Kings Fans, Don't lose hope!

I haven't lost hope, but I have lost a lot of confidence in players that I thought had more heart than this. I will leave them unnamed for reasons unknown.
KingCookie said:
I haven't lost hope, but I have lost a lot of confidence in players that I thought had more heart than this. I will leave them unnamed for reasons unknown.
I have read a lot of quotes about the Kings not having heart or not playing with energy. Just because you are losing and getting beat badly doesn't necessarily mean that you are not playing with heart. The Sonics are obviously frustrating the Kings' players. In these first two games, however, I have seen many Kings players fighting for rebounds and loose balls.

I also saw frustration because calls went against them and they weren't playing as well as they knew they could. I have seen lack of confidence, lack of teamwork, but I have not seen lack of heart from this team. I think people are using lack of heart to mean getting beat. You can have plenty of heart and desire to win and still get beat.
NoBonus, thanks for starting this thread! You said exactly what many of are feeling. I remember the seasons when draft night was one of the most exciting nights of the year for us. I am soooo proud of how far we have come. The Kings have given us WONDERFUL sports memories. Some of those palyers who gave us those memories are still on the team. It is our time to give them great memories of support. GO KINGS!! We still believe!!!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
teamdimechampionship said:
A series doesn't really start till somebody loses at home!
That's a nice Chuck Daleyism but it also means that if you're the road team you could just lose the series without the series ever having begun.
parker said:
I have read a lot of quotes about the Kings not having heart or not playing with energy. Just because you are losing and getting beat badly doesn't necessarily mean that you are not playing with heart.
It's a common opinion around here that it's all about trying REALLY, REALLY hard. As if teams that lose playoff games aren't trying. I think it's mostly about execution, staying calm and focussing on the game plan. Feeling pressure can lead to going one on five, mental mistakes and breakdowns.
No way the kings win game 7 in Seattle. They need to run the next 4 or we will be talking about new players, coaches and everything else next week.
Oh if the Kings get the broom then you will see some MAJOR changes next season. Than again you may see MAJOR changes next season anyhow. I think that is why a lot of people are having a hard time this season. It is hard to root for players that you don't know and that may not even be here next season.
It is also very embarrassing to be a Kings fan living in Seattle and getting pummeled by your friends and coworkers with "where are your queens now? where are your queens now?" I mean I was defending our kings after game 1 saying "it's just one game... we will take the next one." But booooyyy was I wrong... geeeeeeez at least make it competitive guys. Sadly I will have to be a closet kings fan now... I will be routing for the sasquatch - ridiculous thing they call a mascot. GOOOO CHEWY!!!
ghost of H.S.T said:
I don't know if you've watched Philly get killed their last two games but Webber played as well as anyone could have ever asked him to. The guy was throwing it down! But more importantly you can see his composure when Webb has the ball in his hands all his teammates need to do is make the right cut and he will find them, he is a truely unselfish player. Im not saying that the new guys arent but what they can't do is find the cutter or complete the pass as Webber has the best hands of any big man in the NBA. And yes you're right Webber is a major risk to have for another three years but with everything he's done for this TEAM they deserved one more go at a title AS A TEAM something they most definetly are not right now.
I'm with you on this one. I love the Kings, and I want them to win. I will watch every game & cheer them on.

But, I do miss Webb, and part of me watches these games and wonders ... what if?? The team changed enormeously when Webb left, and the mid season trade made it hard for the Kings to get any real team identity together. Webb has a oncourt presense and confidence that would be wonderful to have right now. I know this trade may be the right decision in the long run, but I would have loved to have just one more shot at this thing with Webb.
Bricklayer said:
That's a nice Chuck Daleyism but it also means that if you're the road team you could just lose the series without the series ever having begun.
Your misunderstood him.

teamdimechampionship said:
A series doesn't really start till somebody loses at home!
He said "somebody" meaning any team, so if the road team loses game 3, the series has started.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
xrzn said:
Your misunderstood him.

He said "somebody" meaning any team, so if the road team loses game 3, the series has started.
I know what he said, but in this case the series starting and the series being over would be the same thing. Hard to break out the "the series hasn't started until the home team loses" stuff when you're the home team wiht its abck agaisn the wall. Only game it applies to withe Sonics anymore is Game 5 (as Game 7 is once again a series ender either way).

My remark was about the hole in the logic of the whole statement. If everybody does nothing but hold serve, then we lose without the series "ever having started" (a reference to intensity/drama obviously).

Now we have to be perfect at home, and we have once hcance, and one chance only to avoid a Game 7 again -- have to run four straight and steal Game 5 (at whihc point I guess the series is on for Game 6.
NoBonus said:
Here's a new point of view to help out. Close your eyes. Remember the years before J.Will and Webber? How the Kings were incapable of even making the playoffs, much less winning anything? Remember how were all so excited and proud of the Kings? Remember the losing streaks? Remember watching the NBA draft wondering if the new pick would finally bring us to the promised land of the playoffs? What has changed? Is the ball still orange? Is the game still basketball? Think of those early Kings teams and compare them to this team. Compare the future outlook of those teams with this team. This is a great team with a great future outlook and they will make the playoffs year after year even with horrible injuries. Let's cheer for this team the same way we cheered for all of the Kings teams, with the heart and deep passion only Kings fans know. Win or lose, these Kings are our Kings.

So what your saying is we should have those big draft parties at ARCO again like we used to have?

Ahh the memories........:p
slugking50 said:
So what your saying is we should have those big draft parties at ARCO again like we used to have?

Ahh the memories........:p
All I am saying is this Kings team is a DREAM when compared to the teams over the years.

Another thought I had was the Seattle Sonics example. This is a team that made no changes during the offseason, yet they are dominating. Why? Improved chemistry? I think this team can become better than the Sonics given some time to improve and practice as a team. My thought is we do not need any new components (players/coaches) we just need to get what we have to play together a bit better, then comes the domination and the rings!
The Freak said:
Let's keep this alive. All the other threads are making me depressed.
If the Kings win tomorrow, all the negative threads will slide down into "2nd page pergatory".

...of course if they then follow that up by losing on Sunday, they'll get bumped back up into first-page bold.