[Grades] Grades v. Sixers & Refs 1/2/2014

So, biggest culprit?

  • Zebras

    Votes: 22 36.1%
  • Pathetic defense

    Votes: 20 32.8%
  • Turnovers/inability to handle pressure

    Votes: 8 13.1%
  • Complete no shows by half the roster

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Coaching

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Don't Make Me Use The Bat

Be pissed. Its ok.

If you ever wondered how garbage like the above gets published and gains traction, all you had to do was watch tonight's complete disaster of a refereeing job. the worst of it from our perspective certainly centered on DeMarcus Cousins, who put up an utterly ridiculous 33pts 14rebs in 28 minutes. Think about that. But who had to endure three so bad the ref must have money on the game calls, two of them on plays where he ended up on the floor, the last of them on a flying shoulder block to his chest. All three called against him. It was only the tip of a very deep iceberg though. We got the worst of it by far, but my lord were the calls completely random and idiotic. Guys would hack 1, 2, 3, 4 times, finally get called. One time Jimmer couldn't even take a foul because the ref was apparently going to make the other guy slug him in the jaw before calling anything. Next time down somebody would breathe on somebody and there was the call. Their bigs were flat thugging, ours were called 4 times for illegal screens, including the aforementioned flying shoulder block. It was really sincerely terrible, and it made the game a borderline sham. it also served to distract from the terrible play of many Kings for long stretches of the night, from defense that has just reached the completely intolerable level. I'm all for just forfeiting on out the rest of the season rather than having to watch one more King get blown by to the hoop. Still, had the refs, and on at least the first 2 terrible calls it was the same ref back to back bang in the 3rd, not whistled Cousins out of the game we might have own anyway. What's that pace? 40-20 in full minutes? yeah, anyway, anything more I could say about this would likely have law enforcement knocking on my door should any of these refs suffer an accident tonight, so I'm just going to turn it over to the Consortium for their grades.

P.S. If you watched any of the interchanges between Hawes and Cousins it should completely eradicate any ideas anybody had about bringing back Hawes to pair with Boogie. He's probably more likely to send Chris Paul flowers on Valentine's Day.

Your Consoritum Graders tonight:
Capt. Factorial


Stats: 30min 18pts (7-11, 0-1, 4-5) 7reb 2ast 1stl 1blk 3TO
Gay ( B ) -- The minute distribution for Rudy was really strange tonight. He was our 2nd best player, but it feels as if he could have had a greater impact in the game if he’d gotten more minutes which he absolutely deserved. In the 1st quarter he was rebounding well but wasn’t really getting the ball on the offensive end for scoring opportunities. He ended up guarding Turner and Turner got two dribble-drives past him for lay-ups and Malone pulled him after 7 minutes of play. Rudy wasn’t playing poorly but perhaps he wasn’t being aggressive enough to demand the ball, but whatever the reason, his first stint had him with a bucket, a TO, a great Pick-n-roll bounce pass to Cousins, and 4 points ceded to Turner. He got back into the game after about a minute into the 2nd quarter and came out aggressive. For a five minute stretch he scored a number of points and was strong on the glass. Unfortunately the last 5 minutes of the 2nd quarter he only got one shot attempt as Cousins/IT dominated the possessions. In the 2nd quarter he also let Turner use a screen to create some space to knock down a jumper, but by the end of the half Rudy was sitting on 11 points and 5 rebounds while only letting Turner score 6 points on him. The third quarter was interesting because once the refs decided that they didn’t want us winning this game by giving Cousins two quick phantom fouls and removing him from the game you’d hope that our 2nd best player would step up and respond. And Rudy did just that. For the next 6 minutes Rudy scored the ball to try and keep our heads above the water. The problem is that Turner was scoring right back on him. For a stretch of about three minutes it was just a 2-man game as they went back and forth scoring on each other. Finally with about 5 minutes left in the 3rd Malone inexplicably took Rudy out of the game. I don’t know what the reasoning was, but Rudy needed to be on the Court with Cousins on the bench in foul trouble. Rudy wouldn’t get back in until about 5 minutes left in the game, and as everyone knows Rudy should have gotten back into the game along with Cousins far earlier than that. Rudy only played 30 minutes in this one and only took 11 shots, hitting 7 of them. He was never in foul trouble. He should have played closer to 36 or 38 minutes and should not have been pulled out in the 3rd quarter as he was being aggressive and scoring well. Rudy didn’t get enough minutes or shots, but he shot efficiently and rebounded well. His defense wasn’t great against Turner, but Evans took 11 more shots and scored only 6 more points than Rudy, while playing 12 more minutes. So Rudy’s defense wasn’t awful and by my count he outscored Turner for the time they were matched together on the court. --Uncia

Stats: 20min 2pts (1-2, 0-0, 0-1) 5reb 0ast 0stl 1blk 2TO
Thompson ( C- ) -- games like this are hard as Jason again did little obviously wrong, but did just as little right and was replaced for most of the latter game. Was quiet again in the early going as he was chasing around on the perimeter -- a chase he, and we, would lose for much of the night although young did more damage against others. Again responded as soon as Cuz went out with a nice post hook of his own, but as per usual, its just the one play. He'll score nicely on a one or two matchups, but neither he nor we ever build on it, so you just get one hoop. I guess every 2pts matter, but... Did not stay on the court long as we went small, which was disastrous for us on multiple occasions tonight. Fianlly reinserted as the Sixers went big and double thugged Cuz inside, and JT contributed with a couple of big man boards. we weren't often getting otherwise. Accomplished nothing in the third, but did get screwed over by the refs on an offensive foul call after they chased Cuz from the game with more buffoonery. that was the last we saw of him as Williams...well Williams was a mess defensively but at least alive out there, and got all the late minutes.--Brick

Stats: 28min 33pts (10-16, 0-0, 13-19) 14reb 2ast 2stl 1blk 5TO
Cousins ( A ) -- ok, have extensive notes on this one, some of which we'll get to, but I think this is more of a story grade than a details grade. Here are the big points here. 1) this was an angry game by Boogie. Multiple theories as to why include that his teammates did not come out playing as a team, that the refs completely and I do mena completely cheated him out of a signature career game (more on that later), that the Sixers were really hammering and hacking at him while the aforementioned refs called fouls on HIM, and an x factor in case people did not know: he doesn't like Spencer Hawes (in fact they jawed at each other all night, and exchanged pleasantries after Cuz fouled his soft ass out in the final minutes) and especially Daniel Orton, his old backup at Kentucky who talked smack about being better than him. Now on the former (Hawes) front it was a complete blowout of a matchup. Half the time you could not even tell if old Soggy was trying to stop him. But on the latter, it was kind of a disaster, as Boogie and Orton clearly weren't playing in a Kings/Philly game out there. It distracted Cuz immensely, he wanted so badly to smash Orton's face that he hacked at him on defense because he didn't want to be scored on by him, and forced things on offense because he wanted to posterize him. And meanwhile, and here was the critical thing, Orton was allowed to get away with bloody murder, and in the Game 7 Lakers/Kings defining moment for the refs in the mid third, Orton first threw Cousins to the floor...for a 3rd foul on Cousins(!), and then went down the other way and got into a wrestling match with him again...for a 4th foul on Cousins. Effectively capping what could have been an historic night for Cuz. What's that you say? Well, Cuz put up a ridiculous 33pts 14rebs in 28 min last night. 28 minutes. If you tell me oh, yeah I've seen that before, you're full of it. Checking basketball-reference's database which goes back 28 years, in the past 28 years only ONE other player has ever put up 33pts or more and 14rebs or more in 28 min or less. That was a single game by Alonzo Mourning back in 1993, 20 years ago. That's it. Cuz was having as prolific of a big man game as the league has seen in many years, and some incredibly mysteriously bad whistles ended it. here's more for your conspiracy bit: Cuz was whistled on the very first play of the game for a ticky tack illegal screen 30 feet from the hoop that was barely if it was. He picked up his 5th foul soon after returning to save us in the early 4th when he was again called for an illegal screen when tony Wroten launched himself in the air for a flying shoulder block that again knocked Cuz to the ground...and got a foul called on him. I don't know what to say. I pondered A+ing this just for Cuz not going ballistic and popping one or more of the refs heads like zits. Classic game BTW where our soft ass little team gets exposed for what it is. This is the game where that tough guy enforcer frontcourtmate that great centers have so often had comes in handy. Anyway, I lied a bit about the details as I've already rambled too long. Suffice it to say that the Sixers had absolutely no hope of stopping Cousins through any means, but the refs sure could. These are the games that have so ruined NBA refs' reputations over the years. --Brick

Stats: 23min 0pts (0-5, 0-3, 0-0) 3reb 0ast 0stl 0blk 2TO
McLemore ( D- ) -- Oh Boy. This was painful. What can I say about Ben McLemore that hasn’t already been said? What can I say about this game, period? He didn’t do anything. Nothing. There is barely any evidence that he actually played basketball tonight. He took 5 shots and missed all of them. Three of them were 3’s that didn’t even look close. Oh, and his shoddy ball handling was also on display the few times he tried to make a move. He had one really quick drive to the basket early in the game that almost looked all right, but he blew the finish. That was his only semi-positive moment in this game offensively. Defensively, he had the luxury of matching up against Hollis Thompson who he defended reasonably well. But this is Hollis Thompson we’re talking about here. Not exactly Michael Jordan. I don’t know what you do with McLemore at this point, but Malone has to be thinking about going to someone else.--Mass

Stats: 36min 23pts (7-18, 4-9, 5-6) 1reb 7ast 0stl 0blk 3TO
Thomas ( B- ) -- There was quite a bit of angst about IT's job tonight in the game thread, and I'm not sure whether it was all deserved. Defensively, Thomas spent much of his time on the much-taller Michael Carter-Williams, but MCW didn't really get the best of him, scoring only 5 points - 2 on a fast break when IT stayed in front of him, 2 wide open when he reversed on a down screen when IT tried to go over the top of it, and 1 on a free throw (the foul happened during an interview - an irritating trend in the third quarter when IT committed two shooting fouls and must have been peeled off Wroten on a screen a third time - ALL off camera). By contrast he forced MCW into four misses and generally stayed in front of him on the drive (so I count 5 points on 7 shots for MCW), nor did MCW tear up IT with his passing over the top of a shorter man as MCW had only 5 assists on the night. Wroten had a bit more success against IT, scoring ten points total on him, but seven of those were from the charity stripe - two of those came off of a good foul on a fast break and three were true charity, coming off of a great defensive stand where IT refused to let Wroten go by, but Wroten got bailed out by a foul he didn't earn and a technical the refs definitely did earn. All things considered, IT was not a liability on defense tonight - this may be largely because Philly didn't rely heavily on playing IT into the pick-and-roll, which exposes him much more than one-on-one defense. On offense, IT didn't have the greatest night. Throw away the half-court heave before halftime and a garbagetime miss in the lane and he was still only 7-16 on the night. Two of those were threes deflected by MCW. But though he got to the line only 6 times on the night, it could be argued he was fouled about three more times. He did start the game looking for his own shot, taking 6 shots early in the first quarter, but thereafter he started moving the ball much better and while he only ended up with two assists in the quarter, I counted eight other shots that he set up that didn't go. He finished the game with seven assists and twelve setups to only three turnovers (one of which came on a nice pass to Acy that simply was not caught). He really had a pretty good game - maybe a bad stretch or two, but overall a net positive on a net-negative night.--Capt.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat

Stats: 25min 11pts (4-7, 0-1, 3-4) 2reb 0ast 0stl 3blk 2TO
Williams ( C ) -- well, better than we have been seeing, but watching this you also got an all Cool Whip no pie sensation. It was all highlights, with a bunch of low grade bad stuff in between. bad bad bad bad bad GOOD!!! bad bad bad GOOD!!! bad... and so it went. His highlights tonight were his game. But at least the had some. game didn't start off that way again though. For the first half and his early minutes in the second half, it was once again DWill the invisible. Had one tough finish inside in the first half, but was totally ineffective on defense. When he returned int he third bricked a three wildly off the glass that could have killed somebody on the rebound. Just out of rhythm nothingness again. But as we made our late charge, it was Williams who was as close to a third wheel as Cuz and Jimmer(!) had. Late in the third hit a tough tough turnaround on the baseline against the shotclock, and that was kinda all it took to get his confidence flowing. Then got the hammer dunk from Thornton to follow and suddenly DWill was alive and bouncing. Added a huge block inside in the early 4th as Cuz and Jimmer led a charge, and another hammer dunk and block as we fought to stay in it. His attempt to go for the dunking hat trick at the 1:00 mark may have finished us though, as the Sixers came up with the big block against him at the rim with us down 7 and absolutely needing to have that score. At least it was a good try. Was a funny feeling game. Everything he did he did with so much emphasis it was sending a message. And yet the complete inability to stop the Sixers forwards sent the bigger message on the scoreboard.--Brick

Stats: 17min 0pts (0-5, 0-0, 0-0) 3reb 0ast 0stl 0blk 0TO
Acy ( D ) -- you know, I think I must just be getting all the bad Acy games. Because everytime I have to grade him what I get out there is a tweener 4/3 being played at center and scored over at will because he is too small to guard the rim. He did per usual make a couple of good hustle plays. He was one of several Kings who set good hard screens on the night -- and Acy was about the only one not called for it. But he also tried to be an offensive player tonight, and he should just stop. Of course given the absolute red carpet the Sixers had to the rim all night, if Acy hadn't tried to play offense, and hadn't played defense, there would have been no point in him being out there at all. Which there wasn't BTW. Gray was once again better in very limited minutes, and the fascination by Malone with playing Acy out of position out there is a mystery. We lost ground, and have been losing ground nearly every time we do it. --Brick

Stats: 20min 2pts (1-6, 0-3, 0-0) 4reb 2ast 0stl 0blk 1TO
Thornton ( D ) -- Marcus Thornton was only slightly better then McLemore tonight, and I’m not just talking about his shooting-guard-team-high two points. He made a few nifty passes to remind you that Thornton does bring something else to the table when his scoring is off. I thought his shot selection was all right, and he was getting open looks, he just wasn’t hitting any of them. He would finish the game with a +/- of 0, and it felt like that kind of empty performance from Thornton. He wasn’t as bad as some of his teammates, but the Kings needed more from him. He was the lesser of two evils at shooting guard tonight, and that’s about the best thing I can say about Thornton’s performance. --Mass

Stats: 21min 0pts (0-4, 0-0, 0-0) 7reb 1ast 1stl 0blk 0TO
Outlaw ( C- ) -- Well…Oulaw had a great rebounding night collecting 7 boards in 20 minutes, which is great production. Beyond that….yeah, it wasn’t a good night for Travis. He only took 4 shots and missed them all going for the bagel in points tonight. He did have two great offensive rebounds and then drop-off passes to a cutting Williams. The first one Williams got fouled, but the 2nd one Williams had a massive slam during the King’s 4th quarter run that really brought the house down. That was Outlaw’s best play of the night as he came down with the rebound and immediately whipped it to Derrick who cut hard along the baseline. But he was brought in to guard Turner and didn’t do a great job and a number of times he ended up having to either guard or block out Young, and Young won pretty much every match-up where they went at each other. Outlaw just wasn’t able to use his length to stop either Turner or Young. So he rebounded well and made a couple of nice passes to Williams, but he wasn’t able to score himself and just couldn’t seem to contain anyone on the defensive end.--Uncia

Stats: 17min 15pts (5-9, 3-6, 2-2) 4reb 0ast 0stl 1blk 3TO
Fredette ( B- ) -- It's nearly impossible to grade Jimmer in this game. He had what I believed to be a dreadful stint in the second quarter. As a defender he had nothing resembling an answer for Tony Wroten's drive. In the span of less than five minutes, Wroten got clear around Jimmer into the lane at least four times, only using a screen to do it once. On another play, Jimmer left Wroten instead of boxing him out on a rebound leading to a Wroten offensive rebound and clear lane for a big dunk. Offensively the Sixers put Elliot Williams on him and asked for hard ball pressure, which worked pretty effectively. On his first offensive possession, Jimmer was forced to pick up his dribble ten feet before he even got to the free throw line, shortly thereafter Jimmer tried to overcome the ball pressure by putting his head down and driving, but he only succeeded in throwing up a hopeless shot in the lane. Outside of breaking up a fastbreak with a quick-hands steal, he did nothing at all well in the first half. Then a completely different player came in for the fourth quarter - notably Carter-Williams picked him up at this point and Elliot Williams didn't enter the game. Jimmer went on an offensive tear, scoring twelve consecutive Kings points before missing a heat-check three (though he basically had no intention of passing the ball at all - he had zero assists, and I counted one shot setup and two bad passes that otherwise would have been for the entire game). During that early fourth-quarter run, he actually played GOOD defense on Carter-Williams, shutting him down on two drives. But once that magic run was over, that was mostly it. He racked up three turnovers down the stretch, two on three bad passes and another time getting stripped resulting in a fast break. He missed three of his last four shots, all threes (one the heat check, another on a play where he tried to draw the "Kevin Martin" and was rightly shut down by the ref). Once Isaiah Thomas came back in to move Jimmer over to SG, it was pretty much over, and Jimmer had little impact, offensively (one three off an IT baseline dish) or defensively (once did stay in front of a James Anderson drive) and his 15-point quarter was wasted. He had about 3-4 minutes of selfish but A+ ball bookended by D work at best...and the D work lasted longer. But the A+ work was more memorable, and it did give us a chance to get back into the game, so I'll bias the grade up a bit.--Capt.

Stats: 3min 0pts (0-0, 0-0, 0-0) 1reb 0ast 0stl 0blk 1TO
Gray ( A ) -- you know what? I really liked Gray's short stint out there tonight. In fact there really should have been a followup. This fear we have of playing him against smallballers while those teams are scoring 113pts against our smallballers seems ridiculous. We aren't stopping them anyway, might as well beat them up the other way. Got into the game for the first (and only) time for the final 3min of the 3rd, with Cuz screwed out of the game by the refs, and Acy just completely ineffective. Helped us immediately just by being big inside, getting an offensive board it did not look like we had any chance at, and challenging well on jumpers with his height. He set a good screen to free It for one of his shots, and after apparently dislocating his pinky on one play, came back to set another huge screen on Wroten I think that got called an offensive foul as apparently only one set of big men was allowed to be physical. Anyway, he knocked his man on his ass, and so that's enough for an A by itself. We need more people just to send some people to the floor, not fewer. --Brick
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We need to make more trades lol, we got to many softies that don't care enough about winning and most the players on the two are below average in both aspects of basketball.

Hell maybe Keith Smart as a defensive coach was not all that bad considering Mike Malone a defensive wizard can't do anything with most these guys. You just can't teach the most basic common sense/IQ to players it's something they should have and our team does not, Turner can't make a jumper to save his life and you got guys pressuring him I mean seriously?

Than when we choose to foul we do it so softly and do it when the ball is basically in the hoop we just give out and1's like it's nothing. Marcus Thornton/Mclemore should be called the MK"s (momentum killers) I swear every game when we take control one of these idiots does something to just give it all back.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
We need to make more trades lol, we got to many softies that don't care enough about winning and most the players on the two are below average in both aspects of basketball.

Hell maybe Keith Smart as a defensive coach was not all that bad considering Mike Malone a defensive wizard can't do anything with most these guys.
You have no idea how lucky you are I am not allowed to ban people for comments like that.
Sorry guys... I didn't watch this game because I was watching the Sugarbowl.. what a sad game. How were the calls tonight? Just looking at the stat lines, looks like Gay, Cousins, and IT had good nights but not very much minutes and everyone on the bench was horrible except for Jimmer and D-Will.
Oh, and that out-of-bounds ball that was going to be given to the Sixers. Good thing they could use replay, it let them change it and get at least one call correct tonight.
They can play some defense, they just don't bother to play any, unless top-5 team is on the other side. Then it's at least interesting for these Kings. They imagine themselves in POs, while the opponent comes in with the idea of getting easy win.
They can play some defense, they just don't bother to play any, unless top-5 team is on the other side. Then it's at least interesting for these Kings. They imagine themselves in POs, while the opponent comes in with the idea of getting easy win.
Well it is an easy win. They haven't earned a thing


I wonder if there are some deeper issues here, we for the team we have are underperforming more than anyone in the NBA imo I mean as bad as the Knicks have been outside Melo/Chandler they are garbage even less talented there is literally so many teams less talented performing way better, I mean the Celtics minus Rondo have been way better than us for god sakes.
We had A LOT of Kings playing atrociously tonight. Like, mindboggingly bad. The rest? Half atrocious.

And yet...I really do think we win this if Cousins doesn't get jobbed by the refs. Half of the Sixers would have fouled out. It'd have been a career night.

My brain is trying SO hard to convince me that everything is cool, grasping and spinning...suggesting ludicrous 'bright sides' like "Hey, at least Cousins only got ONE technical”

Thanks brain. Thanks refs.

Everything is awesome. I barely notice the burning in my face and seething blind rage.
I wonder if there are some deeper issues here, we for the team we have are underperforming more than anyone in the NBA imo I mean as bad as the Knicks have been outside Melo/Chandler they are garbage even less talented there is literally so many teams less talented performing way better, I mean the Celtics minus Rondo have been way better than us for god sakes.
I have been asking myself that for years. I think the culture of losing is so deeply embedded that we have to get rid of everyone involved with the losing in order to start winning.


heres the obvious…. this team badly needs a back up PG. currently we don't have one. Jimmer did get hot the last time IT went to the bench, and that happens every now and then. But all the other times we get murdered when IT goes out. Everything comes undone.

Secondly we need to replace Thornton with any living breathing SG, and move Ben to the bench (at least for the remainder of the season, although at this point maybe we just get a back up SG). if we filled these 2 MASSIVE HOLES this team would be way more completive. as is... we battle hard. Keep in mind this group will continue to build chemistry.
heres the obvious…. this team badly needs a back up PG. currently we don't have one. Jimmer did get hot the last time IT went to the bench, and that happens every now and then. But all the other times we get murdered when IT goes out. Everything comes undone.

Secondly we need to replace Thornton with any living breathing SG, and move Ben to the bench (at least for the remainder of the season, although at this point maybe we just get a back up SG). if we filled these 2 MASSIVE HOLES this team would be way more completive. as is... we battle hard. Keep in mind this group will continue to build chemistry.
The problem is that when IT goes out so do Cousins and Gay. They didn't tonight and Jimmer was +3 in the first half. Jimmer is fine as a backup point gaurd. He just needs to play with either Gay or Cousins. Preferable Cousins.
I know we need McLemore to develop, but I really fell he may be better off the bench. Some production is needed from that spot or defending our post players gets much easier.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
You really could start Jimmer with the starting lineup.
Jimmer and Ben would get completely swarmed as ballhandlers against starting units. The problem with Ben is that he is so weak in that regard he pretty much forces you to have an elite ballhandler next to him. the original plan once upon a time was Reke. Still would be just about the best talent mesh.
As is, does anyone in the NBA get swarmed and defended as hard as Cousins? Teams are not respecting our outside game, can't blame them but the numbers Cousin's is putting up despite the double/triple/quadruple teams is amazing really.
Jimmer and Ben would get completely swarmed as ballhandlers against starting units. The problem with Ben is that he is so weak in that regard he pretty much forces you to have an elite ballhandler next to him. the original plan once upon a time was Reke. Still would be just about the best talent mesh.
Gay could help bring the ball up. Especially if the coaches made sure to send help in the form of screens. If teams wanted to trap and spread the floor with Gay and Cousins then by all means let them. Those 2 would have a field day with the floor spread like that. Teams would stop swarming if it lead to a couple of dunks in a row and I think it would if it were planned for by the coaching staff.


As is, does anyone in the NBA get swarmed and defended as hard as Cousins? Teams are not respecting our outside game, can't blame them but the numbers Cousin's is putting up despite the double/triple/quadruple teams is amazing really.
Yeah Cousins actually impacts the game more than the numbers suggest and the numbers are, beastly, I wonder why the team made no effort to get Kendal Marshall or Dj Augustine after the trade if we had no intention of playing Ray MAc
Cousins was a beast, refs took him out of the game because the 6ers had no chance of stopping him

Jimmer was awful for the most part, but people will forget about that because of his hot streak in the 4th

Everyone else was even more awful

Thomas was in full hero ball mode for most of the game. trying to do WAY too much