Petrie to hold press conference tomorrow


Super Moderator Emeritus
I've been told that KHTK has announced Geoff Petrie is holding a press conference at noon tomorrow.

I can only think of 5 possible reasons:

1. Adelman is resigning.
2. Adelman is being fired.
3. Petrie is resigning.
4. The team is moving.
5. The team has been sold.

I don't think Petrie would announce either 4 or 5, so that leaves 1, 2 and 3. I think Adelman would announce #1 himself and I think the Maloofs would announce #2. Therefore, I'm guessing the announcement will be that Geoff Petrie is resigning - and if so, I predict he'll use the old "health reasons" excuse.

God, I have never wanted to be wrong so much in my life. but my gut is telling me it couldn't be anything else.
Whatever happened to the good ol' days when we all spent TDOS complaining about the lack of news/rumors from the boring Kings' camp?

I'm usually seen as a bit of a blind optimist, but a press conference on the 16th of June seems... odd.
I do not think that I could handle Petrie resigning. I'm trying to hold on to the hope that he knows what he is doing and has a good plan for our future. Without him, I see the lottery looming for us. What makes you think he is resigning? I had not heard anything like that! PLEASE BE WRONG!!


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Because of the health problems and the Maloofs? I guess it doesn't seem that implausible, but I'd rather not believe the sky is falling. I surely hope that is not the case.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Um...well that seems a bit extreme. Always possible I suspose, but when is that GM/owner meeting susposed to occur in Vegas?


1) can you announce the signing of a player to an extension before the free agency player (i.e. Peja?)
2) can you announce trades before the Finals are over?
3) could Yoda finally be hanging them up and heading back East? Good personal friend of Geoff's, might be worth the conference.
4) could Rick have decided to resign? Again, good personal friend of Geoff's, and suspect Geoff would want to send him off with all appropriate fanfare.
Maybe it is just a "State of the Union Address." I can hope, right?

1. I think you can sign a player to an extension before the FA period.
2. I do not think you can announce trades.
3. I like Coachie. I want him to stay.
4. I hope Adleman does not quit, but at this point, anything is possible.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bricklayer said:
Um...well that seems a bit extreme. Always possible I suspose, but when is that GM/owner meeting susposed to occur in Vegas?


1) can you announce the signing of a player to an extension before the free agency player (i.e. Peja?)
2) can you announce trades before the Finals are over?
3) could Yoda finally be hanging them up and heading back East? Good personal friend of Geoff's, might be worth the conference.
4) could Rick have decided to resign? Again, good personal friend of Geoff's, and suspect Geoff would want to send him off with all appropriate fanfare.
1. I don't think so.
2. No.
3. Why announce it on June 16?
4. I think Adelman would be the one calling the press conference, not Geoff.

But, bottom line, my strongest hunch is that we're losing either Adelman or Petrie. And if it's Adelman, SHAME on the Maloofs. BIG SHAME!!!!

Here are some words they might want to look up in their dictionary of successful business management: Integrity, Loyalty, Honor, Commitment, Honesty.

I'm sorry in advance to those who think I'm over-reacting. I am totally and completely fed up with the drama that has surrounded this team recently. There's a aura of slime hanging of Arco Arena right now, IMHO.

My really pessimistic self is saying we're losing Adelman and, of course, the Maloofs - or at least Joe - is out of the country when the **** hits the fan.

chelle said:
Maybe it is just a "State of the Union Address." I can hope, right?

1. I think you can sign a player to an extension before the FA period.
2. I do not think you can announce trades.
3. I like Coachie. I want him to stay.
4. I hope Adleman does not quit, but at this point, anything is possible.
Didn't anyone watch news10 yesterday after the game? the Details was that it is only a state of a union address,like chelle said, which will explain on offseason plans such as FAs Darius and cuttino.


Super Moderator Emeritus
stevetaebo said:
Didn't anyone watch news10 yesterday after the game? the Details was that it is only a state of a union address,like chelle said, which will explain on offseason plans such as FAs Darius and cuttino.
I certainly hope you're right but it makes virtually no sense to hold a press conference about nothing. They can't talk to free agents right now, so if Darius and Cuttino's opting-out is going to be announced, why the heck call a press conference?

If that's the case, however, I will be greatly relieved...for now.


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Staff member
6. The Trailblazers have asked for permission to talk to Rick?

7. The Kings are officially exercising their option on Bobby Jackson? A very minor procedure and not worth a press conference, but it would give him a chance to address Rick's situation after the Phil talk as well as answer other questions.

I don't think it could possibly be 4 or 5. A relocation requires getting a vote from the owners which is very public, plus there are quite a few steps before that which usually make the news. Also, there is generally one last, "build us an arena or we're moving" showdown before relocation talk starts up in earnest. The sale of a team is also a very involved process and news that it is available generally becomes public WAY before an actual offer is made, let alone a sale.

It had BETTER not be 3. Of course, Petrie's comments not too long ago lead me to believe that it isn't. He seemed pretty sure that the Kings were going to be his last job and I don't think he's ready to hang 'em up for good. At least I hope not.

VF, you are dangerously close to unleashing the ultra pessimist in me. :eek:


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
stevetaebo said:
Didn't anyone watch news10 yesterday after the game? the Details was that it is only a state of a union address,like chelle said, which will explain on offseason plans such as FAs Darius and cuttino.
Local news mentioned it after the Finals game yesterday? Well that would be a relief (probably) -- just surprised nobody on here had caught that and raised it until just now.
Bricklayer said:
Local news mentioned it after the Finals game yesterday? Well that would be a relief (probably) -- just surprised nobody on here had caught that and raised it until just now.
yah it was on kxtv 10, just watch it tonight at 11:20 when they do the sports. they'll probablymention about it again.
Whew! I was starting to get stressed and was about to give up on sleep tonight. Obsessive, I know. Good thing I am not teaching summer school this year! I am still nervous, like VF said, too much drama around the team lately. Hopefully there will not be any big news, but nothing will shock me - at least I hope so!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
stevetaebo said:
yah it was on kxtv 10, just watch it tonight at 11:20 when they do the sports. they'll probablymention about it again.
Not sure the signal from kxtv 10 is QUITE powerful enough for me to catch it, but suspose it can't hurt to try. ;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
I watched News10 and I didn't see it. But I might have been in the little moderator's room at the time.

Funky - You've known me quite a while. Do you know how much it has taken to push me to this point? I'm finding it very difficult to have any faith in the ownership of my beloved Kings right now. I haven't felt this way ever before - not even when Thomas was being such a ... well, you know.

I pray I'm over-reacting. I would love to post a mea cupla...and would do so hourly if needed. I'm just fearful because it seems the only news out of the Kings camp in a long time has been negative.

Okay, here goes...the official VF21 desperation prayer:

Please, gods of basketball. Hear me, spirit of Dr. Naismith. Allow my fears to dissolve, unfounded, into the air. Let it be GOOD news or at least nothing drastic that is divulged by the Great Petrie tomorrow...

So let it be written. So let it be done. In Reggie's name AND in the name of the Divac, and in honor of the 50 Great Ones, please...hear my plea.

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Super Moderator Emeritus
kingsfan52miller said:
I meant the press conference
No way of knowing for sure, but if it's a press conference I'm pretty sure the local news stations that carry noon news will have it. A quick check of my onscreen listing shows that Ch. 3's noon news is pre-empted for golf, so only Ch. 13 has news at noon...


i think he is going to tell everyone that phil jackson is the new coach of the lakers.... just in case anyone missed it....
VF21 said:
No way of knowing for sure, but if it's a press conference I'm pretty sure the local news stations that carry noon news will have it. A quick check of my onscreen listing shows that Ch. 3's noon news is pre-empted for golf, so only Ch. 13 has news at noon...
I wouldn't think it'd be televised. I'd Just stick with KHTK at 12
VF21 said:
Okay, here goes...the official VF21 desperation prayer:

Please, gods of basketball. Here me, spirit of Dr. Naismith. Allow my fears to dissolve, unfounded, into the air. Let it be GOOD news or at least nothing drastic that is divulged by the Great Petrie tomorrow...

So let it be written. So let it be done. In Reggie's name, and in honor of the 50 Great Ones, please...hear my plea.


Seriously VF, I get how you're feeling. I think many of us are right there with you. I had STRONG faith in the Maloofs and Kings organization in general. Lately, that belief has waned. I really hope they prove me wrong. It is not about the team per say, but in how things have been handled that has given me a bad taste. I think we are all trying to find something to grasp on to, its just getting harder to find. I'll be the first to admit when you said there was a press conference, I assumed the worst. I'll not be convinced that I was wrong in that assumption until the end of the press conference. I guess that means my trust in them is gone. Hopefully, it can be restored. We shall see!


Super Moderator Emeritus
AriesMar27 - Real funny...not.

I just checked the Kings official website, and - as usual - it doesn't have anything up-to-date on it. I'm watching the whole News10 telecast, so if I see ANYTHING, I'll let you all know.
Bricklayer said:
Local news mentioned it after the Finals game yesterday? Well that would be a relief (probably) -- just surprised nobody on here had caught that and raised it until just now.
I thought It'd hit everyone on KF by now... lol It was on Fox 40 also. Just talks of their upcoming plans w/ Mobley and Songaila and I believe they were going to talk about the jerseys.. or maybe that was something else. that I remember, I'm not so worried after all.


Super Moderator Emeritus
chelle said:

Seriously VF, I get how you're feeling. I think many of us are right there with you. I had STRONG faith in the Maloofs and Kings organization in general. Lately, that belief has waned. I really hope they prove me wrong. It is not about the team per say, but in how things have been handled that has given me a bad taste. I think we are all trying to find something to grasp on to, its just getting harder to find. I'll be the first to admit when you said there was a press conference, I assumed the worst. I'll not be convinced that I was wrong in that assumption until the end of the press conference. I guess that means my trust in them is gone. Hopefully, it can be restored. We shall see!
You weren't the first. When Kingsgurl called me, she and I commiserated because both of us couldn't come up with anything good that could possibly be on the agenda. That's pretty sad. She and I are probably two of the most rabid Kings fans on the face of the earth. We literally live for this team. (Okay, it's sick - but that's a topic for another day.) We have watched with increasing heartache as our marvelous team with the great chemistry and the supportive owners and the happy fans has become ... a travesty.

This just reinforces my strong belief that the Maloof had better start doing something REAL SOON to recapture the faith of the rabid fans because if they let this go on and there ends up being a lockout, the Maloofs might be in for a rude shock when the lockout finally ends...

People can only take so much frustration and chaos before they simply choose to remove themselves - if only for a while - from the source of the irritation.

Again, I'm watching News10 right now, so if there's ANY mention of the Kings, Petrie, basketball, etc. I'll try to get down every single word.


Super Moderator Emeritus
The Freak said:
I thought It'd hit everyone on KF by now... lol It was on Fox 40 also. Just talks of their upcoming plans w/ Mobley and Songaila and I believe they were going to talk about the jerseys.. or maybe that was something else. that I remember, I'm not so worried after all.
I'm still worried, but I may put down the rusty razor least for now.
