One good reason to cheer for these Kings

I was just thinking about the fans in Charlotte, how they got down on that team and now the team has moved on and when people think about it they just blame the fans for not supporting the team. Nobody wants to think that could be us in a few years but if YOU owned the team and the fans sent you hatemail...and you had a chance to move your team to a bigger hungrier market...well you do the math. All the signs are there.

I hate when they lose but there's a lot to like about this team so I'm still wearing the hat. Just about every top team in the league is there because they _sucked_ for a few years and made a nice draft pick.

I can't tell anyone to cheer at a loss or anything, do what you gotta do I guess. But try not to boo them out of town right before GP gets some lottery picks to work with, please. Having our Kings jerseys be worth more on ebay is not worth it.

And I'm talking mainly to YOU, Sacramento Bee. That's right, don't try to look innocent. Instigator! :D
its not "getting down on a team" or not supporting them. its about effort. the fans dont expect this version of the kings to win all the games, win the championship, etc. i expect this version, all version, of the kings, to come out every game with a passion to play, and a passion to win. thats all its about. you play the cards youre dealt: we have our issues, like most other teams. we dont have a very good bench, our team is injury plagued (how can you have a kings team without injuries?). how do they play through that? THATS what i get down on our team for: looking directionless, and unenthusiastic. its not if you hit the shot or miss, its how you get there. the kings at times dont look like they know how to get to the shots they need.
I'm a little confused. What are we supposed to be discussing here?
The importance of mindlessly supporting your local team even when they're a little stinky? Small-market NBA cities are like ugly guys with hot wives. He better love her right and tell her she needs a bath in a nice way, because she has options and there are richer better-looking cities out there who want her. Its cold but thats life, she'll think about it if you give her reason to.

Don't mind me, I'm just a brainwashed fan who loves wearing the Douby jersey and won't complain much if the draft pick doesn't pan out. I don't say anything about the wife's choice of shoes either, or even ask why she needs so many shoes. Sometimes you can go too far down that road and find out your other options really suck a lot worse.


Super Moderator Emeritus
rumpled said:
The importance of mindlessly supporting your local team even when they're a little stinky?
Oh, okay... no problem!

I was a fan back in the really stinky days. I know exactly what you're talking about.




Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Small-market NBA cities are like ugly guys with hot wives. He better love her right and tell her she needs a bath in a nice way, because she has options and there are richer better-looking cities out there who want her.

Don't become Philadelphia, it's unbecoming of the west coast. That's one of the things I hate about my move east - they boo everything here.

Cheer on the hustle, cheer on the effort. Are the tickets priced too high? Yeah, but don't boo the team for it. Some people/organizations need a reality check. Is this roster capable of competing at the level reached by previous years? Magic 8 ball says no. To expect things to change overnight would be laughable. The team is what it is, and until it ain't, well, enjoy the fact that Sacramento has a team.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I was just thinking about the fans in Charlotte, how they got down on that team and now the team has moved on and when people think about it they just blame the fans for not supporting the team.
Most everyone blames greedy ownership for that one, the minute they left the city was immediately awarded a new expansion team. That entire situation was ridiculous.

Don't become Philadelphia, it's unbecoming of the west coast. That's one of the things I hate about my move east - they boo everything here.

Yeah exactly! Its like ever since we got good and then worse again, people act like this is Philly or Boston or something, even the newspapers do it. Maybe we look at those big-city newspapers and pouting fans and want to be just like them, I dunno.

This is Sacramento though and we have to try a little harder to keep a team. It can't really happen to a Philly or a Boston but in today's league where its becoming more common for owners to do the "...a difficult business decision has been reached..." thing. Like someone pointed out my Charlotte example was bad because thats a good market and they got a new team right away. This is a pretty good (fair? decent?) NBA market too but if things go sour we might not be so lucky.

I'm going to go write the Maloofs some fan mail now, and then I'm going to tell my wife how great that new five pounds looks on her. Gotta go!

EDIT: Dang I mixed them up and sent the wrong emails! :) I need to buy a Douby jersey.
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The importance of mindlessly supporting your local team even when they're a little stinky? Small-market NBA cities are like ugly guys with hot wives. He better love her right and tell her she needs a bath in a nice way, because she has options and there are richer better-looking cities out there who want her. Its cold but thats life, she'll think about it if you give her reason to.
Dude that is frikin HILARIOUS! Very true and very funny. I also come from a one horse city where we will never have a hope of getting a team, ever! Sometimes I wish the Maloofs would read this board and tell most of these people and you know who you are, "its my job to complain", "my kings", "I spend my hard earned money on tickets", "trade him", "giving grades", it is down right funny. Trust me they can go to any city put in a top notch facility and sell tickets like they are going out of style! Then the Maloofs can sit back and say remember those unapreciative never satisfified fans that thought they could whine about this, that and the other, I wonder who they are watching these days? Although I did buy a ticket the other day to watch the Kings play here in Phoenix the other day and contrary to popular belief I didn't become an expert as the result of my purchase.:confused: "Ugly dude with a hot wife" perfect, just perfect pay attention Sac Town.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Dude that is frikin HILARIOUS! Very true and very funny. I also come from a one horse city where we will never have a hope of getting a team, ever! Sometimes I wish the Maloofs would read this board and tell most of these people and you know who you are, "its my job to complain", "my kings", "I spend my hard earned money on tickets", "trade him", "giving grades", it is down right funny. Trust me they can go to any city put in a top notch facility and sell tickets like they are going out of style! Then the Maloofs can sit back and say remember those unapreciative never satisfified fans that thought they could whine about this, that and the other, I wonder who they are watching these days? Although I did buy a ticket the other day to watch the Kings play here in Phoenix the other day and contrary to popular belief I didn't become an expert as the result of my purchase.:confused: "Ugly dude with a hot wife" perfect, just perfect pay attention Sac Town.
The Maloofs are aware of this - and other - message boards. I KNOW they appreciate the passion of the fans and I'm pretty sure they don't mind the complaints, etc. It's the fact people care enough to continue to post their hopes, dreams, frustrations, joys, etc. that make the Sacramento fans so special.

Fans can be critical; they earn the right when they support the team emotionally and financially.

Unappreciative, never satisfied fans? Au contraire. Just because we're tough on your favorite player, doesn't mean we don't appreciate true effort.
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The Maloofs are aware of this - and other - message boards. I KNOW they appreciate the passion of the fans and I'm pretty sure they don't mind the complaints, etc. It's the fact people care enough to continue to post their hopes, dreams, frustrations, joys, etc. that make the Sacramento fans so special.

Fans can be critical; they earn the right when they support the team emotionally and financially.

Unappreciative, never satisfied fans? Au contraire. Just because we're tough on your favorite player, doesn't mean we don't appreciate true effort.
Yes I'm sure they appreciate your complaints it shows your passion yea thats it. I heard somthing similar the other day "I don't mind when my husband slaps me around it shows me he cares he wouldn't hit me if he didn't love me". yea thats it, they appreciate it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Yes I'm sure they appreciate your complaints it shows your passion yea thats it. I heard somthing similar the other day "I don't mind when my husband slaps me around it shows me he cares he wouldn't hit me if he didn't love me". yea thats it, they appreciate it.
That's just silly.

So fans aren't supposed to complain or voice their concerns? We're all just supposed to think "happy, happy, joy, joy" thoughts? Hey, if that's the kind of fan you want to be, feel free to do so. But you might want to consider never coming to a message board again, unless you can find one where only happy thoughts are allowed.

It has nothing to do with spousal abuse, BTW, and your comparison is disgusting.


Hall of Famer
That's just silly.

So fans aren't supposed to complain or voice their concerns? We're all just supposed to think "happy, happy, joy, joy" thoughts? Hey, if that's the kind of fan you want to be, feel free to do so. But you might want to consider never coming to a message board again, unless you can find one where only happy thoughts are allowed.

It has nothing to do with spousal abuse, BTW, and your comparison is disgusting.

I am never signing up for that
That's just silly.

So fans aren't supposed to complain or voice their concerns? We're all just supposed to think "happy, happy, joy, joy" thoughts? Hey, if that's the kind of fan you want to be, feel free to do so. But you might want to consider never coming to a message board again, unless you can find one where only happy thoughts are allowed.

It has nothing to do with spousal abuse, BTW, and your comparison is disgusting.
Just mix in a positive coment every now and then. Want to try a little experiment? I'll help you, track the activity on this board after a win then compare it to the activity after a loss.

BTW I support and defend my favorite player but I challange you to find a post where I have bashed another player or been derogitory to any other player to further my agenda? Its called being a fan in which I don't need be negative anyone else on the team give it a try. Support the team which means everyone wearing Kings gear.

I'm done with this conversation before I get blocked for voicing my opposing opinion.
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Hall of Famer
Oh, I'm sorry, piksi. Under the "Pqster" rules of posting on a message board, you're pretty much restricted to just your signature.


I am so screwed:eek:

Can I at least chear for Lakers to lose. If that happenes I can be really enthusiastic and happy and cheerfull. Please !


Super Moderator Emeritus
Just mix in a positive coment every now and then. Want to try a little experiment? I'll help you, track the activity on this board after a win then compare it to the activity after a loss.

BTW I support and defend my favorite player but I challange you to find a post where I have bashed another player or been derogitory to any other play to further my agenda? Its called being a fan in which I don't need be negative anyone else on the team give it a try. Support the team which means everyone wearing Kings gear.
You obviously don't really understand message boards, which is fine. No requirement that you do. It would be nice, however, if you quit acting as though you're up in some tower somewhere, looking down on the rest of us. We're here because we're passionate about the Kings. Have been for years. And that passion includes anger, joy, frustration, sorrow, etc. The whole gamut of emotions is part and parcel of being a fan...

At this point, there's very little reason to continue this exchange. I do strongly recommend that if you can't stand the heat, you get out of the kitchen...for your own peace of mind. And no, that's no kind of threat or anything else. It's just a piece of free advice.