this year, I am sure both teams will be in the playoff race, at least somewhere in the picture.
Actually to me, the surprise was how good they were last season. They were supposed to be terrible last year, but a whole boat load of contract years can do miracles for a bad team.
Which is why I said people never really believed in them last year anyways. It just really amazes me how the same bunch of players can play phenomenal basketball one year and then just mail it in the next. They are still the same guys in teh same body, shouldn't they at least put out a similar product to last years? No matter what people say about them, they have got a lot of talent. Don't sleep on them.
captain bill said:
Which is why I said people never really believed in them last year anyways. It just really amazes me how the same bunch of players can play phenomenal basketball one year and then just mail it in the next. They are still the same guys in teh same body, shouldn't they at least put out a similar product to last years? No matter what people say about them, they have got a lot of talent. Don't sleep on them.
This Seattle team is a bit different --- no Jerome James.
Ray Allen34 said:
no AD and no Nate is the biggest reasons

we have no 3rd option who can score some big points. It's just the Ray and Shard show.
nate mcmillion is def the biggest reason. he's got the blazers playing hard.
Agreed, Nate is the biggest reason, and then comes AD.

Sonics team has been a 40-46 win team over the years. If a team is winning 46, with some push you can make it a 50 win team easily. Nate learned a lot of stuff in Seattle. He learned the players, he learned what he can/cannot get from management and finally he had his rotation/players set and he disciplined them. He told them what he was expecting from them, what their roles in the team are. And the team worked like a machine. By the way, did you know that AD was also picked by Nate.

Anyhow, with him gone, we are kind of lost now. Weiss was not able to do a good job of squeezing these guys. He still couldn't set his rotations. Players still do not know what they are supposed to do when they are on the court.

This is more of our management's fault rather than Weiss' fault I believe. It was obvious that Nate was making this team better and better and our management had the chance to extend his contract during the season. But they just watched and wathced and watched. And we now lost 3 valuable people from that coaching stuff. And each one is very hard to replace.

Previously, on the topic, whether Seattle and Kings had similar talents or not (it looks like a joke now, we both suck, at least for now :( ) I said that we are depending on Luke's improvement. Unfortunately for us, Luke has not improved as much as expected, especially on the defensive side. Strong PGs that can take the ball to the rack exploit this very easily. This was a problem even last year and AD was able to stop some of the PGs, but now we are totally vulnerable over there. I am nervously waiting what's going to happen when we face Detroit, Sixers, Chicago, Suns, Spurs... and we have seen what happened already against Wizards.

On the other hand, Collison is doing great. I love that guy. And Petro has been better than I expected. I am rooting for him. I hope he can be our long term solution for the C position.
Just a note... Jerome James was pretty bad for the Sonics all of last year if I remember correctly. He just somehow played well during the playoffs. Well at least against us anyways.

The rest of the year his numbers were in the single digits and I don't think he had much of an impact.