
Hall of Famer
Kings just got way better at putting pressure on the rim, creating shots in the clutch and finishing on the break. This isn’t a move that gives the Kings everything they need - but it’s a brave step forward that doesn’t mess with the core or the timeline. And now the Kings have way more swag.
Clearly Monte was looking at those iso's, as he should have been. That's where the Kings needed help and they just got one of the better iso creators in the game. It kind of looks like Monte is pivoting back a little. I think he's kind of trying to build his own little version of the Celtics. 2 main iso threats, scoring, a skilled passing big, and legit guard defense with Carter and Keon like the C's have with Jrue and Derrick White.
The Bulls are the big losers here. The Spurs get a super useful player for free when they were below the salary floor (and would have been even if they kept Graham). They HAD to spend and they walk away with a pick swap. Crazy. Feel like Chicago would have been better off taking KVon and Duarte and say 5 seconds. Duarte would have come off the books at the end of next season and they could have rebuilt Kevin’s value.

If you set aside circumstance we traded HB, 2 seconds and a pick swap for a guy playing at an all star level. Thats incredible value.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Sure, but I just don't care about current 11 year old future NBA players. If it were an unprotected FRP? Ok sure, maybe. But there's no guarantee the Spurs are anything at that time or that we aren't damn good at that time too.
I’m not crying about it just pointing out we’re likely going to be giving up the swap.
Makes more sense. Thanks!

I’m honestly not in love with the move…at least not yet. I’d like it more if we followed it up for a 3&D starting PF allowing DeRozan to come off the bench, but I thought I saw that there are incentives in DeRozan’s contract if he makes an all star team. That very likely means he’s not going to accept that type of role on our team and is going to expect/demand to start. It’s going to be really interesting to see how a Fox-DeRozan-Sabonis lineup works offensively. Two of those three “stars” aren’t good floor spacers and two of those three “stars” aren’t defenders.

The 2031 pick swap is not ideal but it is a “pick swap” and not a “pick” so there’s that. However, even with sending out this pick swap, McNair has set himself up to be in a position where he can trade 4 1sts next offseason (assuming our 2025 pick conveys to ATL).

We’ll have to see how it plays out on the court but the cost to take this swing is relatively low compared to trading for someone like Markkanen, Ingram, etc. so we’re not “stuck” or “all in.” If it doesn’t work out, we have options.