Nancy Lieberman being hired as assistant coach

I'm not even saying that any of that is wrong but, man... I wish I had someone in my life who rode for me as hard as you ride for DeMarcus Cousins...
To be fair, I would be as solidly behind you as I am DeMarcus if you had the skills and the talent to take us to greatness (I can't speak for Brickie, but I bet he would too)
I hadn't seen it until reading this:

And that little exchange makes it all good. Don't care if she can coach or not. She could be somebody's favorite grandmother who knew more about cooking oatmeal cookies than she did basketball and it would STILL be all good as long as she and Cuz have a mutual regard like that coming in. Ever since the morons canned Malone there has been a trust gap for Cuz. I don't know how he and Lieberman know each other, but they seem to, and it seems to be all good between them, and so maybe she can be that bridge between Karl and Cuz. That ally that Cuz knows has his back and that he will therefor take critques from.
From everything I have read, they met at summer league, or at least, did not have a relationship before then. DeMarcus, right or wrong, appears to have an inherent bullcrap meter tuned to the highest frequencies. If you are two-faced, you are not to be trusted, nor respected. Somehow, this has morphed into a 'hard to coach, doesn't like 'authority' rep', when it is probably far more accurate to say he doesn't like duplicity. Malone got in his grill, a lot, yet the two had a solid relationship, in part because Malone was a straight shooter. Leiberman seems to have the same qualities. Boogie doesn't need to be coddled, but he does want to know you have his back, that you will go to war with him. (trying to test the waters on a trade, or even putting a hint out there that he was 'tradable' was exactly the worst thing George Karl could have done coming in)
I have really enjoyed the interviews from Nancy that I have heard and read. She is smart, shrewd, knows her stuff and also knows what it is like to have to prove everyone wrong, be an underdog and overcome odds. Her lifelong motto appears to have been "oh, I can't do that? Watch me" Perfect fit for our merry band of misfits.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
To be fair, I would be as solidly behind you as I am DeMarcus if you had the skills and the talent to take us to greatness (I can't speak for Brickie, but I bet he would too)

I mean, if that's how y'all get down, that's cool. I ain't knockin' nobody's hustle, and I ain't here on any of that "real fan/true fan" bull**** nonsense. I'm just sayin', my seed don't even ride for me like @Bricklayer rides for DeMarcus Cousins.
Brick is not the only one, and perhaps if your 'seed' thought you could bring them a Championship, they might ride for you too. (sorry to hear about your familial issues (I kid) ) Seriously, DeMarcus is a player of a talent level we have never had in the Sacramento era, the level we always hoped we might get 'someday'. It is all kinds of ironic that the player we have yearned to acquire in order to build around has been here, growing, right in front of our faces, while we argue about management, coaching and worry about re-location. Brick just gets it=)

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Brick is not the only one, and perhaps if your 'seed' thought you could bring them a Championship, they might ride for you too. (sorry to hear about your familial issues (I kid) )

Actually, my son doesn't even like sports, so that wouldn't work; a championship wouldn't mean anything to him.
I like this hire from the standpoint of Vivek making a bold move, but making a smart one at that. I think Nancy Lieberman can be a very valuable asset to the future of the Sacramento Kings, and she brings with her the mentality that could earn the respect of the players, and other members of the coaching staff in Sacramento, along with the owners and, of course, us, the fans. Unfortunately, I was unable to watch most of Lieberman's playing career, but from the little I did watch, I saw a very nice, solid, and all around player. And one who was tough when it came to women's basketball. I am very interested to see how this hire plays out and to see the future of the Sacramento Kings rise up from the ashes, if I may. Time to shock the media. And time to shock the world.


Hall of Famer
From everything I have read, they met at summer league, or at least, did not have a relationship before then. DeMarcus, right or wrong, appears to have an inherent bullpoopoo meter tuned to the highest frequencies. If you are two-faced, you are not to be trusted, nor respected. Somehow, this has morphed into a 'hard to coach, doesn't like 'authority' rep', when it is probably far more accurate to say he doesn't like duplicity. Malone got in his grill, a lot, yet the two had a solid relationship, in part because Malone was a straight shooter. Leiberman seems to have the same qualities. Boogie doesn't need to be coddled, but he does want to know you have his back, that you will go to war with him. (trying to test the waters on a trade, or even putting a hint out there that he was 'tradable' was exactly the worst thing George Karl could have done coming in)
I have really enjoyed the interviews from Nancy that I have heard and read. She is smart, shrewd, knows her stuff and also knows what it is like to have to prove everyone wrong, be an underdog and overcome odds. Her lifelong motto appears to have been "oh, I can't do that? Watch me" Perfect fit for our merry band of misfits.
This makes it sound as if the only reason Cousins has not gotten along with past coaches is that the coaches were duplicitous. Really? You don't think that maybe a coach or two or three might have asked Cousins to do something he just isn't interested in doing? If he does everything a coach asked of him, what possible reason could a coach have for being unhappy with him and hiding their unhappiness behind a duplicitous exterior?
This makes it sound as if the only reason Cousins has not gotten along with past coaches is that the coaches were duplicitous. Really? You don't think that maybe a coach or two or three might have asked Cousins to do something he just isn't interested in doing? If he does everything a coach asked of him, what possible reason could a coach have for being unhappy with him and hiding their unhappiness behind a duplicitous exterior?
Unlimited possible reasons. Let's just hope that it works out well.