Peja's Effect on the Kings

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Hall of Famer
OHSacFan said:
How can you blame this loss on any one person? Bibby can not shoot lights out every night to insure a win. Bibby was off, as was Peja, and no I am not bias to my nephew Kevin. He also played a poor game. The bench was non existant. Had it not been for Miller we lose this one by 50.:confused:
Kev had a bad game because of Peja. I am bias and he is not my nephew but that would be cool. Kevin don't need this a**clown dragging him down. Trade Peja and Corlis for any other nephew you might have i don't care who.
Entity said:
Kev had a bad game because of Peja. I am bias and he is not my nephew but that would be cool. Kevin don't need this a**clown dragging him down. Trade Peja and Corlis for any other nephew you might have i don't care who.
Please read VF21's comment on keeping this thread alive. I think your statements are over the limits that were set. No need to resort to name calling. If anyone, the coach should recognize what you are saying/thinking and act appropriately.
Entity said:
Kev had a bad game because of Peja. I am bias and he is not my nephew but that would be cool. Kevin don't need this a**clown dragging him down. Trade Peja and Corlis for any other nephew you might have i don't care who.

i 110 percent agree!!!!!!!!peja makes every 1 else on the team play bad!!!!and so does big nasty we just aint the style that big nasty brings to the team and peja just messes our team up!!we huslte more when hes not there it seems like when pejas playing he doesnt try 100 percent!!get rid of him!!


Hall of Famer
Hell i have backed Adelman up until now how can you not see this guy dragging your team down its stupid and then to come back to Corlis and Hart not once but twice its crazy. Adleman just might be and a**clown too.


Hall of Famer
In all seriousness. Peja in noway fits this team any more as Kings4life stated Corlis is in the same boat. Hart fits the team he just sucks so not much can be done there.
Ryle said:
Yet we can have an "any questions" thread if a player has a good game???

I'm not trying to be an *** but I think it's becoming pretty obvious that Peja has become a problem for this team.

By the way....anyone watching this Penn State/FS game??? Can someone make a GD field goal??????? This guy for Penn State is killing me
LOL!!! me and my roommate were watching it, he finally made it. It got to the point where we were just shouting when he finally made it- i couldn't even watch anymore because i felt bad for both of them- and i'm not even a fan of either team.
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