Lest we forget the "do anything" in this case was try to get too fancy throwing a single pass. Do you know how many minutes JWill would have played for the Kings if Adelman (noted personality management specialist btw) was benching him everytime he treid to get too fancy on a pass? Its not that benching somebody for that is totally inappropriate in all cases, but its certainly not such a severe breach of anything that your hand is forced regardless of other considerations.
And there is a difference between "without reproach", and in knowing how to deliver the message. This is an argument about whether when your wife puts on a few pounds, you tell her, "honey, you look like a cow, you need to quit stuffing your face" in front of a whole room of guests, or whether after the party has broken up you playfully pinch her belly and say the two of you need to start taking more walks together again. Same message, but one delivery is far wiser if you ever want to sleep in the same bed again.
Pretty sure both methods get you on the couch. At the very least, the bed will surely be used only as a sleep apparatus for the next few weeks with a belly pinch and mention of more exercise.
You seem to want to coddle him and walk on eggshells. If Smart benches everyone for showboat idiotic plays, then everyone should get benched. It was only for a few minutes. It was a timeout. Nothing's worse than having different rules for different players. You lose the entire team because no one respects you as a person, coach, or man. If Smart does it to one, he has to do it to all. Cousins can bristle at it, but he knows the boundaries, and he knows that's how Smart is. Smart can smooth it out behind closed doors, but publicly, if he bneches oen guy, he has to bench all guys for the same play.
You're preaching the "Lebron is my king, I'll let him walk all over me" philosophy. I'm not. He wasn't benched the entire game, he wasn't yelled at. He was taken out to think about what he did, just like everyone else would if they pulled that move. Your way may work in the short term, but you're just creating a player that believes hes larger than the coach, larger than the team. It only works temporarily. Westphal was different, in that he went for a power grab through desperation. Smart's just treating everyone fairly.
Look, I'll put it bluntly. If Cousins is "lost," then so be it. He's got great skill, but I don't want a franchise that walks on eggshells with their petulant star player and is at his mercy every single day. I don't want a diva. I want team players, and I'm prepared to wait for the next one in the draft, sitting at the bottom of the standings for another 7 years. I don't want a championship run with a guy I can't respect. Cousins is smart. Very smart. Also very talented. And also a little mischievous. You put those together and you get a guy who will push boundaries constnatly in the name of seeing how people tick and see what he can gain from it. You keep folding, and this guy will keep coming. Cousins works for the Kings, or not at all. But I'll be damned if I can root for a guy who demands special treatment at the expense of the team and franchise.