If the Kings were still an NBA power-house...

How would things be different, speaking in general terms?

Give your point of view on the following topics.

1. Would the arena still be selling out? (Consider the weak economy)

2. Would the Kings have a better chance of staying in Sacramento?

3. How would it affect your life personally/ the sacramento region?

4. Would big name free agents come here?
1. If marketed right with price cuts then sure
2. absolutely, everyone loves a winner
3. greatly, the kings are sactos only pro team says it all really
4. see 2
Kind of off topic but I've been thinking that if we had gotten Blake Griffin he could have solved a lot of issues for this franchise.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
To answer your questions, Yes. A winning team brings in more revenue in a tough economy. As for the arena, getting to the WCF didn't seem to help motivate the city to get things done, so I don't think that would change things. "What do you mean the team needs a new arena? Look at the place, it's packed!" Dumb and short-sighted, but I'm pretty sure that was the attitude of some Sacramentans in charge of such decisions. Maybe having a team that's not doing so well helps, because people aren't going to games, so that the Maloofs can focus on the arena itself.

I agree with Sac 1989 on the rest.
Kind of off topic but I've been thinking that if we had gotten Blake Griffin he could have solved a lot of issues for this franchise.
Why? Tryeke's rookie season was about 90% as good as Blake's. Not sure switching "great rookies on crappy teams" makes any difference at all. Maybe the pingpong balls fall differently and we get a Wall/Griffen combo instead of Evans/Cousins, but that's not a given. I don't understand your point at all.
1. Yes Sell out streaks filled seats... esp when the kings play fun productive basketball

2. I think it can go both ways, with money tight as it is... a powerhouse team might net big cash, they can stay, or ownership (maloof) might sell em to settle some of their money woes.... but Im saying yes they stay

3. Not living in Sacramento, but personally It would greatly affect my reaction and involvement with the other fanbase, Probably the fanbase would continue to increase garnering more people to the sacramento flock..... honestly I only know a few people who are strictly loyal to a team, the rest follow superstars..

4. Winners attract other winners, the good question is, would these "stars" co exist.. I really dont like what LBJ started, now were going to see superteams aka big market teams draw in the real talent bleed out the competition steam roll in the playoffs and get the same matchups year in year out... id like to see for once teams that are NOT expectd to be in the finals..
Kind of off topic but I've been thinking that if we had gotten Blake Griffin he could have solved a lot of issues for this franchise.
Blake's skills and playing style scares me... both positive and negative

its scary in a positive way that he can only get better
its scary negatively cause we know that his style wont last long and it will show in the body sooner or later..

imo grabbing coach thib would have saved this franchise.... we give little credit to coaches now adays..... :)
Just seeing what he's done for the clippers franchise is pretty amazing. I'm not taking anything away from Reke and I personally think he probably will end up being the better player. But the flashiness and marketability of Blake is worth more to a franchise(at least now) than Reke.