Sorry for the delay, no PM...
Having a hard time deciding which way to go with this last 80's pick. But, I've noticed that this band hasn't been represented in either Ipod draft yet, or the Last Band Standing thread, so here we go:
[yt=Run For Your Life]3ZlDZPYzfm4[/yt]
Run to the Hills - Iron Maiden - 80's
Thanks to VF21 for asking me to join this, it was fun! Great draft all, see you in the playoffs!
Having a hard time deciding which way to go with this last 80's pick. But, I've noticed that this band hasn't been represented in either Ipod draft yet, or the Last Band Standing thread, so here we go:
[yt=Run For Your Life]3ZlDZPYzfm4[/yt]
Run to the Hills - Iron Maiden - 80's
Thanks to VF21 for asking me to join this, it was fun! Great draft all, see you in the playoffs!