While I let this post go, your follow up post was over the boundary into political discussion, etc., so I deleted it.
Regardless of your political opinion, Elon's changes to Twitter so far have done nothing but degrade the product, much like Coke changing to New Coke. He's broken the user verification system and then tried to implement a joke of a replacement that was just a blatant money grab, allowed bots and others to impersonate users causing untold issues (along with companies losing millions of $$$ due to fake posts, etc.), degraded the level of conversation (spikes in racial slurs, etc., allowed), is apparently considering adding/monetizing porn on the app, allowed copyrighted material to be illegally broadcast without being taken down in a timely manner, has banned users that fact-checked him, banned users that mocked his decisions and absurd posts (yay, free speech!), driven away millions in advertising from Twitter, fired or caused to quit the vast majority of the employees, downgraded Twitter's credit rating significantly, etc.
But yes, sure, the concern over this app's long term prospects is just political correctness overreacting to his letting a couple of previously banned users (for good reason, given what they were posting) back on the platform.

I think you are the one ignoring the big picture here.
It's like what would happen here at KF if moderation was removed. And while some might prefer that, the majority of the users apparently appreciate some guardrails on behavior here. Same with Twitter. If you don't like it, there's always other options (as mentioned previously in this thread) that don't hold up at least some minimum behavioral and posting standards.
Twitter isn't the only option out there, so there is no need to try to turn Twitter into those other, lesser platforms in the name of "protecting free speech", which doesn't exist on private company products anyways and never works out as well as it sounds in theory as the idiots immediately start overrunning those actually contributing.
Edit: And if he didn't just buy it to break it (because he's acting like a petulant child with way too much money on his hands), why not just buy one of the others out there for a LOT less $$$ that are supposedly a lot closer to his "ideal" than Twitter was/is?
It's because nobody wants that. He can't take an inferior product (Truth, Parlor, etc.) and make what he wants, because
it isn't in demand. What he wanted to do was buy the one everyone already liked and tear it down because he was mad about the success it had being what it was.