Nets @ Kings Game Thread

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It usually goes away. They didn't put the Knick/King game on in Sac till about 5 min left in the 1st quarter.

There was an NHL game being played prior to it.

This is beyond annoying.
Thing is, there's no hockey game tonight. YES is doing perfectly fine here in NJ so there should be no reason why it should be blacked out on LP --unless you live in NJ or in Sac (?)
No hockey game eh? Well it should be coming in since I live in SoCal.

Must be a Laker fan conspiracy.... :mad: (my hold time for support is way longer than normal though).

Those voice prompts are annoying. I just keep punching in 0. :)
I heard someone on another site complaining about not getting the free League Pass on satelite (not sure if it applied to all games or all carriers)
I think most of us here pay for it, so...that's the annoying part. And they do this every once in a while...which makes it that much more frustrating.
I'm sorry but that Artest attempt at a double pump layup was hillarious. And anyone else watching the Kings feed hearing that lady go nuts? Bibby is passing really well
Well the TVU link is working. I'm watching YES via the Internet now. Pretty cool.

Finally got a DirecTV rep on the phone and he's checking on things for me.

(Sorry to hijack the thread here -- might be interesting to some though)
See ezekiel and I'd discussion... on the phone with DirecTV now, they think it's a widespread issue (and sounds like it).

I guess you can watch the game via and I'm watching via TVU which appears to be some guy in China watching the game via his satellite and streaming. :D
Told the rep it was happening to a couple other people I was talking to as well and he is escalating (yeah I mentioned Pittsburgh).

I see Shareef is in the game now....
Per DirecTV they are getting other calls on this and are aware of the issue and working on it. The only details I could get anyways.... super!
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