
Anybody else watching this game? It's very close surprisingly enough and a good game. Webber's not getting booed that's always a good thing and he's kicking butt in rebounds, his shot's still not there but it will be. AI actually had some assists:eek::eek: and Shaq is missing his free throws, what a surprise!! I'd love to see 76ers win, show Heat they're not as invincible as they think they are.
I've been watching the game I've already noticed at least twice in this fourth quarter that he's been boo'd and both times I had to run out the room cuz it breaks my heart...also AI is 4th is among the league leaders in assists its not a shock that he's gonna a handful of them..

great game..very much PO intensity...hopefully Philly can gut out a win...they have beat them once this year already and this will most likely be their first round match up...

the Heat have turned the ball over like 20 times and Philly only half that amount...is that gonna come back to haunt the Heat....? We shall see...go Sixers!


Webber is hitting some clutch shots!!!!! IVERSON IS THAT DUDE!!!!!!!!! lets hope he makes these FT's
For a second I thought the same thing was gonna happen to Iggy as what happened to poor Trevor in NY....Iggy did a great job...stayed close and closed out on his shooting hand couldn't done a better job...if DWade were to make that shot you'd have to get him the credit for making a tough shot

OT, gotta love this game !!!! I didn't hear the boos, they must have been much quieter than they usually are but he's finding his shots now, great to see. GO CHRIS!!!
AI and AI2 have got to be the second best duo in the league behind Superman and Flash ofcourse...

See AI gives the ball up who would of thought that he would have given it up to Iggy in a close game like this...he could have easily layed that ball up and in himself...

Well the Dallas Portland game isn't gonna compare to this game thats for sure...


Hall of Famer
Im loving it! Earlier the fans were rough on Webber. Am I th e only one who hates watching Webber paly in Philly? It's like selling the hot rod you took great care of to some punk you see out on the street roasing the tires and burning the clutch...