Kings & the All Star game


Looking at the latest all-star vote totals. It looks to me like Miller, Webber, Bibby are in by the coaches vote.

Brad Miller - he's in by default as backup center to Ming, 2nd in center votes for the Western Conference. Only other real center in the west now that Shaq is in the East.

Webber - Great play for the 1st half of the season & a five-time all-star. Behind KG/Dirk/TD/Amare, he's the next best player so far at the forward spot. Gasol & Marion are having decent seasons also, but not better.

Mike Bibby - After Kobe/T-Mac/Allen/Nash I really don't see another guard having a better season right now other than Ginobili. Manu is good, but parker is more important to the Spurs. Bibby has a good chance here.

Western Conference All-Stars:

Forwards: Garnett, Duncan, Stoudamire, Nowitski, Webber
Guards: Bryant, McGrady, Allen, Nash, Bibby
Center: Ming, Miller

*Peja Stojakovic is looking on the outs this year, but he's in for the long
distance shootout for sure.
*Maurice Evans for the dunk off, why not?

What do you guys think ?
Coaches might put Stoudemire as center and leave off Miller. I would guess that they won't, but they might.
Webber will probably be selected.
Bibby won't be selected if Miller and Webber are - too many Kings. Even if Miller is left off, I don't know if Bibby beats out other West guards for 5th spot.

Don't know if Stojakovic will go back to 3-point shootout even if asked... He may have "retired" from that competition.

Evans is also an underdog to make the slam dunk contest - they usually only have four or six guys total.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I think its entirely possible that they take Stoudemire as center #2 (it is where he lines up after all) and call Rashard Lewis a guard for guard #5. That then frees them up to take more of the talent stacked up at forward in the West. While both Mike and Brad are arguably the #2 guys at their positions in the West this year (Bibby would be #3 behind Baron if Baron had been healthy), neither guy is having a season which just demands recognition.
rest all of them would be a wise choice. still remember last year B.Miller got injured in all-star.

or if play, don't go to the basket, try some fun beyond arc, or half-court 3pt.
I never watch the All star game. So I would be in the "who cares" column. Hence, rest them. Specially Webber and his knee. I still cringe when he goes up for a rebound. Sorta like playing wiffle ball in the house with that expensive china vase on the fireplace.


Bricklayer said:
I think its entirely possible that they take Stoudemire as center #2 (it is where he lines up after all) and call Rashard Lewis a guard for guard #5. That then frees them up to take more of the talent stacked up at forward in the West. While both Mike and Brad are arguably the #2 guys at their positions in the West this year (Bibby would be #3 behind Baron if Baron had been healthy), neither guy is having a season which just demands recognition.
I will agree with Brick on this since it makes sense. While Webber deserves to make the all-star team he might not be selected because of all the other powerforwards that are already going to make it. Hopefully he does because he is deserving. The last forward spot is open to Marion or Pedja. Marion may get it if Bibby makes all-star team but if he does not then it may go to Pedja because there is no way that 3 Suns make it and only 1 King.
#1sacfan said:
I will agree with Brick on this since it makes sense. While Webber deserves to make the all-star team he might not be selected because of all the other powerforwards that are already going to make it. Hopefully he does because he is deserving. The last forward spot is open to Marion or Pedja. Marion may get it if Bibby makes all-star team but if he does not then it may go to Pedja because there is no way that 3 Suns make it and only 1 King.

Yeah, I would like to see Webb make it just because he has played his heart out this season & I would like to see him get the recognition!! I don't watch the game, and I'd honestly rather him rest his knee & stay healthy, but I want him to be rewarded for all of his efforts. So, best case, maybe he gets selected and then choses to rest instead?;) Don't know if that's ever happened before, but there's always a first time!
piksi said:
I hope non of them makes it. They can use week of.
I do not agree. I think that making the All Star Team is a huge honor. I think that the players thrive on stuff like that. I know Brad Miller didn't care. But Mike Bibby as good as he is has nver been an All Star. I know he would like to go.

Forwards - Duncan, Garnett, Stoudamire, Nowitski, Webber, Marion
Center - Ming
Guards - McGrady, *Bryant (may be injured), Nash, Allen, Bibby, Ginobli and Parker (if Bryant is hurt).

I don't think there is a rule that you need a second center if you have other guys that can play that spot.
Peja hopefully can make another repeat for the 3 point contest, and I think Evans should be at least invited. Miller will probably make it for sure. Webber has a better chance than Bibby to make the All-Star game.
uolj said:
Don't know if Stojakovic will go back to 3-point shootout even if asked... He may have "retired" from that competition.
I'm hoping Pedja enters the competition this year (if he's invited). Last year I think that competition meant a lot to him to win 3 straight. I think that last shot that rattled out kind of sent him in a little 3-pt funk. He isn't having his best year, and going in there and re-claiming the title could do a lot for his psyche.
The Four Musketeers

Chris is having an all-star season in a crowded forward field. I'd give him the nod if I were a coach.

Mike is arguably the best offensive point guard in the NBA, at least in terms of competitive desire and overall skill. Sooner or later he should get a little love.

Peja may be the best small forward in the NBA ... besides LeBron James, but the lad is not inspiring confidence at the moment. Let's see how he handles LeBron James. Who will come out looking like the All Star? Maybe both.

This is not the month that I would cheerfully vote Brad an All Star. But he is, after Yao and Amare (if you can call him a center), a top scoring center, a pretty good rebounding center and by far the best assist to turnover ratio center. If the West wants some _body_ to put on Shaq it is going to be Yao or Brad.

Intangibles abound. Coaches are going to be troubled by poor Kings rebounding and the blame may settle on Chris and Brad although they are among the best in the West. Coaches may wonder why Mike doesn't defend or Peja play his heart out. Coaches are very unlikely to take more than 2 of these 4 guys. Coaches may want to beat the East. If so, defence is not on the front burner. Offense is. Overall then it depends on how hot Mike and Peja are at the voting period.
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love_them_kings said:
Yeah, I would like to see Webb make it just because he has played his heart out this season & I would like to see him get the recognition!! I don't watch the game, and I'd honestly rather him rest his knee & stay healthy, but I want him to be rewarded for all of his efforts. So, best case, maybe he gets selected and then choses to rest instead?;) Don't know if that's ever happened before, but there's always a first time!
Oh, it happens plenty of times, I assure you. Maybe not as much as in the NFL Pro Bowl, but there are always players who are selected to the team but choose instead to enjoy the weekend on the sidelines instead.
kgrichwine said:
KHTK Pre-Game Party Train. They had a short interview of Evans saying that he would like to go.
It'll be cool to see Mo doing that. More reason for me to watch the dunking contest if Mo do go. :)
Andriod_KiNg said:
How bout the rookie challange ? I think Kevin Martin should go !!!!
I don't see Kevin making it.. Rookie vs. Sophomore teams are only 8 or 9 deep and basically there are at least 8 or 9 rookies that are just getting more playing time and exposure than Martin thus far. It'd be nice if he makes it but I don't think he will.

Dunk contest.. if it's just 4 contestants like the past few years, I would think more household names would be invited so no Mo.. but if it's more than 4 than I think Mo should be there.

Now All-Star game, I agree with the rest that there's not gonna be more than 2 Kings in it and I think that it would be Webber & Bibby (especially if he notches more triple doubles ;) ) .
Twix said:
It'll be cool to see Mo doing that. More reason for me to watch the dunking contest if Mo do go. :)
I'd love this...I think Mo has a chance, being not only new to the contest , but already mature enough to create some damn creative dunks...who knows what he has in mind if he makes it. This contest has been bland for days, I mean, Richardson was ok the first year, but after that, although I appreciated his Dominique-esq type dunks, they just grew old on me, same ole same ole. Mo is exciting, probably the most athletic in the league(argueably), and has a general passion for stuff like this, it seems...and thats lacked forever...Fred Jones last year was so damn boring in winning.
Jason Richardson I believe doesn't qualify for the Dunk Contest anymore. Unless they changed it, the Dunk Contest stipulates that only players with 3 years or less of experience can participate, hence the "Rising Stars Dunk Contest." The ideal lineup (assuming that 4 players are allowed) would be:

Josh Smith
Lebron James
Fred Jones (can't have the contest without the champ right?)
Maurice Evans

Feel free to provide other names, but I think that's as solid a lineup that you'll get. Exciting.

Oh, and for those who were watching TNT's coverage of tonight's game, you'll notice that Kenny chose Webbhead as his starting PF for the All-Star game, over Duncan and Garnett, citing the amazing transformation and adaptation of his game as well as the performance of the team. National love baby!
ooo GO MO i would LOVE to see him in the slam dunk contest!!!!

as for kings all stars, webber is the one who has the best chance of making it. i want to see him get the honor of being selected, but i don't want him playing in the game as the kings need that knee more then the western confrence does for a game that means nothing in the grand scheme of things.

i would also love to see mike get to go as he was really robbed of it last year.