R.I.P. My Beloved PJ

My cat PJ was having difficulty all night, with very frequent unproductive trips to the litter box. He couldn't settle down, and was crying a lot. This morning, I had my husband take him to the vet, and was told he has a major blockage of his urinary tract. I don't have the financial means to treat this, nor is there any guarantee he would recover, so we did what must be done.

PJ has gone to the Rainbows Bridge - there he will wait for us until we meet him again.

awwww. I'm sorry to hear about your cat. Just reading your post and the poem made me think about my cat who I had put down a month ago. She had nerve damage in her left hind leg and couldn't walk. It hurt so much to let her go so I know how you feel.
*tear* and a *hug*

i hate it when pets die. this summer my fat cat just disappeared. he just stopped coming to eat, and we never saw him again. i bet your kitty is playing with my fat cat scotia in rainbow bridge

oh gawd, now i am crying...


Hall of Famer
I am so sorry Arwen! Loosing a pet is awfull. My 14 yesr old cat Ziggy is sick right now her self. so I was espcialy moved to hear of your loss.
I thank you all for your words of kindness and solace. You've all been supportive.

Gargy, yes I plan to adopt again, but I'm going to wait a month or two until the weather is warmer, so I can isolate the kittens (yes, it will be two) on my screened porch for a while. I still have Esmeralda, but she's 6, and does not tolerate new kittens (as I learned last year), so I have to be careful going about this. Hopefully a pair of siblings will turn to each other for play, and leave Esmers alone. I'll let everyone know when I find them - we may try to contact the woman who brought me PJ and see if she has more kittens in need of a home.

Thanks again everyone - you folks truly are my cyber-family.