Odds and ends while watching Mavs maul the Spurs in game 2...

I decided to break away from game 2 of the Spurs game to catch up with my new buddies here at the Kings post.

I was stunned when I read about Adelman.

I don't know who is out there. Some Spurs fans speculated if Spurs Assistant PJ Carlisemo may be a contender. (Others have stated they would love it if RA came to San Antonio as an assistant like PJ did).

Just who is out there?

As for the current Series, Dallas tied us up 1-1. Spurs look tired and beaten up. Dallas had a field day with the Grizz while we met with a great Sacramento Kings team. Hardly seems fair considering SA had the best record in the West. Kinda wished we would have dropped a few more games so the roles would have been reversed.