Kings Re-Sign Justin Williams


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Indeed. Either:

a) we've signed him to a second one because gee, we somehow completely failed to evaluate him during the first one;
b) signed him to the second one so we could continue having an actual shotblocker to work against in practice to prepare us for every other team in the NBA not named us;
c) signed him to the second one because we have a trade on our minds and may need the body; or
d) signed him to the second one because as I suggested a couple of days ago maybe the plan all along is to just sign him to the rest of the season as cheaply as possible, so we were going to use up his two 10 days and then just reup him for the rest of the way (since you cannot sign a guy to more than two 10 days in a season). That would maybe explain the lack of urgency in seeing him on the floor if we knew he was going to be around for months.
does anybody know how many 10 day contracts we can give to a player before we have to sign him for the year?
Only two so after this they have to sigh him for the year or waive him.

I knew it would happen, Muss did say he would most likely be signed to a second 10 day a few days ago after talking with GP because of play in practice.
After todays stint he should get the contract for the remainder of the year, perhaps more?

5pts, 5rbds, 2 altered shots in 10 minutes.

Pertty damn good production from the bench. Plus he didn't hurt the team offensively when he was in the game. I thought as a team we played better.
After todays stint he should get the contract for the remainder of the year, perhaps more?

5pts, 5rbds, 2 altered shots in 10 minutes.

Pertty damn good production from the bench. Plus he didn't hurt the team offensively when he was in the game. I thought as a team we played better.
agree, he was the only thing that got me excited in the NYK game.
I had the best dream last night that we fell to the #1 draft pick and got Oden and then Oden and Williams were making our paint more secure than Fort Knox.
I had the best dream last night that we fell to the #1 draft pick and got Oden and then Oden and Williams were making our paint more secure than Fort Knox.
As someone who dreamt the Kings got Brad Miller a month or so before it became reality, I hope we're on the same level. ;)
Miller is fine and dandy for the team when it was a finesse team. He was securing the boards, he was making the passes, he was moving well...

Now...... ;

It's like we got a defensive guy in Artest....

A point guard that used to be able to push the ball in Bibby who is totally looking lost on the floor....

SAR is about 5 years too late to our team....

K-Mart is the young guy playing with a bunch of "old men" (hate to call guys that havent even reached 30 years old old men).

I say it's about that time to get J-Will out on the floor, and see what Douby, and Garcia can do. If it's nothing than wait until their contract expires, or trade them to someone that might be able to use them.... It's all about the youth movement.

the bottom line is that I would be 10x more excited to see J-Will on the floor TRYING than to see K9 out there stinking it up while we lose in a close one.
i dont know about the rest of you, but i feel like im beating a metal pin`ata. our big men stink! period. NO, make that an exclamation mark. we need an anchor. in a decade where the league is dominated by big men and defense we need a better front court that can produce. our guards arent the problem. having a productive big man makes their job alot easier. i see alot of times where k-mart/artest are right along side their man, but we give up a layup because kenny thomas cant jump
If they dont keep this dude im burnin my damn jerseys...nevermind, they were expensive, but still, my mind will officially be blown if we dont keep Williams.


hey guys, been reading KF for a long while and finally wasn't feeling lazy today. huge kings fan as i know most of you all are. Justin Williams really was a bright spot for the Kings in that game. He showed signs of the player that he is and the player the kings have needed and lacked in years past. he sort of reminds me of keon clark. he even had a block out there i think, and even when they called him for goaltending, i was ok with seeing a king hustle after a ball like that. i see a bright future for this kid.
Welcome to the board!

I agree about the goaltending thing. Grant even said something about how you had to like it even though you shouldn't like goaltending but he said that is sent a message. Justin will probably come out and make mistakes but at least it's better than Kenny making the same mistake over and over knowing he is too far gone to correct it.
Welcome to the board!

I agree about the goaltending thing. Grant even said something about how you had to like it even though you shouldn't like goaltending but he said that is sent a message. Justin will probably come out and make mistakes but at least it's better than Kenny making the same mistake over and over knowing he is too far gone to correct it.
Not only that, did you see how high he jumped to block that shot. He was probably a good 12"-18" ABOVE the rim. I've always liked the idea of having a shot blocker like Williams next to a player like Brad or Shareef.
Not only that, did you see how high he jumped to block that shot. He was probably a good 12"-18" ABOVE the rim. I've always liked the idea of having a shot blocker like Williams next to a player like Brad or Shareef.

Same.. But for some reason the Kimgs coaches don't. not sure why, but the Defensive pressure and blocks can lead to fast breaks. I don't think an offensive minded team hurts with a defensive guy on the floor.

Just my take. The Offense will be fine with one guy that isn't a threat.