Kings To Interview Eddie Jordan

From The Practice Facility

Geoff Petrie recently has been in contact with some of the potential coaching candidates, and we are now currently in the process of scheduling an interview with Eddie Jordan, hopefully for some time next week before Geoff heads back to Europe.

Additionally, there have been some rumblings regarding Rick Pitino and the Kings coaching search. It has never been in the Kings’ organizational makeup to contact a coach who is under contract with another team or institution. And that is the case here as the Kings have not reached out to Pitino, nor has Pitino contacted the Kings.

Jordan isn't my top choice for the job, but I'm ok with him getting it.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Do us a favor Geoff and head back to Europe early and skip the interview with your pet coaching candidate. We already fired him once, and it was good riddance.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Since Troy Hanson is part of the Kings Public Relation department, I'm moving this into the News Links forum...



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Which coach candidate do you want, Brick?
I would have gone Flip, would go Scott if he were available, and consider Avery a mile ahead of Jordan. If we go young/assistants then you look to Shaw and Thibodeau. You don't know what is being said in interviews (so any of those candidates might disqualify themselves), but the last thing you need is a long time sub-.500 retread. Where is the hope in that?
Hire Eddie Jordan????!!!!!! Is this a joke? That dude has accomplished absolutely NOTHING in his NBA career. he has been a failure everywhere he has gone. I don't even understand why you would consider him for the job. I would choose all those candidates that Brick stated over Eddie Jordan. He's accomplished NOTHING. :mad:


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Hire Eddie Jordan????!!!!!! Is this a joke? That dude has accomplished absolutely NOTHING in his NBA career. he has been a failure everywhere he has gone. I don't even understand why you would consider him for the job. I would choose all those candidates that Brick stated over Eddie Jordan. He's accomplished NOTHING. :mad:

Hey now, in 7 years in the NBA he once coached a team all the way to a magnificent 45 win the Least. So we may be talking about a coach capable of geting us all the way back to 10th in the West. Don't knock it. :p
Hey now, in 7 years in the NBA he once coached a team all the way to a magnificent 45 win the Least. So we may be talking about a coach capable of geting us all the way back to 10th in the West. Don't knock it. :p

What's scary is that, if we hired a Muss for $1M a year, that could be considered an improvement over the status quo.
I think these 2 posts basically sum up what I'm thinking right now as well as any other sane Kings fan.
Eddie Jordan? Seriously? What about Brian Shaw? What about Jeff Van Gundy? What about someone now named Eddie Jordan? He was terrible in Washington. He never had control of that team.
Eddie Jordan? Seriously? What about Brian Shaw? What about Jeff Van Gundy? What about someone now named Eddie Jordan? He was terrible in Washington. He never had control of that team.

Well, terrible is probably harsh. I thought he did well. However, it's an interview. It's not an offer. As long as Petrie is calling the shots and not the Maloofs this time around, we'll be just fine.
what the **** does brian shaw know? what has he done? i just dont understand why people are trippin about hiring mediocre coaches but only suggest OTHER MEDIOCRE coaches as a better idea! all im sayin is that eddie has the most head coaching experiance out of any of these candidates. let him get us out of LAST PLACE and then we can move on from there another year. but unless byron weasles his way out of a contract, phil jackson has a change of heart and embaces sacramento, or gregg popovich gets bored with the spurs and wants to take on a new challenge, unless something along those lines happens, we are going to SUCK. now instead of playing around with VERY VERY unqualified/unexperienced/no nothings like we have been doing the past 3 years, take eddie for right now. baby steps... cos right now, id love to have a 30 win team and get swept in the playoffs than be the worst team of the decade
id love to have a 30 win team and get swept in the playoffs
8th place in the West this year took 48 wins, 9th place had 46. 30 wins wouldn't get us within miles of the playoffs. I think we're going to have a lottery team again this year no matter who coaches.
I wish this board was round back in 1998 when we hired the retread of retreads, Rick Adelman, who had flamed out in Portland after a long run and failed miserably in GS...everyone would have shot themselves before he even coached a single game.
I wish this board was round back in 1998 when we hired the retread of retreads, Rick Adelman...everyone would have shot themselves before he even coached a single game.
Bullcrap! I was stoked when we hired Adelman. He had the Trailblazers ballin' for years.
Really? Who did we as fans in general want back then? I remember being really happy though.

The only questionable stint in his career was the two with GS.

I distinctly remember it being a very blah hire, no one was jumping in the streets. He had two bad years in GS and had been around the league what seemed like forever. He was a retread...My point is that until the coach and team get together, no one has any idea how it its gonna turn out. Who the hell would have thought the Grizzlies would have made the playoffs when they hired Hubie Brown out of the broadcast booth? The Kings need a stable NBA veteran for all those kids
I wish this board was round back in 1998 when we hired the retread of retreads, Rick Adelman, who had flamed out in Portland after a long run and failed miserably in GS...everyone would have shot themselves before he even coached a single game.
Please tell me you are not comparing the hiring of Eddie Jordan to Rick Adelman's. :rolleyes:

Please tell me you are not comparing the hiring of Eddie Jordan to Rick Adelman's. :rolleyes:

Adelman had certainly proven more; however, I think he is right that a number of people were lukewarm on the hire. I didn't even use this board back then, so I can't really back this up and name posters. But at my old boards, the word retread was floated a lot. The point being, there is more that goes into being a good coach other than just a record, since the players ultimatley make a larger difference.