Nba Power Rankings

It's all speculation at that point and, bias alert, I'm not a big fan of Marc Stein's, but it seems to me that it's an extremely bizarre ranking.

Among the most glaring oddities:

The Grizzlies at #11?? Hmm... I don't quite see how a lineup of Damon Stoudamire (or BJax), a 45 year old Eddie Jones, Mike Miller, Pau Gasol and Lorenzen Wright is going to be sniffing the playoffs. That might be the least athletic and worst-defending lineup in the entire NBA, with apologies to our Kings.

The Bulls at #20?? Hmm... so let's get this straight. The Bulls don't lose anyone in the offseason, they have a roster of improving talent, they get Luol Deng back, they sign Songaila and it's increasingly likely that Eddy Curry will return at least for one year.... and they're not only lower than they were last season, but they're below the Grizzlies, Warriors, Lakers and New York Knicks???

I could go on and on. I think Marc was possibly under the influence when he made his rankings.
Eddie Jones is a good defender, rebounder, and scorer. Age hasn't been a factor for Eddie games-played-wise, 80 and 81 the last two seasons. Damon Stoudamire showed he can still play well last season, despite being on a bad team. He should be a big boost for them. Who says Mike Miller will be the starter at SF? Shane Battier is definitely no slouch, and has been in the starting line-up many times, as he is starter material for sure. Especially with the Grizzlies (still) heavy rotation, where many guys play and minutes are divided. I'd say probably not quite as much as past years, but it'll still be similar (the rotation). They'll go back and forth at the starting SF spot between Miller/Battier/maybe E. Jones. Also with their rotation, we could see Warrick or Cardinal in there starting sometimes. Grizzlies are still a good, deep, scrappy team that is fun to root for and watch IMO :). I see them mostly in the bottom playoff seed picture this season, hopefully higher than 8 this time ;).

Bulls at #20 is ridiculous. They've proven their quite a good team that can go with just about anyone.
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Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Yoda said:
Frankly, the Kings are ranked too high. No defense, and a midget frontcourt and they crack the top ten...
You should talk! Compared to the rest of the west we should be higher. Can't say we have no defense anymore. With players brought in that can change quickly. Kings will start slow then show their true talent by All Star break.
The starting frontcourt is the same size as it has been. The bench is full of midgets, but they are relatively talented midgets. I agree we need another seven footer, but many other teams have more serious problems than only having one seven footer.

Defense is a problem, but when has it not been? We deserve at LEAST that ten spot.


Hall of Famer
Bah! to call these speculation would be overly kind. As for the Kings front line being shall Popy roster! Miller is 7 feet, At 6' 10" Pedja is one of the bigest small forwards in the leage (he just plays small) SAR is a little small for a power forwad at 6' 9" (same hight as Skinner) but as SkinnerBox noted the starting 5 is not the problem its the bench that is small unless Sampson or one of the other experiments really work out.

Once agan I think I'll actually watch some games before I even think about power rating, rankings and other arm chair vood doo.
The Bulls should most deffinetly be higher. Especially after most likely not losing anyone AND picking up Songaila. That team is young, talented, and has great depth. Look for them to content for home court in the playoffs this year.


how can u rank the suns higher than the heat? i may be the first to say that miami could not gel this year and miss the finals again, but theyre still better than the suns.

this foo put the bulls at 20!!?? someone please put a tranquilizer in his a$$. the bulls have a core group of pgs that are close to being tops in the league(heinrich, duhon, gordan, pargo, etc...). they have a great group of big men(chandler, songaila, curry, griffen, etc...). i know about the curry heart thing, but until they say that he cant play anymore cause of his heart, then ill believe that they could be at some risk. but even with the curry heart problems, they shouldnt be at 20.
"The additions of Bonzi and Reef look like trademark Petrie scores. But the moves slam home the idea that Kings, as we knew them, are a memory."

NugzFan said:
a whole two spots lower.

the horror.

how dare they.
The fact that they are 2 spots lower isnt as much as disgrace as the rest of the people in the NBA world casting the Kings off, even though we got deeper and stronger, but just casting us off to lottery land or something. If someone can give me some legitimate reasons for the Kings being worse off than last year, let it be known now...because we barely had a DECENT bench last year, to go along with 2 gimpy shooting guards. Now we got younger, healthier, more athletic, and definetely can that be worse off?? US AGAINST THE WORLD, DAMMIT!!!
Circa_1985_Fan said:
The fact that they are 2 spots lower isnt as much as disgrace as the rest of the people in the NBA world casting the Kings off, even though we got deeper and stronger, but just casting us off to lottery land or something. If someone can give me some legitimate reasons for the Kings being worse off than last year, let it be known now...because we barely had a DECENT bench last year, to go along with 2 gimpy shooting guards. Now we got younger, healthier, more athletic, and definetely can that be worse off?? US AGAINST THE WORLD, DAMMIT!!!
you were 8th best last year...its easy to argue that of teams below you that indy jumped you. so thatll be 9th. he put you 10th.

is it THAT bad?
Curry played a big part in Chicago's success last season. He is their only lowpost scoring option and when you remove him their offense struggles. They're deep but we saw that without Curry they couldn't even get past Washington. Now Curry might eventually play for Chicago this year but it's not going to work with the way he feels he's been treated.