Mark Cuban fined for comments about refs

I also think Cuban should be able to say what he wants. I think people react to him more strongly than other outrageous owners because he gets so much more media attention (often self-generated, but still). I'd put Cuban's antics far below Paul Allen asking for money, the occasional loony blow-up by Larry Miller, etc.

However, Cuban's approach is part of what allows the League to (in my opinion) overprotect the referees.

I like Cuban because for every annoying or suspect thing he does, he does something admirable, or at least 8/10ths of something admirable. He might produce GODSPELL, but then he will also produce BUBBLE. (BUBBLE's not a great movie, but it's nice that, given the film making business, a movie like BUBBLE can be made.)
Cuban, when he purchased the Mavs, signed on to the rules that all owners are requested to abide by. One of those is not criticizing referees in a public forum, i.e., an internet blog.

Cuban's latest indifference to the rules he agreed to abide by was that his organization showed a clip on the jumbotron before last nights game mocking Ginobili. Again there is a rule prohibiting mocking of opposing teams' players. He already went through this at least once wih Shaq. Cuban apparently feels that he's above the rules that he agreed to. Undoubtedly he'lll be fined. Undoubtedly he'll continue to show contempt for that which he pledged to abide by.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
They also did it with a clip about Doug Christie.

I guess some people just don't get it. Mark Cuban thinks he is above the rules and that he can do anything he wants. I think he actually has checks sitting around made out to the league office with just the amount to be filled in for the fines. He doesn't care.
When players repeatedly commit violations at some point the punishment escalates with each offense. Maybe that needs to be put into ownership bylaws and that's the leash Cuban needs to be put on. As rich as he is I'm sure there is some monetary point where he'd get tired of violating the rules he and his fellow owners have set and agreed to.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I would think that the punishment thta would get his attention would be suspension from attending games. But that's a toughie for a guy who technically owns the franchise.
I would rather violators be fined, escalating fines for repeat offenders, the money from those fines be divided among the other teams and applied to an increase in the MLE offerings of those teams. That would shut Mark up in a hurry.


Super Moderator Emeritus
striker said:
I would rather violators be fined, escalating fines for repeat offenders, the money from those fines be divided among the other teams and applied to an increase in the MLE offerings of those teams. That would shut Mark up in a hurry.
I like that idea.

I think Cuban should sell his interest in the Mavericks and become one of those rich fans who sit in the front row seats at every game. He could be the Jack Nicholson of Dallas. Then he could say or write almost anything he likes. That is what i would do if I were him. Would that annoy David Stern and Stu Jackson or what? He could rattle cow bells and throw Glow-Sticks on the court and everything. :D
quick dog said:
I think Cuban should sell his interest in the Mavericks and become one of those rich fans who sit in the front row seats at every game.
That's what he was before he bought the team. As I understand it, Cuban had baseline, 1st row seats going back to the mid-80's, and the team and refs used to know him as being an obnoxious, loud fan long before he became owner.
striker said:
Cuban, when he purchased the Mavs, signed on to the rules that all owners are requested to abide by. One of those is not criticizing referees in a public forum, i.e., an internet blog.
He didn't criticize the referees. He suggested a way to improve the officiating crews in the playoffs.

Cuban's latest indifference to the rules he agreed to abide by was that his organization showed a clip on the jumbotron before last nights game mocking Ginobili. Again there is a rule prohibiting mocking of opposing teams' players. He already went through this at least once wih Shaq. Cuban apparently feels that he's above the rules that he agreed to. Undoubtedly he'lll be fined. Undoubtedly he'll continue to show contempt for that which he pledged to abide by.
Whether Cuban is breaking League or rules or not isn't the debate. We all know that he's done stupid things before and has deserved a lot of the fines that he's received. And maybe he does think that he's above the rules.

However, I don't think that the blog entry is a violation of the rules (although I haven't seen them in writing), and if it is, then I don't think it should be. He suggested a reasonable way to improve the officiating in the postseason, and I don't think that was overboard. I think that him being fined for it is overboard.
VF21 said:
They also did it with a clip about Doug Christie.

I guess some people just don't get it. Mark Cuban thinks he is above the rules and that he can do anything he wants. I think he actually has checks sitting around made out to the league office with just the amount to be filled in for the fines. He doesn't care.
That could be true. I still don't think there was anything wrong with his blog entry, and I still don't think he should have been fined for it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Superman said:
That could be true. I still don't think there was anything wrong with his blog entry, and I still don't think he should have been fined for it.
I think it's much like Artest being suspended for one game whereas other people could well have just received a fine.

Mark Cuban has a well-known reputation for speaking out against the league. He does it intentionally. I'm reasonably sure he was well aware he would be fined when he posted those comments. He simply doesn't care.

At this point, I think it's become a pissing match between Cuban and David Stern. And, quite frankly, I think it's pretty dumb on both sides but I don't think Stern can possibly back down now and it's pretty clear Cuban isn't going to, either.

So, the $$$ will just keep rolling in to the league offices. And we'll have something besides our own boondoggles to talk about.
