Quick Question?

Suppose Allan Houston do get released for The Knicks and sign with another team. Do that team would also have to pay him to? I know The Knicks would have to still pay him but would the other team have do the samething.
Yes, the other team would have to sign him to a regular contract. Some or all of that money would go to New York, and Houston would get to keep the rest in addition to the money he gets from his original contract with New York.
uolj said:
Yes, the other team would have to sign him to a regular contract. Some or all of that money would go to New York, and Houston would get to keep the rest in addition to the money he gets from his original contract with New York.
Okay .
it was my understanding that the player would get to "double dip" - recieve all of the $$ from his old contract and get paid with his new contract as well. Why would some of his new contract money go to New York?
I think they changed that in the final draft of the CBA. Here's Marc Stein's FAQ on that question:


Q: Is there a reduction in a team's financial obligation to an amnesty player once he signs a new contract with another team? Or can a player double-dip?

A: The union fought to make double-dipping permissable, but the league held firm and won the right in the end to apply the usual set-off provision for players released with money owed to any amnesty player's new contract. That means a percentage of the player's new salary will go back to the team that released him.