Signings by other teams

This one hits a little closer to home -- according to an ESPN poster in Phoenix, the Mercury are going to announce they've made a qualifying offer to DeMya Walker, and the Monarchs have 10 days from Feb 7 to match it. (She's a restricted free agent, which means the Monarchs can match any offers and retain the player's rights.)

Also, there are various rumors that Tully Bevilaqua is going to San Antonio or Indiana (from Austrailian news paper reports).

Thanks for the heads-up Hoopmatron. I have a question...

Say, hypothetically, Phoenix offers her $60K. Can another team (other than the Monarchs) up that offer in the 10-day interim or do you wait until the 10 day period is over? And once the 10 days are over, if the Monarchs match the $60K, can another team then come in and offer more and then the Monarchs have another 10 days to match that? I understand the RFA concept, but I'm not clear on the details.

I'm not surprised by Tully. Seattle is a little top-heavy salary-wise, and I think she may have been injured in the off-season.

I was in the wnba forum on this morning, and someone posted something saying this,
"The team has made their offer to Demya, she's agreeded to it, and signed it, now Sac has till the 17th to match it."
DWalkfan22 said:
what is an offer sheet?
DWalk, according to the CBA, an offer sheet is an "unsigned Player Contract that the New Team has offered to the player and that the player desires to accept.' (emphasis added)

Looks like it means Phoenix offered DeMya a contract she wants to accept. Because she is a "restricted" free agent, now it's up to the Monarchs to match Phoenix's offer or let her go.

This does answer one question, it looks like the player has to want to accept the offer, it can't be forced on her.
So now the question is -- will the Monarchs match the offer? I think the answer partially depends on what is going on with Tangela. If they have the potential to lose both Tangela and DeMya, I think they would try to keep one of them, and DeMya, being the restricted free agent, is the one they can lock up.

Also, there's some clause in the CBA regarding not being able to trade players for some period of time after they sign a contract. I've wondered about how this affects the core-designated players. Anyone got any guesses?

HoopMatron, I can't believe they would core Ticha if they didn't have Tan locked up, would they? Also, I'm not sure I understand Whiz's quote in today's paper: "DeMya had several opportunities to sign for a lot of money," he said. "I'm going to keep Phoenix tied up as long as I can. They're after a couple of different players that we are. I have until Feb. 17 to match or not, and I'm waiting until then."

Why would she pass up higher offer from other teams, but sign for a lower offer with Phoenix? Am I missing something? And what is Whiz saying? Is he just letting Phoenix hang until the last minute or is something else going on? And what's the typo - "that we are" doesn't make sense. Maybe my coffee just hasn't kicked in this morning yet.

Here's the full story:
Still JD said:
HoopMatron, I can't believe they would core Ticha if they didn't have Tan locked up, would they? Also, I'm not sure I understand Whiz's quote in today's paper: "DeMya had several opportunities to sign for a lot of money," he said. "I'm going to keep Phoenix tied up as long as I can. They're after a couple of different players that we are. I have until Feb. 17 to match or not, and I'm waiting until then."

Why would she pass up higher offer from other teams, but sign for a lower offer with Phoenix? Am I missing something? And what is Whiz saying? Is he just letting Phoenix hang until the last minute or is something else going on? And what's the typo - "that we are" doesn't make sense. Maybe my coffee just hasn't kicked in this morning yet.

Here's the full story:
The way I read that article, Whiz has every intention of matching the offer on DeMya, but is going to make Phoenix have that salary tied up until the last minute in order to optimize his chance at some other restricted free agent. The question is -- who might that be? Sheri Sam? Svetlana Abrosimova? Someone entirely different?

I think Ticha got cored because he didn't want Houston to get her without giving him something in return. Houston was prepared (or so it is rumored) to offer Ticha the max to play there. Whiz had to figure he could retain either Tangela or DeMya if he cored Ticha, so he was willing to let Tangela move on if she wants to.

Sounds like we're going to be hearing more intrigue in the coming week.
