Good riddance to Kidd. He was a cancer. Never traveled with the team, took days off to play with the Nets, used the visitor's locker room if at all, the list just goes on and on... We're better off without him! In fact, it feels like he was never here.
kidd had his best years as a king..... just look at him now, im glad we traded him when we did..... he was no mateen cleaves or damon jones i'll tell you that much.....
You guys ever wandered how during all that time Kidd was with the Kings you never, ever saw Kidd and Jackie Christie in the same room at the same time? There's something there, I tell ya'.
Obviously, my info about the name is wrong, but can anyone explain the concept anyway. The names don't matter, the question does. Traded, let go, regardless of the circumstance, can someone please answer the question - intelligently!