Official Gmail Thread!

I wouldn't mind an invite, and I'd pass on those I get to KF members, but it ain't that big of a deal so please put me at the bottom of any list. I only want one if you have nobody else to give it to. Thanks!
QueensFan said:
It's all in who you know:)
Let's see vj9999 has been asking the longest, and Rockmeister has sent me a bunch of PMs, so they are next. I encourage them to pass on their invites to the members of this board when they get some!
And if you're still waiting, don't worry, I'll have more invites soon:)
Hey, I only sent you ONE PM! :) Thank you QF. When I receive some invites, I'll definitely pass them to anyone.

Make sure you post here if you do receive an invite.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Prophetess said:
I'm in! Thanks.

So when I get my invitations, whose left that needs one?
In going back through the thread, it looks like MadD, Parni, Bibby_Is_Clutch, uolj, Evilmav2, and JSin are still on the list to receive one.

Dang! I am still waiting for my first invite to send out. I wonder why they haven't given me one yet? Well, if they ever do, I'll contact someone on the list right away.
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As far as I know, it's very random as to who and when invites are distributed. I should be able to cross everyone's name off the list by tomorrow, so if you haven't gotten your invite yet, it'll probably be on the way! (I HOPE!:))
If any of y'all wanted to pass along an invite to a poor, lowly Mavs fan (me), I would greatly appreciate it. I would also be more than happy to extend the same courtesy to any other needful member of this fine site...


Homer Fan Since 1985
Evilmav2 said:
If any of y'all wanted to pass along an invite to a poor, lowly Mavs fan (me), I would greatly appreciate it. I would also be more than happy to extend the same courtesy to any other needful member of this fine site...
We got you covered, Evilmav2. You have been added to the list. :)
Wow. You guys are sweet. If any of you can get me an invite, it would be great. Thanks.

If I do get in, I'll be happy to pass on invites for other KF members. ;)

Edit: I got an invite from another source.
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Homer Fan Since 1985
Okay, JSin.

Here is the latest list. Please post here if some passes on an invite so you can be removed from the waiting list.

It looks like MadD, Parni, Bibby_Is_Clutch, uolj, Evilmav2, and JSin are still on the list to receive one.
Alright all, I have been blessed to have 12 gmail invites.

yup thats right 12!!!!!

so if anyone wants one put your email address down in this thread and then I will email it to you.

I will try to see if the email addy of these people are in their profiles. If so I will send one right now.
MadD, Parni, Bibby_Is_Clutch, uolj, Evilmav2, and JSin

By the end of about a week everyone on kingsfans that wants a gmail invite will have one, if everyone pitches in.

O and invites are given at random, just to let you know, but in your account there will either be a bar near the top that says you have 6 invites or a box on the left bottom side that says it.

Psot your email below


Homer Fan Since 1985
Okay, since there seems to have been many invites made available by QueensFan and $$KingsEDH$$, please post here if you still do not have an invite to GMail and you would like to try it out.


Homer Fan Since 1985
$$KingsEDH$$ said:
guys ist seems like all of you didnt want your email shown in your profile.

So if you want one PLEASE post your email.
Parni and uolj, if you don't want to post your email then PM it to $$KingsEDH$$.