Houston @ Dallas game 7

Whos going to win?

  • Houston

    Votes: 20 57.1%
  • Dallas

    Votes: 15 42.9%

  • Total voters
I think, similar to the year where Sacramento pushed Dallas to a 7th game (w/o CWebb), that Dallas' homecourt advantage will win out in game 7. TMac just doesn't have enough around him this year to overcome all of the talent on Dallas' roster, even though Dirk is having a horrible series (due in some part to TMac's defense [which I said before the series that I didn't think TMac had the mental makeup to put to Dirk]).
T-mac will come through. He'll put up 50 if he has to. If his teammates show up, great, else he'll pull an AI and win this one through will alone. Homecourt means much less than usual for this series.
I think Dallas will edge it.

Not so much due to the home court, because both teams have shown they can win in the other Texan gym, but it seems that Houston rely so heavily on TMac and are that much more volnerable to a sub super-star game from him than say the Mavs are from Dirk.

Who would i prefer to see win...Rockets.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Sorry, I cannot vote in the poll because my crystal ball is still broken. However, it you asked me who I wanted to see win between the Mavs and the Rockets I would have to say...



Dallas is cursed just like the Kings so im gonna have to say Houston wins this game

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
I would much rather Houston win, if for no other reason than because I think they match up better against Phoenix, but they're getting absolutely jackstomed right now.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
I would much rather Houston win, if for no other reason than because I think they match up better against Phoenix, but they're getting absolutely jackstomed right now.
Yeah, I'm pulling for Houston too -- but it is ugly right now. They'd better work some magic at half time or this game is going to be very disappointing
That's BS...how was that not a foul....Mike James went off...and rightfully so. Damn, I feel bad for T-mac....another 1st round exit for him.
Zyphen said:
T-mac will come through. He'll put up 50 if he has to. If his teammates show up, great, else he'll pull an AI and win this one through will alone. Homecourt means much less than usual for this series.
For all the will he and AI have, they sure haven't won a lot of series in the last few years.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Sorry, S£im, but I can't bring myself to root for anything that would give Mark Cuban joy. I simply cannot do it...
Same here VF, I totally dislike MAVS with a passion more so than Nash. As much as I hate to admit, I am going to root for the cocky coach and Nasty.

After that series, Duncan and co. will likely finish them off.
What kind of 7th game was that? First Indiana, then Mavs... both blow-outs. I was so hyped for both games and couldn't even finish either of them.

Well, not that I dislike Mavs (I actually dislike Cuban, but everybody dislikes him), but just because I like Suns, I'll root for the Suns against them. I want either us (very small chance) or Suns to represent the WC in the finals. And for once, it won't be the defense that wins the championship, it will be the offense (hopefully).
Big win tonight, largest in NBA history for a Game 7 (40).

Anyways, now the fun starts, the series us Mavs fans have wanted since July 1st, the matchup against Stevie.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
VF21 said:
Sorry, S£im, but I can't bring myself to root for anything that would give Mark Cuban joy. I simply cannot do it...
Bah X2. If Phoenix managed to get past Dallas they could get somehow surprise the Spurs and make it to the Finals, and that would just make me ill.

There's no way that Dallas could beat any of the top three teams (San Antonio, Detroit, Miami) anyway, with all due respect to our esteemed Maverick fans.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:

There's no way that Dallas could beat any of the top three teams (San Antonio, Detroit, Miami) anyway, with all due respect to our esteemed Maverick fans.
Wretched, fouling Detroit is the only one of your above cited teams that I think would actually have a real chance of beating this year's Mavs squad in the playoffs. Furthermore, my gut feeling tells me that this now-passed, brutal, fiery Mavs-Rockets series has probably done much to forge this year's Mavericks into a far more ironclad and sound playoff vessel than they've been in recent years, and I'd wager a fair bet that both you, and the majority of NBA fandom in general, will end up being quite surprised to see just how easily this angry, fire-hardened Maverick's team will dispatch the uppity, thin-benched Phoenix Suns...
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gocmen said:
What kind of 7th game was that? First Indiana, then Mavs... both blow-outs. I was so hyped for both games and couldn't even finish either of them.
That was only the 3rd time the Celts lost a Gm7 at home, also vs Philly in 1982 and NY in 1973.
The only thing that would help ease the pain of our loss was the mavs getting their butt kicked. Now they've gone further than us. That really hurts!! GO PHOENIX!!!! and to win by 40 points, I didn't see it but I'm thinking WTF happened???

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Evilmav2 said:
Wretched, fouling Detroit is the only one of your above cited teams that I think would actually have a real chance of beating this year's Mavs squad in the playoffs. Furthermore, my gut feeling tells me that this now-passed, brutal, fiery Mavs-Rockets series has probably done much to forge this year's Mavericks into a far more ironclad and sound playoff vessel than they've been in recent years, and I'd wager a fair bet that both you, and the majority of NBA fandom in general, will end up being quite surprised to see just how easily this angry, fire-hardened Maverick's team will dispatch the uppity, thin-benched Phoenix Suns...
Isn' that more or less how you felt after you won two Game Sevens in 2003? Remind me how that WCF turned out again?

And the last time I bet somebody in your family, they didn't pay up when they lost, so no thanks.

EDIT - And, for the record (since I guess my second post in this thread wasn't clear enough), I am rooting for your Mavericks to beat the Suns; I just expect them to lose to the Spurs... again...
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Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Isn' that more or less how you felt after you won two Game Sevens in 2003? Remind me how that WCF turned out again?

Yeah, but before that series it was hard to predict that Dirk would go down to injury, and that we would be forced to play San Antonio fielding a starting frontcourt of Walt Williams and Raef Lafrentz for the last few games of the series. I still say that if Joey Crawford hadn't have executed a brutal hatchet job on my Mavs in game 2 of the WCF, or if Dirk hadn't been injured in games 4-6, or if Nash and Nick had been able to close out on Steve Kerr at the three point line in the 4th quarter of game 6, '03 might easily have been a championship year for Dallas- although by the same token, my Mavs might not have even gotten out of the second round if that disastrous Webber injury hadn't occured...

Injuries or happenstance may well bring a premature to the championship dreams of my '05 Mavs just as it did in '03, but if the good ship Maverick is able to stay on an even keel, avoiding injuries for the next few weeks, I still believe that they will make short work of inexperienced, swaggering Phoenix, and that they will eventually mount a dire challenge to the capably efficient, but depth-challenged Spurs in the Western Conference Finals.

And the last time I bet somebody in your family, they didn't pay up when they lost, so no thanks.
Hahaha... I heard something about that, although I don't remember what my bro said he agreed to do in remonstrance for losing y'alls bet, or what that was over originally (wasn't he supposed to use a Kings logo for his avatar? Or maybe Jaqui Christie? Unfortunately I don't remember). Since I'll get to see him again this weekend (he's coming back from Cali), I'll have to tell him that you are still waiting for him to make good his debt to you:D.
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loopymitch said:
The only thing that would help ease the pain of our loss was the mavs getting their butt kicked. Now they've gone further than us. That really hurts!! GO PHOENIX!!!! and to win by 40 points, I didn't see it but I'm thinking WTF happened???
What hurt more is that the SUNS will likely make in to the WCF.....GOSH, it sort of remind me of the KINGS in 01-02. Won 60 games and for the first time heading to the WCF and only to meet the Lakers.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Evilmav2 said:
Hahaha... I heard something about that, although I don't remember what my bro said he agreed to do in remonstrance for losing y'alls bet, or what that was over originally (wasn't he supposed to use a Kings logo for his avatar? Or maybe Jaqui Christie? Unfortunately I don't remember)...
The actual terms of the bet were that the loser would allow himself to be photographed wearing the opposing teams ball cap and jersey, and holding a sign bearing the following: "The (winner's team) Are My Favorite Team." This photograph was to be posted on KingsFans.

This wager was made prior to the 2002 WCSF. I'm still waiting on Mavinator to pay up...
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
The actual terms of the bet were that the loser would allow himself to be photographed wearing the opposing teams ball cap and jersey, and holding a sign bearing the following: "The (winner's team) Are My Favorite Team." This photograph was to be posted on KingsFans.

This wager was made prior to the 2002 WCSF. I'm still waiting on Mavinator to pay up...
Hahaha... I think I may just have to do my best to force him to finally pay up for you Mr. S£im. That kind of picture sounds like it would make a great desktop wallpaper for my computer:D...