Really no need for all that.
I again throw this out: Willie's contributions were NEVER supposed to be, nor needed to be, on the offensive side. Unlike some, I almost see a harm in fostering the thought they are. Its hard to be an elite defender. Requires dedication, focus and a great deal of pride in it. If we, or anybody, starts puffing Willie up with "be da supasta!" pride, it could damage his progress and even have him thinking of leaving one day so he could go show his true skillz, like the pitch Cuban threw on DeAndre last year (and Willie is more skilled than DeAndre).
Willie's defensive fit next to Cousins is still excellent. It covers up his weaknesses, and he covers up some of Cuz's. He doesn't need to have goto moves in the post. He doesn't even need to be a great rebounder, because Cuz takes care of that. If he's working on any offense, the most useful thing would be a 15-18 foot facing catch and shot jumper.
He's not a bust, and not a problem fit, unless we screw with a simple thing and make him into one. Just slot him next to Cuz, let him focus on chasing guys on the perimeter, chasing them in transition, getting back to stop opoonent breaks , weakside shotblocking etc. Cousins can take care of the rest of it. Every kid always wants to do everything. the best teachers are the ones that draw out the things they do best and get them to focus on them, not somebody enabling the 'I'm LeBron James!!!" fantasy.