Monarchs & the ASG voting

Found this link on another board, thought it was kinda interesting... here are the main points:D ...

Forwards: Sheryl Swoopes (Hou) 58,250; Lauren Jackson (Sea) 42,921; Chamique Holdsclaw (LA) 41,429; Janeth Arcain (Hou) 13,406; Svetlana Abrosimova (Min) 10,290; Penny Taylor (Pho) 8519;DeMya Walker (Sac) 8420; Tamika Williams (Min) 7940; LaToya Thomas (SA) 7873; Alicia Thompson (Sea) 7477; Mwadi Mabika (LA) 7386; Kendra Wecker (SA) 6828; Rebekkah Brunson (Sac) 5034; Sandora Irvin (Pho) 4078.

Centers: Lisa Leslie (LA) 45,268; Yolanda Griffith (Sac) 25,448; Michelle Snow (Hou) 18,306; Nicole Ohlde (Min) 10,032; Suzy Batkovic (Sea) 7596; Kamila Vodichkova (Pho) 6008; Adrian Williams (SA) 3531.

Guards: Sue Bird (Sea) 57,588; Diana Taurasi (Pho) 51,389; Betty Lennox (Sea) 16,578; Ticha Penicheiro (Sac) 14,847; Nikki Teasley (LA) 14,122; Katie Smith (Min) 12,026; Marie Ferdinand (SA) 11,170; Dominique Canty (Hou) 9268; Kara Lawson (Sac) 8535; Shannon Johnson (SA) 8403; Anna DeForge (Pho) 7950; Tamecka Dixon (LA) 7399; Adrienne Goodson (Hou) 6620; Kristi Harrower (Min) 3381.

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Friday night MS&E offered any fan taking home 500 All-Star ballots and returning them completed on Monday a free personalized Monarchs jersey. I managed to complete this task (so if you see HoopMatron wandering around ARCO, that's me!) But I was not alone -- there must have been at least 10 other winners of the prize. One of my neighbors told me he and his wife completed 834 ballots, and he was writing Erin Buescher in on his!

I think once the arena ballots get counted, the Monarchs will advance pretty high. There were probably 20,000 ballots in the boxes I saw.

I believe the early tallies are only from on-line voting, and that is going to get more of the casual fans, who vote on name recognition. Once all the votes are added up, I think we'll see more votes for our beloved Monarchs.



Homer Fan Since 1985
HoopMatron said:
Friday night MS&E offered any fan taking home 500 All-Star ballots and returning them completed on Monday a free personalized Monarchs jersey. I managed to complete this task (so if you see HoopMatron wandering around ARCO, that's me!) But I was not alone -- there must have been at least 10 other winners of the prize. One of my neighbors told me he and his wife completed 834 ballots, and he was writing Erin Buescher in on his!

I think once the arena ballots get counted, the Monarchs will advance pretty high. There were probably 20,000 ballots in the boxes I saw.

I believe the early tallies are only from on-line voting, and that is going to get more of the casual fans, who vote on name recognition. Once all the votes are added up, I think we'll see more votes for our beloved Monarchs.

I hope you are right. And...great job, my friend!!! :D
All-star votes

One of these years it would be awesome for ''YO'' to be selected as a starter.

Ms. princess Leslie is always the West starter. Yo is having a much better year so far. Maybe she can pass her with these new ballots coming in?
Okay, so the new vote tally is out. How the eff is Michelle Snow the leading West Center??? As much as I hate LL, It's less of an insult having her beat Yo into the lineup. Comets fans are stuffing the ballot! Dominique Canty has more votes than Ticha, AND Katie Smith for that matter. Janeth Arcain is also at the top now.

Jeez, this is a disgrace, no disrespect to Houston, but Swoopes is the only Comet who should be an All-Star. Sacramento is #1 in the west and it looks like we won't even be represented.
It is a disgrace. I think I am, at this point, totally disenchanted with the NBA/WNBA all-star system. The Monarchs should be represented by the coaches picks, I would hope. It is purely and simply, a popularity contest and bears no relationship to performance or who deserves to be recognized for their performance. For one thing, the voting started so early, there was hardly any performance to base a judgement on (not that it would have mattered).
Are you freakin' kiddin' me? We've had what...6 home games now and we can't get home cooking enough to get Yo to the top of the charts. It's bad enough that Leslie was leading, but no offense to Michelle Snow and all, but sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, c'mon now. Have the MS&E folks not sent the ballots ARCO folks have been filling out yet, are they waiting for Friday night's game before they ship them off or are they in the new totals?

Yo is going to go to the allstar game anyway, no question about that because she will be a coaches pick. But still.
I think something needs to be done.

With this Michelle Snow thing happen, and Lisa Leslie being the second place vote getter there is a possibility that Yo may not make the All-Star team at all.

I have called my sales rep to see if he can make all-star ballots available. If I have to sit in front of Arco and punch out ballots by myself Yo is getting voted into the All star game.
This Is Wrong!!!!

Something really foul and funky is going on here!!!:mad:

1. Michelle Snow, Houston
2. Lisa Leslie, LA
3. Yolanda Griffith, Sacrtamento

1. Sheryl Swoopes, Houston
2. Janeth Arcain, Houston
3. Lauren Jackson, Seattle
4. Chamique Holdslaw, LA
5. DeMya Walker, Sacramento

1. Sue Bird, Seattle
2. Diana Taurasi, Phoenix
3. Doninique Canty, Houston
4. Ticha Penechiero, Sacramento
5. Adrienne Goodson, Houston

Does Houston have an electronic punch ballot or something?
Is everybody from China voting for Comets because it is Houston?

What in the world has Snow, ARCAIN!!!, Canty and Goodson done to go to the All Star Game?
Once your team wins the WNBA Championship this year, the sting of (possibly) not getting represented at the All Star game will disappear. . .trust me. :)
What is up???? We need to see if all our ballots have been sent. Winning a championship is something we all want. However this All-Star voting is a big scam. Reminds me of American Idol...Where the whole state of Oaklahoma voted for Ms. Underwood! For sure ''Yo''deserves the top center pick. She by far is having an All-Star year.

I'll be at this All-Star game & Monarchs need to represent, if nobody else...#33 should be there!
While seeing Michelle Snow as leading Western center, it's not really any different than in 1999 when Yo, Ruthie, & Ticha were voted onto the All Star Team. Arco really packed in the ballots then......I was trying to find more info on the WNBA All Star previous teams, but couldn't find much historical info. MBF, HoopMatron, 6th, can anyone verify this for me???

I might even have some of those posters of the 3 of them together......:rolleyes:

I didn't vote strickly a Monachs ticket, but I did write in Nicole Powell on about, say 200 ballots.....:D


Homer Fan Since 1985
nancgo said:
While seeing Michelle Snow as leading Western center, it's not really any different than in 1999 when Yo, Ruthie, & Ticha were voted onto the All Star Team. Arco really packed in the ballots then......I was trying to find more info on the WNBA All Star previous teams, but couldn't find much historical info. MBF, HoopMatron, 6th, can anyone verify this for me???

I might even have some of those posters of the 3 of them together......:rolleyes:

I didn't vote strickly a Monachs ticket, but I did write in Nicole Powell on about, say 200 ballots.....:D
Yes, there was a poster showing all 3 of them on the All Star Team. However, I don't remember if anyone was voted on...maybe Ticha as PG. I think YO and Ruthie were chosen by the coaches.
I can't remember who was voted on and who was a coaches selection. But there was some grumbling that there were 3 Monarchs on that team, and the ballot boxes were stuffed. Well, what can you say???? As long as the first team's fate is in the hands of the fans, the ones with the most patience to fill out the ballots will get their players voted on the team. My beef with the process is, it's just too early and there are some players who haven't really either been around or have been injured. I like Kara, but really she shouldn't be on the ballot, nor Rebecca Brunson....nor some others....

Oh well......I guess that's the way it is, for the moment.....
MamaBristow said:
Okay, so the new vote tally is out. How the eff is Michelle Snow the leading West Center??? As much as I hate LL, It's less of an insult having her beat Yo into the lineup. Comets fans are stuffing the ballot! Dominique Canty has more votes than Ticha, AND Katie Smith for that matter. Janeth Arcain is also at the top now.

Jeez, this is a disgrace, no disrespect to Houston, but Swoopes is the only Comet who should be an All-Star. Sacramento is #1 in the west and it looks like we won't even be represented.

Pot meet kettle. ;)
hoopsfan said:
Pot meet kettle. ;)
Okay, how so? I never said I was stuffing an all Sac ballot, cause I haven't been. In fact, I have voted for Sheryl Swoopes every single time. Because she deserves it. This is the All-Star game! This game is nationally broadcast and is supposed to represent the BEST players in the league. For someone who has never tuned into a WNBA game, if they turn on our freakin' ALL-STAR game and see Dominique Canty, Janeth Arcain, and Michelle Snow in the starting line-up, what does that say about the top tier talent level of the W? We should be showcasing the BEST, this reflects the whole league. If LL was beating Yo, at least I could stomach that, she is arguably one of the best players in the world no matter how much we dislike her here in Sac. But Snow is NOT at the same level as Yo and LL.

I didn't vote all Sac, so don't paint me as being a ballot stuffer for the home team. I DO, however, think that Yo should be the starting center. Simply because she is outplaying everyone else on the ballot, not because she wears the Purple uniform.

About that All-Star game a couple of years ago. Ticha, Ruthie, and Yo were all starters. Sac stuffed the ballots that year and some people were pissed. I see a big difference though. Ticha, Ruthie, and Yo are not exactly comparable to Arcain, Canty, and Snow. Now if we had voted Kedra into the starting spot that would have been different. But two Olympians and one of the most exciting passers in the game? I would think that those would be the kind of players that you'd want to see in an All-Star game. Maybe that makes me a "homer", but I didn't stuff the ballots that year either.


Homer Fan Since 1985
MamaBristow said:
Okay, how so? I never said I was stuffing an all Sac ballot, cause I haven't been. In fact, I have voted for Sheryl Swoopes every single time. Because she deserves it. This is the All-Star game! This game is nationally broadcast and is supposed to represent the BEST players in the league. For someone who has never tuned into a WNBA game, if they turn on our freakin' ALL-STAR game and see Dominique Canty, Janeth Arcain, and Michelle Snow in the starting line-up, what does that say about the top tier talent level of the W? We should be showcasing the BEST, this reflects the whole league. If LL was beating Yo, at least I could stomach that, she is arguably one of the best players in the world no matter how much we dislike her here in Sac. But Snow is NOT at the same level as Yo and LL.

I didn't vote all Sac, so don't paint me as being a ballot stuffer for the home team. I DO, however, think that Yo should be the starting center. Simply because she is outplaying everyone else on the ballot, not because she wears the Purple uniform.

About that All-Star game a couple of years ago. Ticha, Ruthie, and Yo were all starters. Sac stuffed the ballots that year and some people were pissed. I see a big difference though. Ticha, Ruthie, and Yo are not exactly comparable to Arcain, Canty, and Snow. Now if we had voted Kedra into the starting spot that would have been different. But two Olympians and one of the most exciting passers in the game? I would think that those would be the kind of players that you'd want to see in an All-Star game. Maybe that makes me a "homer", but I didn't stuff the ballots that year either.
WORD! WORD!! and WORD!!!

Sometimes a small market has to "stuff" a ballot box in order to get the BEST players recognized. Snow, Arcain, and Canty are hardly the best players...not even close. I would "stuff" the ballot box to get Yo as a starter over Lisa (this year), but only because she is playing better than Lisa.
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MamaBristow said:
Okay, how so? I never said I was stuffing an all Sac ballot, cause I haven't been. In fact, I have voted for Sheryl Swoopes every single time. Because she deserves it. This is the All-Star game! This game is nationally broadcast and is supposed to represent the BEST players in the league. For someone who has never tuned into a WNBA game, if they turn on our freakin' ALL-STAR game and see Dominique Canty, Janeth Arcain, and Michelle Snow in the starting line-up, what does that say about the top tier talent level of the W? We should be showcasing the BEST, this reflects the whole league. If LL was beating Yo, at least I could stomach that, she is arguably one of the best players in the world no matter how much we dislike her here in Sac. But Snow is NOT at the same level as Yo and LL.

I didn't vote all Sac, so don't paint me as being a ballot stuffer for the home team. I DO, however, think that Yo should be the starting center. Simply because she is outplaying everyone else on the ballot, not because she wears the Purple uniform.

About that All-Star game a couple of years ago. Ticha, Ruthie, and Yo were all starters. Sac stuffed the ballots that year and some people were pissed. I see a big difference though. Ticha, Ruthie, and Yo are not exactly comparable to Arcain, Canty, and Snow. Now if we had voted Kedra into the starting spot that would have been different. But two Olympians and one of the most exciting passers in the game? I would think that those would be the kind of players that you'd want to see in an All-Star game. Maybe that makes me a "homer", but I didn't stuff the ballots that year either.
I wasn't pointing at YOU. Just responding to the entire thread about the Maloofs offer to reward those that "stuff the ballot box" and the like. I don't think "someone who has never tuned into a WNBA game " will be watching the AS game, so there's no probability of them being confused about the players out on the floor. The AS game doesn't mean squat's a popularity contest really..or who's team can stuff the ballot box the best.