Jason Terry? Suspended 1 game...

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Anti-Cuban bias or not, he punched a guy in the balls.

That's why I couldn't be a professional athlete; if another guy punched me in the nuts, I'd be waiting for him in front of the team bus after the game with a tire iron.


Super Moderator Emeritus
mavsman - The NBA punishes the Mavs more than any other team? You might want to talk to the Pacers about that.

What you have is typical fan fervor and playoff myopia. It happens. If we still had the threads from back in 2002 you'd see what I mean.

You're too close to the situation at hand. And your owner is doing a good job of selling the "victim" mentality. Of course one of your fan boards is going to post instances that confirm your victim state... The innocent Udonis Haslem didn't lose his grip on his mouthpiece. He threw it at the official. That's just another interpretation of the event, but one that doesn't make it sound quite so unethical.

Sorry, mavsman, but all this is doing is making Mark Cuban look even more ridiculous throughout the league. He's not doing you - the Mavs fan - or your team any favors.

Why does it seem you're the victim? Because your owner is putting himself and his team above the league and David Stern. That is not going to end well. Instead of raging at the perceived inequity, look at Cuban. He's a great fan but he's forcing the league into taking action at some point - probably sooner rather than later. It's not about MARK CUBAN, superowner. It's about the National Basketball Association. He is only one part of the whole. And he's hurting everyone. He really needs to shut the **** up.
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Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Anti-Cuban bias or not, he punched a guy in the balls.

That's why I couldn't be a professional athlete; if another guy punched me in the nuts, I'd be waiting for him in front of the team bus after the game with a tire iron.
Something tells me Stern doesn't want the NBA to become known for being a league of nutshoters and will punish accordingly.
Someday, the league will actually be wrong and no one will feel bad for Cuban and the Mavs because of times like this one. Boy who cried wolf syndrome.

And Finley was waived as part of the amnesty clause right? No enemy/betrayal logic there.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:

That's why I couldn't be a professional athlete; if another guy punched me in the nuts, I'd be waiting for him in front of the team bus after the game with a tire iron.
After you got up from an agonizing blow. It hurts to get punched in that area. Mike Finley got right up - not sure how much of a "blow to the groin area" it was.

Yes Terry made a mistake - but if you're gonna make a mistake like that, get your moneys worth


Super Moderator Emeritus
mavsman said:
but kicking a player in the back is perfectly ok.
Two wrongs don't make a right.

The Mavericks aren't the only team to face adversity. But their owner sure wants the world to think they are.

Suck it up and play. Instead of crying over something you cannot control, quit buying into the "poor me" syndrome. As LPKingsfan has pointed out, Cuban has cried wolf so many times he has pretty much lost any kind of credibility with anyone not totally enamored of the Dallas Mavericks.


Super Moderator Emeritus
mavsman said:
After you got up from an agonizing blow. It hurts to get punched in that area. Mike Finley got right up - not sure how much of a "blow to the groin area" it was.

Yes Terry made a mistake - but if you're gonna make a mistake like that, get your moneys worth
Oh, nice...

VF21 said:
Two wrongs don't make a right.

The Mavericks aren't the only team to face adversity. But their owner sure wants the world to think they are.

Suck it up and play. Instead of crying over something you cannot control, quit buying into the "poor me" syndrome. As LPKingsfan has pointed out, Cuban has cried wolf so many times he has pretty much lost any kind of credibility with anyone not totally enamored of the Dallas Mavericks.
I agree with that. I do think that Cuban has cried wolf one too many times that it's become counter-productive.

And they will suck it up and play. This team is amped up and ready to go - I think it will light a fire under their butts much like the Kings when they lost Artest to that bogus suspension.
VF21 said:
Oh, nice...

Well I'm just saying, looking at the replay it looked like Terry got mostly jersey with that phantom punch. Still a punch, still a 1 game suspension - just not as effective as Finley made it out to be. I'm a male and if I were hit in that area, I promise you I'd be in a lot of pain.

Maybe even require some overnight hospitalization :(


Super Moderator Emeritus
Fillmoe said:
the real question is why didnt varejao get suspended for punching damon jones? ;)
Silly Fillmoe.

That's easy.

Varejao didn't get suspended because he doesn't play for the Dallas Mavericks.

striker said:
Cuban vilifying Finley over the radio, that he pile drove Terry and he's the one that should be suspended. This is the same Finley that poured his heart out for years for Dallas, didn't want to leave until the front office said some derogatory things that PO'd him royally but that he's class and won't discuss publically. Can you imagine the Maloofs doing that to Vlade or Webber. I sure as hell knowHolt would never do that. My disgust for Cuban grows exponentially by the day.
the best part about it is CUBAN is paying his salary i LOVE IT

as for terry getting suspended: RIGHT ON!!!!!!!! you can't punch someone and not get suspended. especially in that area. he deserves what he got. he's a punk!

while this will fire up the mavs, it also gives the spurs an advantage. terry was a nightmare matchup for the spurs, he opened things up for harris who made the spurs pay. it'll be intresting seeing what harris does without those openings.

i REALLY want a game 7!!!!!!!!!!


and shut up CUBAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not having Terry is going to suck for the Mavs... BUT they will end this series tomorrow night. Book it. Mavs in 6. They are the better team.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
mavsman said:
After you got up from an agonizing blow...
You don't think a guy could have recovered in the thirty to forty some-odd minutes between when that incident happened and when the team boarded the bus? I said after the game, not right then and there... I *might* have the self-restraint to keep from doing something on the court that could cost my team a game, but I'd get my pound of flesh, even if I had to meet him in the parking lot afterwards.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
mavsman said:
Maybe even require some overnight hospitalization :(
Overnight hospitalization? Are you serious? Dude, I've been kicked in the nads by a guy wearing soccer cleats... It hurts like hell, but it's not *that* bad...

Only way I could see it requiring hospitalization is if you caught a *really* bad break, and you got hit just right to where it tore your sack. Other than that, most guys will have walked it off in about thirty minutes, tops... At which point, you meet the cat outside for a redress of grievances...
Well, Terry did throw a punch and deserves suspension. Cuban is kind of a tool, but I'm sure glad someone is mentioning how hypocritical Stern, Jackson, and the whole league office is. People didn't like Al Davis for the longest either, but the dude was right and helped make the game better. As a Kings fan who still smarts from "Game 6", and all the other Dick Bavetta games, I really appreciate what Cuban is doing. He may not have much to stand on this time around, but at least he is bringing the debate to the fore.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Cuban did do some good when he sent tapes of incidents to the league of poor officiating but since he only did it when it was against his team rather than doing it league wide it was really self serving. Regardless that's completely different from the incident at hand. There seems to be no argument that the punch took place, so what's the problem? The rules are clear. There are plenty of teams that have gotten far worse penalties - the Heat/Knicks brawl comes to mind but this is not without precedent. Throw a punch, miss a game - and consider yourself lucky if you only miss one.
I know its early and it means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things but it seems the national media is actually taking the Mavs side on this.

Thus proving wrong my theory of an anti-Cuban bias with the media.
Just a shame that S.A. gets all the breaks...someone on their team has to be crying to the league office on a consistent basis. I'm still pissed about Ginobili's elbow to RonRon...and Bowen's kick; both w/o a suspension! WTF?!
They need to make the rules about a malicious strike less specific. The whole "if you throw a punch, you get suspended" concept--I'm not sure if it's a rule or just a meme--strangely makes kicks and elbows less bad. Change "punch" to "strike". Suspend all of the counterexamples--the elbows, the sack assault, the kicks--and Terry's defense falls by the wayside.

I would have liked to have seen the Mavs end it last game. Loved Dirk's three to tie things late. This will be tough for Dallas with or without Terry.
I didn't even have to read the first half of this story before clicking the X button on my internet. Skip Bayless is the least intelligent and informed writer ESPN has - and I don't read his crap.

This is also the same guy that when he was in Dallas claimed Troy Aikman was gay just to rile things up. He's a junkyard dog journalist who is always looking to write something salacious.
mavsman said:
This is also the same guy that when he was in Dallas claimed Troy Aikman was gay just to rile things up.
That's a little pot and kettle isn't it? A flamboyant media personality that goes by the name of "Skip" is all I'm saying. . .


Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Overnight hospitalization? Are you serious? Dude, I've been kicked in the nads by a guy wearing soccer cleats... It hurts like hell, but it's not *that* bad...

Only way I could see it requiring hospitalization is if you caught a *really* bad break, and you got hit just right to where it tore your sack. Other than that, most guys will have walked it off in about thirty minutes, tops... At which point, you meet the cat outside for a redress of grievances...
Soccer cleats had to have hurt. I've been kicked there as well, and I ended up with severe pain and started throwing up within minutes. I don't wish that on anyone.

I've seen a sack split first hand. I used to lifeguard in Oceanside and a guy came up to me and told me he needed some help. His board had hit him in the junk and when he was in a little pain. He pulled down his wetsuit and sure enough, the fin had split it and he had no idea. Once he saw it, he fainted, and was taken to the hospital. He came back a week later and was out surfing again.
thesanityannex said:
Soccer cleats had to have hurt. I've been kicked there as well, and I ended up with severe pain and started throwing up within minutes. I don't wish that on anyone.

I've seen a sack split first hand. I used to lifeguard in Oceanside and a guy came up to me and told me he needed some help. His board had hit him in the junk and when he was in a little pain. He pulled down his wetsuit and sure enough, the fin had split it and he had no idea. Once he saw it, he fainted, and was taken to the hospital. He came back a week later and was out surfing again.
gutsy! :eek: