Pain and Misery tie-breaker (SLAB v. NoBonus)

Which mini-island would you LEAST like to be stuck on?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Super Moderator Emeritus
SLAB was on again last night and apparently didn't have time to address this issue. So, here's the deal...

Rather than continue to draw this out I've used the randomizer to pick 5 numbers out of 15. The picks that match those corresponding numbers are going to constitute a mini-island for both NoBonus and SLAB.

I'll start the tie-breaker thread and people will have 24 hours to vote. If there's still a tie, I'll flip a virtual coin...or something.

SLAB's mini-isle

4. Millions and millions of bullet ants
12. Carrot Top
1. Kobe Bryant
7. Richard Simmons
9. Constant horrible case of sunburn

Nobonus- mini-isle

4. Unlimited amount of meth available for all Island inhabitants
12. A billion scutigera coleoptrata, aka house centipedes
1. Entire island coated in hot ashphalt
7. Island floating in a lake of hot lava
9. Pink cotton candy


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Tough call, I started scoring each pick against each other, that was a virtual tie for me, so ultimately it ends up being that I can probably put up with the cotton candy more than anything else that shifted my vote over to Slab.
I voted NoBonus because I'd rather spend eternity with 3 people (even annoying people) and a sunburn than Hot asphalt, Lava and melting cotton candy.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I kind of had a massochistic attraction to hot asphalt as a kid. Same with near scalding hot showers, which I still enjoy. Though I'm trying to avoid those now since I understand they can raise your blood pressure.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I had to go with NoBonus. The idea of tweakers running around eating cotton candy, burning themselves on the hot asphalt but not knowing it until the centipedes ate off their toes stayed with me all day.