Disturbing New Reality Show
If you thought that American reality TV was tasteless, then wait till you hear about the new British reality show called "Missing Children & Deceased Parents".
This show is more of a hidden camera show with a very disturbing premise. The show's producer, Harold Milarny is under a lot of heat for this show, but he's standing behind the project and will sue anyone who gets in his way.
How disturbing can this show be? The goal of the show is to trick unsuspecting parents that their children have been abducted or killed, or to trick children into believing that their parents died in a horrible accident.
The show's host, Kenneth Garey, told a British paper, "I'll be dressed up as a police officer and walk into a child's classroom and tell them that their mother and father have been killed in a horrible car accident, and that they need to come to the morgue to identify their dead bodies. I know it sounds slightly cruel, but the real life emotions are so intense that it takes the viewer to a whole new level of dramatic climax. Besides, as soon as the kids are brought to the morgue their parents will be waiting for them with big smiles on their faces. Think of how relieved the children will be when they find out that their parents aren't really dead. It'll be like a big katty-miltry has been taken off their shoulder. It really is magical."
In one episode, a child opens his freezer door to find a fake decapitated head of his father:
After seeing the head the child fainted and fractured his skull.
The show also fools parents into believing that their kids have been either kidnapped, or are dead after being hit by two cars while riding their bike. The show's producer, Harold Milarny, is actually suing one parent for breaking one of his hidden cameras. He explained, "So after we told this one father that he was on a hidden camera show and that his kid didn't really get run over by a Toyota Camry he went right after the the host and broke one of the cameras that we had hidden next to him in a bush. You'd think people would be happy when they learned that their kids weren't actually dead. If you really think about it, we're giving these parents a second chance with their kids. We're doing a good thing here, not a bad thing. Why can't people see this? We're no different than the show SURVIVOR"
How do they find their victims? Friends and family members set up the "practical jokes" with the show's producers. Sometimes a parent will set up the "joke" on their own child. At the end of the season the audience will vote on which "joke" was the most entertaining and the winner will receive $2,000 and a paid vacation to Boca Raton, Florida.