Lindsey Harding named new Stockton Kings head coach. Anjali new GM


The Game Thread Dude
If it absolutely must happen, then, yes, the operational experience is a big plus.

Hopefully she ends up with comparable experience to Jeannie Buss before she eventually took over the LAL.
I mean, Jeannie’s brothers are both assistant GMs/scouts for the Lakers and the only reason Joe Lacob didn’t replace Bob Meyers with his own son is that he has enough self awareness to know how that would look. Jerry Colangelo famously ran the Suns basketball operations while he owned the team then put his son in charge and later put his son in charge of the Sixers when the league asked him to stop the Process, something that he achieved spectacularly.

Anjali slowly working her way up the pecking order from G-League assistant GM to eventually taking her dad’s role as chairman of the team is better than say having your owner give way too much influence to Isiah Thomas or Chris Mullen the second he buys the team. Or maybe I’m just too used to wrestling families
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Hall of Famer
I like the Harding pick for G League coach. Her expertise is supposed to be player development and that's what it's all about in the G League. As for the Anjali "hire", well presumably one day she will take over for Vivek so it's a heckuvalot better for her to get some experience in these lower positions before she takes over ownership of the team than come in cold with no idea of what's going on.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Anyone with a crack at the Sacramento Kings is a Monte move. I don't know what a G-League GM does but I would bet it has as much to do with the price of hot dogs in the arena as it does with personnel decisions that impact the team we actually root for.

The fact is she's a direct heir to Vivek's empire and if he were to kick the bucket and she wanted to control the team, she will. I'm glad this is happening in Stockton. Jeannie Buss got her start booking Ice Capades, concerts and halftime acts. At least this is basketball.

Look at the mess in Portland for what happens when family takes over the franchise with no effing clue what to do.

There's nepotism and then there's developing a succession path. It's a tightrope act, but she's actually earning it imho. I'd argue the VP of Social Justice role she had before moving in the ops direction was a lot more of a nepo hire, but it was also the type of job where she had an opportunity to prove that she wanted to be part of the org or just show she wanted a paycheck from daddy. I'm guessing that she showed enough initiative that Vivek gave her a real job.
Anjali is the third woman to be named GM of a Gleague team. All three women were 30 or younger. The second woman got her start selling tickets for the Kings in the Malone era. Anjali now has one year of hands on experience ( a successful year team wise) and several years being around a professional sports team. Considering her dad went to MIT and Harvard she is probably intelligent. It’s a good opportunity for her and really has no impact on the Kings.
I don't' hate nepo babies and if I'm super rich one day be dang sure I'll do the same.

My only contention is that that role should be used to groom real future GM candidates and so it takes up a spot for that - let's hope she's not in the pipeline for that.

We have the best GM on the planet.