My wish list for the Sacramento Monarchs

The top of my wish list is to replace the coach. John Whisenant is not a good coach and finding his replacement should be his first priority as GM.
Your top priority would be to replace a coach who has taken the team to the Western Conference Finals both years he has coached? :confused:

I have not always agreed with Coach Whiz' decisions, but I can't argue with the results.
Yeah, I've heard that argument from Koz. But we have so much talent and experience that they won in spite of him.

All year long we would have long stretches of not being able to get a shot off. That is the fault of the coach who doesn't have a very good offensive attack.

We got killed by teams who can shoot from the outside all year long. Katie Smith, in the first home game, stated that the defense never came out on her. So she just shot the lights out and beat the Monarchs in front of a sell-out crowd. That should have been a wake-up call for Whisenant. Mwadi Mabika beat us in game 2 because no one was guarding her on the perimeter. No, he just stuck to his 'one size fits all' defense and got killed in the conference finals. He never learned. He obviously doesn't watch women's basketball or he would know these women can shoot from the outside, unlike the men.

His coaching leaves the players and fans scratching their heads as 'what the heck are you doing?' I was in Seattle for the last game. He did not call a time-out when Seattle went on a 20-0 run. The players would look to the bench to see if he was going to call a time-out cause that's what you do when the momentum is going to the opponents. That time-out never came and so went any chance of the Monarchs making it to the finals.

Tell me, is that what a good coach does? Like I said earlier, the Monarchs are a very talented and experienced team. They might have had a better chance if they coached themselves, IMO.
I heard on the Kings post game show from coach T that they are looking at this Spanish player. I forget her name, but Koz said that he, personally, really liked her from the Olympics.

As far as coaching goes, I don't think coach Whiz has the intention of coaching this team long term. I think as soon as he find the coach he thinks will work, he'll step over. For the meantime, I'm ok with him.
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I just don't get this, 'I'm okay with coach Whiz' attitude. If we had better coaching, this team could have done great things. I'm not satisfied just getting to the Western Conference Final. Been there, done that. He is inept at coaching this level of basketball. He needs to get replaced. The only reason he got the job in the first place is because he is friends with the Maloofs and the GM of the team. If he truly believes in getting this team better for next year, he needs to look in the mirror and realize he is not the 'man'.

Sorry, Mr Citrus - not much of a Kings fan.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I could just as easily counter by saying that I don't get your "they win in spite of the coach" attitude. If you think that this team could have been coached better by just anybody, or that any other coach could have easily gotten them to play better, then you must not have heard of one Maura McHugh.

As far as time outs, I saw at least two occasions in Game 3 where Whisnant signalled for a time out that the players never called.
The Spanish outside player is Valdamorro, the former Houston Comet. I believe when they drafted her, she was slated to play behind Swoopes. Mr. 4Play certainly can speak better to this, but it also seemed to me that she had injury problems at some point. I do remember her coming off the bench and stroking 3's in our face 2-3 years ago in a brief cameo she made in a game. Her Olympic performance was spectacular in terms of her shooting.

I'm ok with Whiz too, I want to see some more aggressiveness from Whiz the GM tho. His pick-up of Brunson in the draft was the best move he made all year, we will be reaping the full dividends of that move when Yo retires. Brunson, with her athleticism EASILY should have been shooting 60% from the floor but she did not come into the league with the shooting touch she had in college and she missed quite a few chippies she should have been hitting if she would ONLY USE THE GLASS... A close second was his signing Mendiola as a free agent. But he did not address his light shooting back court problems in a meaningful way this year. We need somebody else who is not afraid to or is willing to shoot the ball, preferrably someone who has shot making skills.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I don't think you can always blame the coach when players are not playing to their potential. There is nothing wrong with Coach Whiz, per se. Could he have taken more time-outs? Of course! Is that reason enough to can him? Not in my estimation.

TP22, you obviously feel strongly about this. Nothing wrong with that. But I, and others, are entitled to disagree with you. And your comment that insinuates that our attitude is lacking in some way...well...:(
i respect TP22 opinion reguarding Coach Whiz and i see her point, but i also disagree that that extreme a move is not wise at this time. Coach Whiz has taken the M's to the next level in just a year and a half and its too soon outside of his health issues to make any rash decesions reguarding coaching. if he chooses to step down over health concerns that's a different matter all together.

to validate TP22 point from my p.o.v., his decision in his game plan to leave the perimeter open worked with L.A. and for that matter with probably half the league, but it got exposed in Seattle. my opinion is that he just needs to make an adjustment when playing seattle or any team that has high powered perimeter shooters. no need to go crazy and fire the coach imho.

as far as Amaya Valdemorro goes the last i heard was that Asst Coach Kevin Cook was given the assignment to contact her immediately after we were elimanated from playoff contention. i suspect its done already. however, she is a free agent and can talk with anyone. as far as her injury status, she has two brand new knees thanks to our medical staff and word from Athens is the surgury has worked out pretty good for her. two years ago she came into our camp out of shape and she even admitted so herself. after she was cut from our roster i assume she went home to heal from having both knees worked on and is just now healthy enough to play again. as far as her play.......she is a scorer.....the only knock on her coming from Van was she won't play defense and that is why she rarely came off the bench in Houston.

good luck going after her......just know you are not the only ones who know about her. i'm sure after her performance in Athens this past summer her phone is probably ringing off the wall.
Coach Whisenant doesn't make adjustments, good coaches do. Ann Meyers mentioned it during the play-offs that he doesn't change his defense and teams know that.

Mr Citrus - coaches can call time-outs from the bench and refs will acknowledge them. Coach Whisenant must not have been very adamant about calling those time-outs. Refs run by the bench all the time.

MBF - Brunson is lazy and has bad shot. He picked her because they kept running into each other in New Orleans? (See Bee article). We could have had Christi Thomas (LA Sparks) which would have been a better pick. As for Mendiola, she wasn't even dressed to contribute and who's choice was that?

The most disturbing fact about Whisenant is how he slammed his players in public about 'recruiting' some perimeter shooters. Do you wonder why the outside shooters are hesitant to shoot? He doesn't encourage his players or build confidence in them. He doesn't want them to shoot. They are afraid of getting pulled if they miss. You can see that in their shot.

Also how can players play to their potential if they don't have an offense that doesn't have any balance. All Whisenant wants to do is pound the ball to the middle. Well, now you have all the defenders in the middle, stripping balls and rebounding. Do you wonder why we almost always get beat in rebounds?

Whisenant's accomplishment of getting to the play-offs with this team shouldn't be that amazing. Since 1999 they've been in the play-offs except in 2002 when Yo was out half the season with a back injury, Edna was dealing with breast cancer and Ticha missed 8 games. In 2001, Maura McHugh, her first year, got them to the conference final, but then in 2002 the injuries dampened their chances of getting to the play-offs.

I guess I just don't how people can be okay with Whisenant. I want this team to win a championship. I want it for Yo, Ticha and Ruthie. They've been here through the lean years. I don't see Whisenant getting it done. Not now. Not ever.
I can see TP22's side to a certain point. I think Whisnant has given the Monarchs the defensive intensity that you need to be a champion. I just don't think that he has the talent. There's not enough skilled basketball players on this team. If you look at Seattle they have players that have skills (run, shoot, pass, move your feet, jump). Players like Bird, Jackson, Lennox and Sam are very sklled basketball players especially on the offensive end. How many skilled players do the Monarchs have. This team has players that are passionate on defense, yet they tend to play more with their hands than their feet. Which is the reason this team led the league (I think) in steals.

On the offensive end, the Monarchs as a whole are greater than the parts. The players all can do one or maybe two things well. Tangela, Yolanda and Kara to me are the only players that are skilled players. DeMya, Ticha, Edna, Brunson, Ruthie, Lady, Maiga, Chantelle they all only do one maybe two things well.

Whisnant the GM needs to shake this roster up as far as I am concerned to give Whisnant the coach the tools to work with. He needs one big time skilled player at the Small Forward to counter Jackson, Mabika, Swoopes, and others who at the swing position can beat you with skills.
Brunson is LAZY?!?!?!??! Are you SERIOUS! If you dont like the guy I respect that, but geez, don't make him out to be a dolt and say he drafted somebody simply because they had lunch together at the Final Four and Draft Camp.

Christie Thomas would not have gotten any minutes here unless he traded Anderson and maybe one other player. He wasn't going to draft a 5th player over 6'4" tall for this team. Folks who wanted Mazzante would have ridden his butt out of town on a rail if he had drafted Thomas. I question what he thought he could use Brunson for, and applaud him for catching the clue that she was better suited right now staying at the PF spot. You might have a different view, but I'll admit straight up that Christi Thomas played much better than I expected her to at this level. I was not impressed with her @ Georgia. In case you're curious...check out their rookie stat comparisons/40 minutes. Brunson beats out Thomas in nearly each and every one. If you check their regular per game stats and conclude that you could look at them without their names attached to them and tell which one was Brunson and which were Thomas, and still say you would have drafted Thomas over Brunson in a slam dunk, then I'd have to say you're psychic. At worst, it was a toss up you could have flipped a coin and gotten the same or similar numbers from Thomas, that is if she would have gotten minutes. This team needed rebounding and perimeter shooting and only addressed one of those needs and still made it to the WCF for the 2nd straight year.
I agree with you Reign, and would love to see him make the hard choices with the talent he has to get the pieces he needs. I am very much of the mindset that GM Whiz needs to be much more aggressive with his moves this year. He simply cannot go into next year with this same backcourt and bench backcourt subs. Period. If he wants a SF fine, but the back court needs another piece or two also.
Originally Posted by TP22
Ann Meyers mentioned

MBF - Brunson is lazy and has bad shot.

ok, you've lost all creditability with me now.

Ditto. There are some lazy players in the league, however Brunson doesn't belong anywhere on that list. She brings so much energy off the bench! And you must have never seen her go after a rebound, it seems like she can jump over anyone and snatch the ball away.
As for Brunson, I stand by my statement. Did she improve any on her shooting? That is one of the worse forms in the league. With that shot, she won't ever get out of the key to make a basket. Do you ever watch her off the ball? How many times during the Seattle play-offs did she not get out on Lauren Jackson or was even close to her to throw up a hand? How many times did she miss chippies? In practice, she is playing against one of the best in the league and how much did she improve?

On the other hand, Christi Thomas, has a lot more skills and she is a bigger body than Brunson. By the way, they are listed as the same height. We don't need anymore skinny minnies. Why do you think we get pushed off the block so often.

MBF - I would have still picked Thomas over Brunson with the season stats. I know, at least, she can shoot. Then again maybe Thomas had better coaching and improved over the season which why you were impressed with her play.

You see, it all comes down to coaching. Teaching players to be better. To build confidence in all aspects of the game in their players. Do you honestly see Whisenant doing these things?

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I think that Brunson, under Whisnant's guidance, could become the most dominant defensive player in the league. Center, in my opinion, is a scoring-optional position.
Thank you Slim, I enthusiastically concur.....Brunson has to be what Yolanda Griffith looked like at 22-23 years of age...

I obviously was not watching the same Brunson TP was watching.

There is no excuse for Brunson missing the chippies she missed, I'm not even trying to make any...if she had made those shots - she would have EASILY shot over 60% from the floor since she works so hard getting to the ball. Her shooting percentage compared to Thomas' is barely significant enough to say that Brunson can't shoot or even to say that Thomas would have been better here. But I'll just agree to disagree on the two of them.

We get pushed off the block??? Huh???

Who the hell guarded Lauren Jackson in that series?!!?? I swear to goodness she must have averaged 30ppg in that series and I swear too that Brunson wasn't guarding her or not guarding her for that matter all series.
That makes sense....either Anderson or LaKeisha Frett.

since we're into wildly absurd revisionist history....I would have drafted Christi Thomas over Chantelle Anderson in a heartbeat....because Anderson used to be a gazillion times better than Thomas and Thomas came into camp looking better than Anderson did and Anderson has improved over where she was under Abetamarco's tutelege the last season and a half...Andy Landers' track record with bigs has been iffy.
I am all about Rebecca Brunson. She is relentless on the boards, she plays with a little recklessness which I think is good. AND SHE IS ONLY A ROOKIE. I think that trying to make her a small forward was a big reach. She is a back to the basket player, And I thought that her jumper got better as the year went on. She is going to replace Yo as the dominant low post player on this team. I am glad she is a Monarch.
I like the choice of Brunson in the draft. I think she'll be a good one in the future. Of course, I also like the fact they picked up Mendiola. I just thought they could have used her in the Seattle series if she had an opportunity to sink some outside shots which definitely could have loosened up the Storm defense. I don't mind keeping the coach. I think the main problem was the lack of outside shooting.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
I'm not in Hawaii anymore, mister 4play; I've been allowed to return to the real navy...

:: points to left ::
lmao.... I think Mr 4play will be quite embarrased when he sees that:p

I agree with all who disagreed with Tp22. Im still scratching my head.

: scratches head ;