has anyone ever lost there car keys at the wrong moment?

im going insane i go to Sierra Community College in Rocklin i have class at 9:30 for psyc3 oops!! its 10 now crap, this morning i seem to be searching for over a hour for my car keys i have a mid-term to pass/fail the class no make-ups and im going crazy and crying cause this has never happened to me!!!!! i wrote to my teacher hoping i have a little hope from her but i dont have a clue what will happen, i am so exhausted from studying last night and running around my house that i needed to sit down and type this, lol, how bad am i!! and i surely want to end up with good grades coming into the mid-way of the semester, i want to be passing all my classes this semester with no W's like last semester! ill be missing Astronomy to, which is somewhat hard, anyone gone to Sierra or go there taking psyc3??? someone make me feel better please!!

PS all my friends are at school and my parents are at work doesnt that suck too!
They're always in the last place you look ;).

I've turned my apartment upside down looking for my keys a few times, but fortunately never when I'm in a rush to be somewhere. One time they were in a CRAZY place, and all I could do was laugh at it
Oh I've done this. It's less fun than it sounds (and it doesn't sound very fun). Thankfully, I've never actually had it make me late anywhere. Now, I have set places that I always put my keys. They're either in my right front pocket, or on my nightstand. Nowhere else. It doesn't hurt to keep an extra set somewhere safe if you have one.
Oh I've done this. It's less fun than it sounds (and it doesn't sound very fun). Thankfully, I've never actually had it make me late anywhere. Now, I have set places that I always put my keys. They're either in my right front pocket, or on my nightstand. Nowhere else. It doesn't hurt to keep an extra set somewhere safe if you have one.
This is what I do. I have a hook for them by the door to the garage.

For any item, I have to be really be conscious of where I'm putting something down, unless its exactly where its supposed to be. It's like saying to myself, "you are locking the door," so I won't panic trying to remember if I really did it. If I do it "unconsciously, then I can't tell if I'm remembering doing it this morning or yesterday morning.

Of course, I'm almost 60 years old now and the memory is starting to misfire more often.

Have you done this: I put something somewhere (not where it logically should go or is supposed to go). It stays there for months and I always say I'm going to put it where it belongs. When I finally get to putting it where it "should" be, I can't find it. I clearly remember the "wrong" place it was at for months, though.

At the moment it's my passport. :eek: I know it's in my house and it was on my dresser for months. I "put it away," supposedly, but now can't find it. I wish I'd just left it on my dresser. I'll be doing the major hunt this weekend, because it is now officially bugging the heck out of me. :(

These things are not funny, at least not while they are happening.
I've never lost my keys, but one time I left my wallet in El Segundo
Left my wallet in El Segundo
Left my wallet in El Segundo
I gotta get, I got-got ta get it [/Tribe Called Quest]
I always check the craziest places first, like the fridge or cabinets. But I try to put my keys and wallet and phone and stuff in the same place every time. I put them in the same pocket, set them down in the same place, etc.
I've never lost my keys, but one time I left my wallet in El Segundo
Left my wallet in El Segundo
Left my wallet in El Segundo
I gotta get, I got-got ta get it [/Tribe Called Quest]
[applause] **** YEAH!!![/applause]

(given her age, I wonder if the OP knows what you're talking about :D)

To be constructive:

- wallet on shelf
- keys on hook
- glasses on bookcase

Every, single, time.
[applause] **** YEAH!!![/applause]

(given her age, I wonder if the OP knows what you're talking about :D)

To be constructive:

- wallet on shelf
- keys on hook
- glasses on bookcase

Every, single, time.

well thank you for telling me, dont be surprised if all those are missing tommorow!

jk. i'll leave you your glasses.