Kings are interested in Luis Flores

Kings are interested in Luis Flores


Atleast this shows Petrie is not finished yet.


ores tiene ofertas para seguir en NBA

El dominicano Luis Flores, quien fue cesanteado el martes por los Nuggets de Denver, espera fichar pronto con otro equipo de la NBA.

Flores, de 24 años, jugó un partido con Denver la temporada pasada, su primera en la NBA, luego de ser canjeado en febrero por Golden State. El dominicano promedió 2.2 puntos en juegos con ambos equipos.

"Ya tengo ofertas de otros equipos de la NBA", dijo Flores el jueves a The Associated Press. "Los Raptors de Toronto y los Kings de Sacramento son dos de los clubes que están interesados en mis servicios", agregó el escolta.

De fichar con Sacramento, Flores se uniría a su compatriota Francisco García, quien fue adquirido por los Kings en el sorteo universitario de junio. Apenas tres dominicanos han jugado en la NBA, pero nunca dos en el mismo club.

"Sería grandioso jugar con García, pero tengo que estudiar lo más conveniente para mi carrera. Necesito oportunidad de juego", dijo Flores.

El escolta tirador se encuentra vistiendo la camiseta de República Dominicana en el premundial de básquetbol de las Américas que se realiza en Santo Domingo. El torneo reparte cuatro puestos para el mundial del 2006 en Japón.

"Ahora mismo no estoy preocupado por mi carrera en la NBA u otra cosa, sino enfocado en ayudar a que República Dominicana clasifique al mundial", dijo Flores.


There you go..... translated for all to see...


you pray has offerings to continue in NBA

The Dominican one Luis Flores, who was dismissed Tuesday by the Nuggets of Denver, wait to put on file soon with another team of the NBA.

Flores, of 24 years, played a party with Denver last season, its first one in the NBA, after to be traded in February by Golden State. The Dominican averaged 2.2 points in play with both teams.

"Already I have offerings of other teams of the NBA", he said Flores Thursday to The Associated Press. "The Raptors of Toronto and the Kings of Sacramento are two of the clubs that are interested in my services", he added the escort.

To put on file with Sacramento, Flores he would join with his countryman Francisco Garcia, who was acquired by the Kings in the university drawing of June. Barely three Dominicans have played in the NBA, but never two in the same club.

"It would be magnificent to play with Garcia, but I have to study him more convenient for my career. I need opportunity of play", he said Flowers.

The escort marksman is found dressing the undershirt of Dominican Republic in the premundial of basketball of the Americas that is carried out in Holy Sunday. The tournament distributes four positions for the world one of the 2006 in Japan.

"Right now I am not worried about my career in the NBA or another thing, but focused in helping that Dominican Republic classify al world", said Flores.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
I doubt if this story merits much consideration.

I do love online translators, however.

"The escort marksman is found dressing the undershirt of Dominican Republic..."
That is a phrase for the ages!



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Fillmoe said:
i thought we were pretty deep at the PG spot..... Bibby/Hart/House.....
There's no more House I'm afraid, but add in a Ronnie Price, who actually is something like Flores. Then again, so is House actually. Anyway, another undersized scoring OG/PG tweener. Clearly we would have to be offering him something non-guaranteed just to come to camp, or the Price offer would have to be non-guaranteed or some such. Can't see us with 4 PGs with guaranteed deals, especially when two of them are unproven tweener types. Maybe for a guy to stash in the NBDL and see what happens?
Well, if the Raptors are also interested in him, perhaps Petrie will sign him just to trade him to the raptors as part of a bigger deal. Who knows.


either that or maybe bibby is on the block..............

hey i have to spice up the convo ;)


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
I think this is just marketing hype by him trying to spark interest in other teams. We are solid at PG and have 13 contracts already.
I learned a while back while reading stories about Vlade and Peja coming out of Serbia-Montenegro that the foreign press leaves a little bit to be desired when it comes to truth in reporting.

Are you listening Voisin? There are probably some job openings there. :cool:
Might as well have insurance players, we don't know if Ronnie will be ready to play if Bibby goes down. Ronnie will probably play NBDL this year.
Fillmoe said:
either that or maybe bibby is on the block..............

hey i have to spice up the convo ;)
Dead on dude. I think there is more to this, Bibby will be traded and we will bring in Tyus Edney who is playing well in the Qualifiers to take his place....I need to spice it up even more now ;)
I don't think we need Flores right now, but who knows in a month or two.. like said Price may be playing in NBDL or not on a guaranteed contract and doesn't make the roster. I wouldn't mind Flores on the team, be a nice guy off the bench.
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PFFFT!! said:
Dead on dude. I think there is more to this, Bibby will be traded and we will bring in Tyus Edney who is playing well in the Qualifiers to take his place....I need to spice it up even more now ;)
Maybe we could get Magic Johnson out of retirement.
No biggie. I'm sure they need some extra bodies for the camp roster. Just because Petrie called the guy doesn't mean he gets a guaranteed contract.


Hall of Famer
Sounds like the kind of thing an agent feeds a pet sports writer: "See there is great interest in my guy... so if anyone else is interested they better hurry!"
Hmm...either Bibby is on the block or, more likely, Petrie sees enormous talent in these young guys and wants to grab them, regardless of need, especially because they can just be put in the DL.


Super Moderator Emeritus
captain bill said:
Hmm...either Bibby is on the block or, more likely, Petrie sees enormous talent in these young guys and wants to grab them, regardless of need, especially because they can just be put in the DL.
OR maybe, just maybe (as 1kingzfan pointed out) this article isn't worth the virtual paper it's written on.

Players who are dropped from one team and desperate to find a new home ALWAYS bring up other teams that are "interested" in them.

Why is it nearly every single player who is cut from a team (which generally but not always means they're just not that good) is automatically considered to be a young guy with enormous talent? Speaking in general terms, some of them are cut because they're not that good.
Bad Boy Bo said:
Would you have said that about Christie and Webber last season before they were traded?
Lets see Christie was 35, had lost a step, had lingering foot problems, and after being traded had surgery and missed the rest of the year. Webber had 3yrs $63mill left on his contract, was pretty much 1 legged, and could of went down at anytime, a huge liability for a player taking up 1/3 of your total salary cap. Then you have Bibby who is only 27yrs old, and just came off his best season in the NBA, and for that Bibby wont be traded.

Your right that was a huge typo, but hey I would take him for 3yrs at $63 dollars, even with a bad knee
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KingKong said:
Maybe we could get Magic Johnson out of retirement.
Not sure if we could get him to maybe 'moonlight' as our PG, with him running for mayor of LA in a couple years. Gotta love the transition from sports to politics...oh so easy, for the most part.*L*
Bad Boy Bo said:
Would you have said that about Christie and Webber last season before they were traded?
GP's pattern is to generally release older, tired veterans who have exceeded their prime - not qualified all-star material, youthful starters...


Super Moderator Emeritus
Yeah, that darned Gerald Wallace was just too old and tired, just like that ancient Hedo Turkoglu.