Grades v. Sixers 03/28

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Felt bad for Webb tonight, and glad to get this one over with since I found myself having some mixed feelings in the whole matter. The Kings are just a basketball team, not a religion, and that jersey may identify them, but feelings linger long after the jersey has changed. Doug's still Doug even though he's in Orlando, and Webb's still Webb even though he's a Sixer. These are people who have touched our lives, and they don't go from good guy to 100% bad guy in the blink of the eye. Had to go with the 4 "A"s tonight (actually 5 :eek: -- think tonight the grades became a bit unhinged). Seems kind of over the top, but not sure who to drop out, and it really was about those 4 guys tonight.

Peja ( A- ) -- sloppy start with some ugly turnovers, but then started picking up loose balls in the scramble game and converting, and soon therafter he was off to the races sticking long jumpers from all over the floor. Had a few odd mental lapses that left you scratching your head. Got quiet in the third but finished fairly strong. Very good numbers tonight, and a very good game. Right now obviously the shot is dialed in. But it just felt like there was a little something missing -- he scored here and there, but it seemed like he got a lot of points and boards off of balls just kind of rolling in his direction (it was a sloppy game) rather than through a huge effort on his part. He had a very good game, but we were powered by others tonight.
Thomas ( A- ) -- remember that chip on his shoulder I have talked about? Well on full display tonight, and mostly in a good way. Has a "stick it you" attitude with a good dose of "me against the world" thrown in. Result tonight was that he was going to show 'em and he came out and had a huge first quarter. There was a certain irony there -- our PF took 11 shots in the quarter, and mostly jumpers, sound familiar? But he was hitting them, so much like when Webb was hot complaints were ill-placed. But it did not leave many shots for others and it was probably a good thing that he slowed down dramatically in the second quarter and allowed Peja to get more involved. Started to get a little dumb about things in the third, challenging Samuel Dalembert inside, throwing up quick shots, and seeing his shooting percentage plummet. But was doing a lot of other things well -- very active on defense, grabbing a lot of big effort boards. It wasn't always a smart game, and he turned the ball over a number of times, but it was an inspired balls to the wall game in regards to effort.
Skinner ( A+ ) -- first true impact game in his last 4 or 5. And not just an impact game, but his CAREER game. He was no Wiltbilla in there, but something pretty close. Real man in there on the boards, and a reminder that Webb wasn't the only player in this game with an inspiration to play well. Made some solid passes as well , albeit mostly outside the confines of the offense. One little cautionary tale that while Skinner grabbed board after board, so did the man he was guarding -- Dalembert was all over the offensive glass.
Mobley ( A+ ) -- Big big game for Cat again against his homecourt team. the big first quarter offensively, and was flying around on defense blocking shots like he was Josh Smith or something. Had back to back blocks on one possession, and finished with three in the first half. Continued to score prolifically throughout the second half, and was one of three Kings (Thomas/Skinner) with Philly connections who again came out and brought absolute "A" efforts, with the empasis on "effort". Hesitated to give a second "+" on a single night, but really, how much better of a complete effort are you ever going to get out of Cat?
Bibby ( C ) -- For three quarters wanted to put up a giant Bat Signal reading "Mike, where have you gone??" Ineffective and sloppy start, mentally as much as physically. Just was not dialed in and A.I., and then on one early possession Webb, just flat took it away from him. Finished the first half with an anemic 2pts 4asts 2TOs on 1-4 shooting. Came out in the third, and was marginally better, but might still have had a totally ineffective "F" going through three quarters. But in the 4th quarter Mike came out a totally different animal, and one more time he was the guy stepping up to keep us rolling down the stretch. His overall game was still forgettable, but it was great to see Mike back for even a quarter, and it was the right quarter at that.
Ostertag ( C- ) -- got an early call in the first quarter with foul touble for Skinner, but did not do much with it. Unable to alter A.I.'s shot, and caught the fumbleitis which infected the entire game in that first period.
Evans ( D ) -- did nothing at all in his minutes, and was quickly and copmpletely forgotten about with Cat and Peja combining for 56.
Songaila ( B- ) -- came in and did a nice job on Webb defensively in the second quarter. First Dirk, then Webb. Not bad for an undersized scrapper. Best thing he did on offense was pass the ball, but that was a nice contribution tonight -- despite the good assist number this time out, have no idea how we got there with long stretches of one on one play and all sorts of loose balls and scramble plays rather than an efficient offense. Jumped out for a few dumb fouls on A.I..
House ( A- ) -- came in in place of the struggling Bibby and was more than just a backup tonight. In fact in the first half we were far better off with Eddie in the game than Mike Bibby. Was running the offense beautifully. Getting torched by Iverson of course, but at least made him work. Not as effective in the second half, but still solid. Been very dependable in the last month. Just have to believe that he's going to make the playoff roster at this point.

Adelman ( B+ ) -- not much for Rick to do tonight. Threw his starters out on the floor, and 4 of the 5 came up with big efforts. The one notable exception was Mike Bibby, and there Rick made a nice move to stick with Eddie House for extended minutes int he second quarter. Mike was really that bad that House was the better choice at that point in the game. Tried the other benchers, and only Darius earned any real minutes. So another game of massive starters' minutes, and I guess you just have to go with it at this point. Certainly our defense still sucks, so we never ever get ourselves a safe lead that lets us go to the deep bench. Everything is in doubt, and we need every game. So the starters it is, and if their collective limbs fall off before the playoffs, guess we'll just have to sew them back on and lurch on into the postseason like the Frankenstein monster.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
No grade for Adelman? That's gonna be tough for me to post into the running tally I have going.


Team grade has to be A. Excellent effort out there tonight when emotions had to be a big part of it.

Skinner and Thomas made a point of looking over to the Sixer bench a couple of times, as if to thumb their noses at O'Brien and I loved it!!!!!
VF21 said:
Skinner and Thomas made a point of looking over to the Sixer bench a couple of times, as if to thumb their noses at O'Brien and I loved it!!!!!
Now that I did not like.I only saw KT do it not Skinner. I think it made him look bad. Bitter. Just let your play speak. Its borderline classless if you ask me, reminds me of what Derek Martin did to RA a while back...
ReinadelosReys said:
ARCO Faithful: A+...'nuff said.

Grant and Jerry: D-, when did they become such homers?

Webb: A+ for everything not on the court. Class Act.
Good Post. I'm starting to hate Grant he's such an *******! Great job by the crowd at Arco, Cat flat out won this game along with some great perfomances by Skinner, Thomas, and Peja. Mike was his usual clutch self even though he struggled early, good grades and a great win by the Kings. We really needed this one bad.
Bricklayer said:
Skinner ( A+ ) -- first true impact game in his last 4 or 5. And not just an impact game, but his CAREER game. He was no Wiltbilla in there, but something pretty close. Real man in there on the boards, and a reminder that Webb wasn't the only player in this game with an inspiration to play well. Made some solid passes as well , albeit mostly outside the confines of the offense. One little cautionary tale that while Skinner grabbed board after board, so did the man he was guarding -- Dalembert was all over the offensive glass.
It was not really Skinner's fault on many of those rebounds that Dalembert got. Skinner was challenging alot of shots from the guards especailly AI. No one was rotating to box out Dalembert.
Rick's grade should be a little lower. Not enough rest given to Pedja especailly in the second half when Pedja was ineffective for periods of time. Pedja does not look to be at his best physical condition.
AleksandarN said:
Rick's grade should be a little lower. Not enough rest given to Pedja especailly in the second half when Pedja was ineffective for periods of time. Pedja does not look to be at his best physical condition.
You can't blame Rick for that^ it happens every 4th quarter
. Great game by RA, his team was ready and that says a lot. He always had adjustments ready and I never really felt like the game was in danger. The guys played great no doubt, but RA was always one step ahead of O'brien it seemed. It's nights like these when his short rotation can show it's worth. Guy wins a high percentage of his games no matter who he has available, it's getting hard to dismiss that at this point.
But you have to remember the sixers were playing Pedja really tight. They double teamed him, he drew ALOT of attention. This allowed some open shots for his team mates, so it wasn't really a bad move by RA.
sorry i got all excited and took your grades but Bibby came alive again and i didnt see Peja in the 4th. I would argue for B's for both.

How about signing Barnes next year for cheap? i feel bad for him being the 12 guy in Phili. Makes me wonder even more about O'Brien
KP said:
You can't blame Rick for that^ it happens every 4th quarter
True, it's a terrible trend... Peja doesn't get the ball enough late in the game, especially when Kings start going 1 on 1. Over the past few games I've seen someone drive in or pull up for a J (mostly KT) and there's Peja standing behind the 3 point line waiting for the extra pass.
gat said:
True, it's a terrible trend... Peja doesn't get the ball enough late in the game, especially when Kings start going 1 on 1. Over the past few games I've seen someone drive in or pull up for a J (mostly KT) and there's Peja standing behind the 3 point line waiting for the extra pass.
Yeah now that Webbs gone we might as well blame someone, KT is as good a choice as any.
Some people need to hop of bibby's jock. Honestly. Bibby is probably my favourite player on the kings. However, really he didn't have that great a game. Sure he came alive in the 4th but that doesn't warrant his Grade to Jump that much. I would give him a C/C+.
It really is amazing to see the two side's of posters. If Peja puts in a game 20pts 4rebounds. He gets baggggggged to the shizen housen.

Bibby has 4-5 avg games in a row. Shows up for 1 quarter he's the hero.

Now obviously Bibby has saved our asses alot more than Peja has. But you have to be harsh and give credit when it is due.
Anyway, switching gear.

I would give AI an A for not hooking his teammates up especially Korver. Dude only went 4-5. He needs more touches if they want to make it to the Playoffs. He has a really nice stroke.
PejaFanatic said:
Anyway, switching gear.

I would give AI an A for not hooking his teammates up especially Korver. Dude only went 4-5. He needs more touches if they want to make it to the Playoffs. He has a really nice stroke.
So what your telling me is that there is someone else on the 76ers that can also score and deserves to touch the ball, yet A.I. refuses to give up the rock for the sake of his ego/scoring lead...proposterous (sp?).

I feel sorry for all the 76ers other than AI. They should go to some other team where they have a CHANCE to be effective.
VF21 said:
Skinner and Thomas made a point of looking over to the Sixer bench a couple of times, as if to thumb their noses at O'Brien and I loved it!!!!!
This i did not notice...wish i had cuz i too would have loved it...but i truly believe in that one HUGE SWAT that Brian had on AI's shot in the first half Brian was trying to hit JOB with the ball...hehehe :D

great grades almost got me teary eyed to see five A's

Much needed win for the off to face the Pistons...who have to be upset from their loss tonight...but have been struggling with Larry Brown out...we shall see what happens...GO KINGS!!
Good grades.

Sooner or later someone will have to grade Mr. O'Brian and I think that once that is done, Mr. O'Brian will be looking for another job. They have some great players and some soon to be great players.
Kings-Lakers-Fan said:
So what your telling me is that there is someone else on the 76ers that can also score and deserves to touch the ball, yet A.I. refuses to give up the rock for the sake of his ego/scoring lead...proposterous (sp?).

I feel sorry for all the 76ers other than AI. They should go to some other team where they have a CHANCE to be effective.
Yup, AI is such a selfish player especially in the 4th because no one even gets to touch the ball for merely a secound and all he does is turn it over. Thank You for that...
I will say one thing...I was absolutely shell shocked that Iggy was a HUGE non factor tonight...i mean didn't he attempt like three shots all night....?? Kyle really not getting a touch of the ball doesn't really surprise me cuz that does happen every couple of games or so...but no Iggy...??? Given he did pick up two rather quick fouls on Peja which took him out of the game for a bit...but 3 shots from your starting SG...really?
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